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Lv 31,377 points

Joshua D

Favorite Answers16%
  • does science have any idea whats outside the multiverse.?

    how many levels of existence maybe wrapped around ours.

    could it really be turtles all the way up and down.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How can a person how claims to have intelligent thought dismiss the possibilty of a designed universe?

    let's assume there are two types of possible existence.

    existence one is a natural universe that came about by chance.

    existence two is a created universe.

    now let's assume that a natural existence came first. then within that natural universe an intelligent being invented another form of universe. whether its a computer based or a natural mimicing universe. now there are two univeres, which means 50/50 odds that the one we live in is one of design.

    I'm sure you can see how this would play out on a scale of infinite universes like the multiverse.

    even now here on earth our scientific community is saying that some form of designed existence is only a matter of time.

    this concept would seem to me to be logical(proof) that design is possible.......and should not be dismissed as some sort of whimsical fairy tale idea only held by the masses of brainwashed idiots.

    19 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • the old tree in the forest question........?

    looking for yes/ no answer with explanations how you know the answer is yes or no......

    6 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Feminism and abortion. your thoughts. debate style, agree/elaborate or contend the thoughts?

    this is bullcrap.......the very notion that women have some right to contend that because we are female....and must bear the physical side of procreation we get the only say about abortion.......... goes completely against the rest of the feminist mantra.......the mantra that we are the same..... that our gender should not dictate our rights.......and fight for gender dictating your right to abortion.......if you really truly wanted gender not to dictate your rights then you would be fighting for an abortion bill that gave men just as much say over the life of the child they helped to create..........i do not understand how out of one side of your mouth you can say i am equal and should be treated as such......and out of the other you can say well he is only the father and his gender dictates that he has no say......because my gender does all the physical feminists...put your money where your mouth is.......if you want equality.....and you want abortion......then fight for an equal system.......a system where one gender is not forced out of the decision making process simply because of birth right.............if you want the pleasures(the right to abortion) of your gender to be solely yours..... then you need to embrace your gender role completely and go back to home is not a have your cake and eat it too kind of place.......................but if you want equality then fight for equality..........become equal.......and give fathers a choice...........

    4 AnswersPhilosophy8 years ago
  • Cpu help best answer will be given?

    I was trying to clean my heat sync and the cpu popped out......while putting it back in in bent and broke a pin...... I put it back together and it boots but seems runs......

    is my cpu toast.....answer with the most info.....try to cover every basic I should know........ will get best answer

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Desktop pc help...... best answer will be given?

    hi.... is there any app I can put on my desktop pc that will allow me to track it if it is apps first please

    1 AnswerDesktops8 years ago
  • NBC's grimm renard question?

    Ok it would seem that nbc dropped the previous scaled(most likely a snake) creature form of renard....... they clearly show renard in an early episode phasing into a scaled creature......but now he is half hexenbeast......instead......did they just say screw it....or do you think his other half is scaled

    1 AnswerDrama8 years ago
  • the fallacy of the arguement of ignorance........?

    let's start this off saying I'm am a non believer in religion....... but my intellectual senses have been irratated by numerous questions and respones to the belief in god.....with the arguement of ignorance, arguement........

    there have been many notable scholars (goerge price for one) who have flat out said the improbality of existence without creation is like winning the lottery every day of your life while simaltaneously being struck by lighting.....(poetic license)......

    but let's put this in more basic terms......

    if you meet a street performer and they flipped a coin for you 100 times and it was heads 100 times would argue that the performer had a fake this an arguement of ignorance........its not

    100 heads in a row is less improbable (to a degree bordering on the infinite) than existence......but when someone sees such a small improbality (on the grand scale of things) theyassume a design was n the works to make it happen....but the same people look at something far more improable.....and they claim a grand design theory is ignorance at its best...........

    it appears to me that these arguement of ignorance supports are practicing the same blind faith bullhockey as their christian (god exist I will entertain no other notion) counterparts..........

    if you believe in occums razor then. grand design is probabaly in the top three........

    probably not any "god" man knows of........ but a designer..........a universe created by a greater possible and in the higher probablity bracket....

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • U.S Government two part question?

    How close to a completely oppressive crushing government has america gotten,, is there still time to turn back

    part two......i have a friend who says survellience technology is so great that if a superpower ever becomes fully oppressive a resistence will be impossible because the government will always know everything......

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Marvel comic buff needed?

