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does science have any idea whats outside the multiverse.?

how many levels of existence maybe wrapped around ours.

could it really be turtles all the way up and down.

8 Answers

  • Me
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. Probably never will either - reality is a very uncertain thing. For all you know, everything you experience via your senses could be all that truly exists (this belief is called solipsism).

  • 8 years ago

    Science has yet to verify whether or not there is a multiverse or not. Nothing is taken on faith, only on what we can observe. The math points to the idea that a multiverse is possible, yes, but it has not yet been verified.

    Could it be turtles? I suppose it could. There's no way to disprove that. Is it likely? Not so much.

  • 8 years ago

    Science doesn't really have proof that there is a multiverse. Nor is there absolute proof that there is a universe. Things on that large a scale may only be the focus of conjecture, but if you look at string theory, it thinks that there are greater than ten dimensions affecting reality in our universe.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Science can't even say for 100% that there is a multiverse (although String Theory makes it really hard for there not to be one) If we follow String Theory, there is literally an infinite number of possible universes, each with their own unique outcome.

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  • 8 years ago

    The multiverse theory hasn't even been proved yet ,

  • 8 years ago

    No. Science is not a person who can think and have ideas. That's what the scientists are for. Science is just the discipline.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Multi-verses r only spec. God SPOKE all in2 existence=no BB/Ev. Ppl CONFUSE TRUTH(offends many)/HATE/impose human limits/labels 2 God's abilities=dumb limits-Science has PERMANENT limits:

    Cause 4 universe/expand/contract claims CANT Prove if prop is due 2 forces-outside universe/BB/collapse(cant get outside all 2 do CLEAN tests=QM fluc/CMBR/anti-dark matter/energy calc CANT B proved). Perp regression double-talk(ie 1800s perp motion scams)omits theres 1rst cause no matter #of universes/dim. 2 create singularity/universe uses energy(work). (Un)used energy ie gamma/x-ray radiation escapes usage/leaks out[no barrier]-thus perp universe regression's impossible-more of universe consumed[doubt 100% can b]less energy 2 use-cant get something 4rm nothing.

    2 make singularity(tiny blob)whole universe'd hv 2 b annihilated-gravity so powerful cant get detonator close enough w/o it being torn apart 2-if 1 got very close even if it fired it'd b like putting a match in water as u lit it-it'd do no more than vibrate blob=no BB.

    Ppl confuse fact&spec(ie call Ev whats only adapt)-Scientific-method cant prove BB/BBnc/Ev/Abiog theories-billions of yrs old COLD cases/DIDNT SEE it done. W/o UNCUT film 4 b4 BB/life 2 2day=spec-1 species' parts in another=just more species.

    Stars seen@13.7bill Lt yrs away=3 things: 1~u see it as it was 13.7bill yrs ago; 2~if it blew up 2day u wont know 4 13.7bill yrs; 3~its an illusion as u cant know what happened 2 that star since 13.7bill yrs ago. @1000000mph it takes 24000000+ earth yrs[nearest star=2850yrs]2 reach our galaxy center-33000+Lt yrs away/u get 2 a speed like over-driving car lights=cant see/avoid pebbles-can end ur trip.

    Only 1 God can occupy infinity=God of Israel=only position NO CAUSE needed can exist+declare end 4rm start/no other legit gods exist-only fully proved b/c Jesus is God's Son=life only comes 4rm life. Jesus couldnt do whats in NT w/o knowing whole OT-impossible w/o God-NT didnt exist yet/Apostles couldnt write NT w/o Jesus having them remember all He did-Lk 24:25-27,45.

