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Is face book guilty of allowing very dangerous double standards by allowing this.?

A page has been set up demanding death to all those who insult the prophet of Islam,many people complained about it but it was keep on the site,it was reported by Jihad Watch today,it threatened to behead those guilty.It was pointed out that a page placed by apostates was removed very quickly.What do you feel about death threats against those who oppose Islam or do not believe in it,does face book have very dangerous double standards and is this page still appearing on this social site.


I am not on face book,I saw this on the Jihad Watch site to see this bit of supremacist lunacy check out J.W today,not a great demonstration of rational thinking.

Update 2:

Rich B,What you say is correct,I heard a radio interview between Robert Spencer and a London based Imam who wanted Spencer and Geller barred from entering the U.K,the Imam could not argue with Spencer saying he was invited on the show to argue about getting Spencer banned and not arguing about Koranic verses,the reporter on the show could not believe the Imam could not counter Spencer's quotations from the Koran,the Imam said Spencer was an expert in Koran studies then tried to talk himself out of that embarrassing gaff.Spencer is interested in truth and not anything else.

10 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No I wouldn't stop there. The entire hellish death cult should be forcibly driven from all of Europe.

    They only make up 2.8% of the population yet make up 16% of the prison population and this despite the police being too afraid to do anything about paedophile gangs for fear of being called racist.

    Their employment records aren't any better.

    Every single day we're bombarded with horrific crimes committed by Muslims in this country and this in a country where the media tries to play it down.

    This is our country with a 2.8% Muslim. Can you even begin to imagine what it will be like when the demographics dramatically change over the next few decades?

  • RichB
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    That's absolutely nuts, if it's anywhere close to the truth. Is Facebook run by the Taliban?

    Making death threats against people because they have a different belief to you is pretty damned offensive, at the end of the day. Doesn't that constitute the very definition of hate speech? Or do we now live in a topsy turvy land, where those who oppose the hate (such as Robert Spencer) are deemed to be the real haters?

  • 8 years ago


    Death to all those who offend mo.....

    Mo must have a very thin skin if the followers of the cult need to use violence to silence any discussion of the barbarism enshrined in mos's book.

    God's word?

    Yeah right......the ramblings of the dark ages and sadly as barbaric as it was back in the seventh century.

    A good job education is not encouraged in the lands of Mo.....any education might make believers question the hate filled rants of the cult.

    Now remind me, is the Facebook page moderate or radical?

    Hard to tell.....

    Source(s): Facebook should monitor more carefully....this is not the first time muslim hatred has had a forum on Facebook. Funny how those anti western anti American anti everything bunch use an American site so readily innit?
  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    They are abusing the right of Freedom of speech.

    Ultra-liberalism always hunts us down, mainly Hindus. If we oppose Muslims we are fanatic if we oppose evil Christian missionaries we are terrorist.

    You guys if really are so against it why dont you oust them all instead of lecturing in internet?

    Be realistic. Europe is for Europeans they have their own culture, Europe must and should not follow multiculturalism. It is not North America.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I thoroughly endorse everything Fried Green says. It is time to ban the quasi religion from this country before there is a civil war and things get very nasty. Round them all up and return them to the country of origin they or their parents/grandparents came from.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yet people still condemn the EDL who are the only people to fight against this radical Islamic curse brought upon us by the left wing loonies.

  • 8 years ago

    Dangerous double standard - No page like that should be allowed..


  • I think that Facebook should ban any page which promotes any type of violence. I know they have bowed to pressure before and removed a page about domestic violence when people threatened to delete their accounts. No problems with a pro Islamic page, but if a page incites violence it should be removed. If it is not, people should threaten to boycott Face book and delete their accounts, it is the only way to get companies to listen.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yet another good reason to continue as a non-user of FB.

    Islam is THE Enemy.


    The World will wake up,eventually.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If this is true, how can this EVER be allowed? I had rather thought it was a violation of law to threaten to murder someone. Well, these brutal and barbaric measures will hardly attract new converts to this "peaceful" religion.

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