    Out of nostlgia i picked up a comicc the other day and in the comic there were characters that were uber-human..... the best description i can give is they all seemed to be bruce willis from unbreakable.....i.e. Not mutants but not really human.... Does anyome out there know the story line and wht they aree called so i can look them up..... Thanks fo e your time

    2 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • Sandy? No reasons to turn inland?????¿?

    I am wondering if anyone out there knows why sandy is suppossed to turn in land..... I have been looking at different doppler loops and they all seems to show the same thing. sandy seems to have both and cold front coming from the nw pushing it east and the golf stream pushing it east and behind it a weather front is getting out of its way so there is planty of room to go east.... So why is it going to come inland

    3 AnswersWeather9 years ago
  • extending wifi coverage with a second router best answer will be awarded?

    I have a service provider router/modem not sure which it is... it cable from cable in and a wan line out.... the wan line out is plugged into a netgear wrg614 as my primary wifi router.... coverage was spotty upstairs so i bought a lynksis wrt54g... turned off dchp in the settings plugged it in lan to lan with the netgear and positioned it upstairs.... and plugged a xbox into another of the lan lines.... (xbox has interet access).... my problem is some devices will connect through wifi to one router or the other and only that on router.... some devices to niether.... and some to both.... (side note all device will connect to both routers but only to the internet on one or the other) my desktop which i connect back to the lan port on th netgear will not connect at all now.... and whenever i have a power surge or unplug the lynksis i have no connection at all until i reset the lynksis and resave the settings...even though they still show up the same in the settings menu..... anyone who can give a step by step idoit guide to setting it up right please help... thank best answer will be given

    1 AnswerComputer Networking9 years ago
  • Wifi routers help? Wrt54g. Wrg614?

    Help setting up a wrt54g as access point... I have connected a wrt54g to a wrg614 net gear.... The net gear is connected to the service providers router... In the lynksis settings I disabled dchp and the connected LAN to LAN with the net gear.... I was able to have access... The problem is some devices in my house will only wifi connect to the lynksis and some only to the net gear and my iPod to neither..... Also there was a power interruption several times and each time I needed to reset the lynksis and change settings again to make it work.... Another weird thing is my desktop is plugged into the net gear which the lynksis is Plugged into but the network info says the dEsk top is plugged into the lynksis.... I must have some settings wrong .... I am computer illiterate and followed an ehow toto rial to get it setup the way It is. I need any answers as detailed and simple as possible

    2 AnswersComputer Networking9 years ago
  • '01 dodge 1500 rapid moderate jerking while accelerating....?

    My 01 ram just started rapidly jerking around 40-45 mph.... This only happens if I am at low rpm's 1200-1500 I'm not sure if this is torque convert shudder or something way more serious.... Some other information. I have no CEL light on and the problem happens alot less if I turn of o/d..... There is no rpm change when problem happens...

    My gut tells me it is a transmission problem.... But it could be fuel or ignition.... Wires and plug are not "new" but they aren't old either... Fuel filter is new... Air filter is clean... And jerking stops if I accelerate harder or I let off the fuel all together... Any ideas would be helpful....

    The truck has always shifted a little"" hard between gears

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • cleaning fish tank rocks?

    While i was moving i empitied the rocks out of my tank and the cat urinated on them can i boil them and use them again or is it time for new rocks?

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • b movies that score an a?

    Can ne onetell me other b movies worth watching some of my favorite examples are starship troopers the lost boys and from dusk till dawn just looking for movies that a really good on a low budget

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • flight time it takes?

    flight time it takes?

    Is there a noticeable time difference in flights when traveling against the earths rotation i.e. earth spinning away behind you and when the earth is spinning with you? saw an interesting question on here about floating in on spot to travel around the world which is technically impossible but just wondering if the rotation plays any role at all or does it all equal out with gravity?

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • flight time it takes?

    Is there a noticeable time difference in flights when traveling against the earths rotation i.e. earth spinning away behind you and when the earth is spinning with you? saw an interesting question on here about floating in on spot to travel around the world which is technically impossible but just wondering if the rotation plays any role at all or does it all equal out with gravity?

    1 AnswerAircraft1 decade ago
  • What do you buy for a new baby.?

    My brother is having a baby and i want to buy alot of little things. looking to spend ten to twenty dollars a week over the next six months. i want to buy general things they will need over the first year. was wondering if anyone wanted to give me a list of what to get, whats needed most, what brands are or products to stay away from. where the best deals are and ne things else you can think of.. i have no idea what a baby will use quantity wise of most products shampoo, baby powder, oil, pacifers, should i get two or three nail clippers because they are easy to lose?

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago