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Why does the dispatcher's suggestion prove Martin is guilty of murder?

Listen to the dispatcher's recorded conversation, the dispatcher said, we don't need you to follow the suspect, until the police arrive. It was not a police officer, instructing Zimmerman to stand down.

Later, the same dispatcher said, its policy to always tell a caller not to follow, the basis is to protect the dispatcher from being sued if something bad happens.

We don't know what provoked the fight between the Latino, Zimmerman and Martin, a teen aged hs student. There are no witnesses, we don't know what started the fight.

Speculating on something you don't know is foolish and intellectually dishonest.

You and I were not there, we don't know what happened and we will never know.

So, so, so many liberals, who want this to be about race, are trying to change Zimmerman from a Latino to a Caucasian, why?

How does the policy of the dispatcher justify Martin fighting with Zimmerman?


Brandon- there are many black on white crimes that would be hot front page news, if the races were reversed, that's my point, not making a generalization. Real equality will be the day when race is not an issue for news reporting and not an issue in crimes. Liberals have created an era of getting even, for civil rights, instead of following Dr King's example of forgiveness, healing wounds and bringing people together. Liberals pervert this message, its not black people. I think liberals and their media appointed Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, not black people. Black people I know, despise race baiters and corrupt charlatans like those false leaders. My guess is, you don't support them either.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It doesn't.

    A 911 dispatcher has no authority to order a citizen to do anything.

    And telling someone they aren't required to do something is not the same as ordering them not to do it.

    Liberals have no logic on their side in this entire case.

  • 8 years ago

    Zimmerman provoked the fight by stalking Martin. And we all heard Zimmerman calling Martin an asshole, and making a racially charged statement.

    Now, as a black myself, I believe your post has merit, and this trial will most likely end up hung.

    But you're not doing yourself any favors by being racist, and posting anti-black links that have no validity in this trial.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Zimmerman knew the rules of the job. You don't carry a gun and you don't chase "suspicious" people through the neighborhood, and you wait for the police to arrive, just as the dispatcher and the neighborhood watch committee rules state.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    It doesn't

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