    God's Creation order isnt as man thinks/plants made b4 sun/24hr day not made till day 4/Bible doesnt say earth's age/Gn1:9-Pangaea did exist-2 sep continents need huge water press btwn&below. Ev's a lie/calls in2 ? BB/Abiog-universe=IDr needed:

    1~We hv 2 lungs/kidneys/ears, arms/legs-each has a NEAR PERFECT 3D MIRROR-IMAGE companion organ/limb(not copy)CANT B EXPLAINED AWAY. 2 make mirror-image organs takes FULL REVERSE ENGINEERING/knowl of companion's functions/purpose or it cant b created 2 perfection in nature-2 WITNESSES in nature=no Ev.

    2~Our bodies r highly symmetrical 1 side 2 the other-impossible w/o outside overview pov 4 full knowl of whole organism.

    3~Cells/organisms r just copies of-copy parents'/all ancestors' acts. U wont find birds making better nests than parents/chicks build even better nests. Cells HV 2 LIVES-1 copying parents/1 SECRET-working on changes or IDr is God.

    4~Fossil record doesnt hv mill of trial/error phyla that should exist if NS/fittest survivor is Creation source-odds r so great against near perfection 4 many mill of greatly diverse species-such precision cant happen w/o 1rst having full knowl 4 what 2 do-even adding bill of yrs byond universe start cant solve problem. If not true mill more misfits with mistakes-having only 1/3 eyes in odd places/leg growing out of a head/where a fin/arm/wing should b etc would exist than perfection in nature.

    5~Picture u boxed(near 0 intell)within microscopic cell/no way 2 sense much byond ur cell. How can u-with these limits invent mill of such diverse species 2 perfection in nature? NO OTHER LIFE EXISTED so cells r great geniuses or Ev's a lie.

    6~Cells need DNA 2 function/DNA's useless w/o a cell-which came 1rst a cell or DNA? DNA's very complex(esp 4 higher lifeforms)so odds against figuring out/using DNA(in correct sequences/related proc)is many magnitudes higher than 4 pc program code-useless w/o IDr 2 identify/assign its proper order. Give apes books-cant learn 4rm whats written w/o intell. DNA's COMMON 2 ALL LIFE-98% of other species' DNA doesnt=Ev.

    7~Look@ID/knowl, time/energy used 2 create/improve(many mistakes)airplanes. If ppl didnt learn what 2 do we'd still b grounded.

    8~Creation's astronomically more complex than airplanes-more complex an organism more ID/knowl needed 2 create it-source is God or it couldnt exist let alone evolve-adapt built in 4 survival.

    9~Earth has best orbit/gravity/axis/spin/atmosphere, magnet field, food/water-moon has right size/orbit 4 tidal cycles~1-2 small diffs 4 orbits/envir=life'd b diff/higher lifeforms die soon if survived.

    Ev Creation proc=blind man building a car he's never heard of/seen/touched/heard or rode in-cant b done w/o 1rst teaching him car's functions/assembly 4 it 2 work-same limits 4 cells=better chance winning many lotteries.


    Source(s): If Jesus is God's Son Quran/islam(contradicts Bible); LDS/BoM/mormon(no another testament); JWs(twisted NWT/Watchtower/Awake)/Catholics/many Protestants/SDA/moonies/C Scientists/Scientology, Buddhist/Hindus others r wrong on Jesus-demotes Jesus 2 prophet/good man-1 way/another. If He isnt God's Son(false prophet)Bible/all named above r wrong=false prophets. Cant hv it 2 ways-1 Jesus=1 true Gospel-2Cor 11:4. Many believe in but dont know Jesus-even Satan knows Him. Wrong teaching foundation cancels all ur claims. Naming a dog god doesnt make it God. Jesus wasnt talking out 2nor1000s of sides of His mouth. Seek Jesus with all ur heart/soul. U'll find God's Kingdom(u shall know the truth/sets u free). Why should God want u 2 live with Him 4ever if u dont want 2 know His way(free will=Jn1:12-13)? God's truth is 4ever unchanged while man-made gods/religions die with u. Click my ID-read answers/hv ?s post/notify me or email ?s-YA cut post text amnt.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Not yet.

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