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  • Will Obama gift unregistered democrats with citizenship before he leaves office in 2016?

    Looking back at Obama's time in the WH, his vilification of George Bush will be questioned, since Obama never closed Gitmo and continued the military efforts in iraq and Afghanistan, never doing the things he promised to do.

    Riding into office on a tidal wave of negativity, Obama was able to force his socialized medicine onto the USA, taking us towards his model of European socialism.

    Before he leave, his giant FU to America is about gifting unregistered democrats with free citizenship, to reward them for illegally entering the country (provided they are enrolled into the democratic party).

    Will the liberals in congress support this treachery?

    10 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Government Shutdown, why does anyone think its a bad thing?

    The media speaks of the government shutting down as the worst plague of modern mankind, so lets consider what this means- Obama can't waste out tax money, government can not waste our tax money, government bureaucrats can't siphon off America's wealth... hhmmmm...

    Lets celebrate the govenment shut down, hope it last a very long time.


    5 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Muslims murder 50 college kids, where is the outcry from the Muslim population?

    Just another day for Muslim extremists, they murder 50 innocent college students in their sleep, in the name of Allah.

    With the whole world being attacked by extremist Muslims, who can explain the deafening silence throughout the world, from the Muslim community?

    On the record, the Muslim community condemns murder and terrorism, however, as far as taking a leading role in action to stop terrorism and mass murder, they are invisible.

    How many Muslims silently support terrorism?

    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Is it right for Hillary to deman her aid to divorce her husbnad>?

    Seems odd that Hillary decided her top aid, Huma Abedin, must dump her husband if she wants to keep her job.

    As we all know, the Clintons have been planning their return to the White House, from the day they left. They brokered a deal with Obama, in exchange for a truce, Hillary demanded a high level and highly visible cabinet post, so she could change her image (with a complicit media).

    Of course, the far left media instantly forgot, she was in the middle of virtually every scandal, crime, cover-up and shakedown committed by the Clintons, while in office and before. The only scandals she was not initially involved, Bill having dozens and dozens of affairs throughout their marriage, Hillary led the charge, hiring PI's to harass, threaten and jump out from behind trees to intimidate any past GF's of Clinton, from telling the truth during the Lewinsky scandal.

    Now, here comes Hillary, demanding her top aid to decide to dump her Weiner husband or resign from her job.

    How hypocritical is Hillary for demanding Huma to quit, when the Weiner was just caught sexting while Bill has and still has countless affairs?

    3 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Should unregistered democrats be deported or rewarded?

    The number of illegals is rising, the borders are porous and the democratic party does everything in their power, to gift unregistered democrats, free citizenship.

    Obama does not want our federal immigration laws to be enforced, his AG, Holder, is told to sue states who adopt laws consistent with federal laws, to prevent the law of the land to be enforced.

    Do you support the democratic party's intention to defy our immigration laws, so that 12 million unregistered democrats, can be enrolled into the democratic party?

    3 AnswersElections8 years ago
  • Does it turn your stomach, Gov Brown is giving illegals drivers licenses?

    Liberals want illegals enrolled into the democratic party, will defy our federal laws to achieve this purpose, as clearly evidenced by Gov "Moon-Beam" Jerry Brown's decision to turn his back on the law and reward illegals for breaking the law.

    Other liberals want to give illegals an advantage of legal US citizens with the Dream Act.

    Does this betrayal and traitorous leadership make you sick, to see what liberals are doing to this country?

    4 AnswersGovernment8 years ago
  • Was the liberal judge who sided with Islam, appointed by Obama?

    A judge decided the Muslim practice of forcing women to wear the hijab is a constitutional right, oppressing women is now a US policy too.

    Wondering if this judge was appointed by the Obama regime?

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Will Jessie Jackson protest this racial murder?

    It would be easy to list black on white crimes, they happen throughout America on a daily basis.

    Here is an elderly war veteran, murdered by 2 democrats, if the races were reversed, would this back page story jump to the front page?

    Are we living in an era of "getting even" in civil rights?

    Jessie? AL? Obama? where are the race baiters now?

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Has Anthony Weiner made a mistake emulating false leaders or is he a typical democrat?

    Elliot Spitzer and Anthony Weiner are both running for office, following in the footsteps of Bill Clinton, Jessie Jackson, John Edwards, Al Gore, David Wu, Kwame Kilpatrick, Mel Reynolds, any Kennedy (pick two)!

    Sure, there are some republicans who have acted like a democrat but they don't run for office again on their bad records.

    Do democrats prefer false leaders and corruption?

    9 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Are Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton the real winners in the Martin Zimmerman conflict?

    The media and liberals placed Sharpton and Jackson to lead civil rights because they incite racial conflict instead of following Dr King's message to forgive, heal wounds and bring people together.

    Jackson and Sharpton have achieved exactly what they want, the set race relations back 10 years, have the liberal media eating out of their hands and can increase their shakedown fess for protection against protesting your business.

    Obama had Holder add gasoline to the flames of racial conflict because they want conflict, as much as possible.

    The last thing race baiters want, is to be unneeded.

    Looks like Obama, Holder, Jackson & Sharpton win and Dr King's message is crapped on by the race baiting, false leaders.

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is Obama responsible for the LA riots & protests over the Trayvon Martin shooting?

    Obama had Eric Holder throw gasoline on the fire, using Eric Holder as his spokesperson to incite racial conflict. It appears Obama wants a race war, his actions are a disgrace to the office of President, clearly showing Obama is part of the race baiting faction of the democratic party.

    Should the next series of riots target white people? If many people die, will Obama have blood on his hands?

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Will Obama turn Holder loose to charge Zimmerman with murder?

    Should we be surprised, daily black on white crimes throughout America are ignored by the media?

    The race baiters demanded Zimmerman be tried for 2nd degree murder, they got their trial, but since the outcome was not what they wanted, now they are pressuring Obama to turn Eric Holder loose, to charge Zimmerman on a federal level.

    What happened to our rights, not to be charged twice for the same crime?

    Will Obama join the race baiters to support the "getting even" faction of civil right?

    9 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Will the NAACP, Al Sharpton and Obama have blood on their hands if Zimmerman is acquitted?

    Since Al Sharpton, Obama and the "get even" faction of civil rights have made the Trayvon Martin shooting a racial issue, if the trial results in a acquittal or innocent verdict, will the "get even" race baiters have blood on their hands if the ghetto gangsters riot?

    Like the Rodney King riots, the gangsters and thugs from the ghetto were looking for a reason to loot stores, riot, attack and murder white people.

    Will there be blood on the hands of the "get even" race baiters if white people are murdered by the large criminal element from the ghettos?

    7 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Will Sharpton's army of gangsters and thugs riot and loot if Zimmerman is found innocent?

    The race baiters deliberately intended to make the Trayvon shooting into a racial hate crime.

    The leftists changed Zimmerman's race from Latino to white.

    The leftist's media, NBC, edited the news report, to deliberately misrepresent what Zimmerman said, the biased news group wanted to make the public believe, Martin was a victim of white oppression.

    Zimmerman has been called a racist by the far left but Martin is the only one of the two, who made racist comments.

    The far left imagined Zimmerman starting the fight but there is zero proof Zimmerman was the aggressor; in fact the trial shows it was Martin who started the fight.

    The far left claim Martin was justified beating Zimmerman because the far left claim, the police told Zimmerman to stand down. The evidence shows it was not a police officer who told Zimmerman not to follow, instead was a phone operator. The operator said they are always taught not to follow, to prevent their office from being sued, in the event of something bad happening.

    If the jury finds Zimmerman innocent, will the gangsters and thugs do same as the criminals in LA, after the Rodney King verdict, loot? riot? burn buildings? beat and murder random white people?

    Will the far left support the criminal actions of these thugs, who are looking for a reason to do all these things?

    8 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • If Zimmerman is found innocent, will the gangster and thugs attack white or Latinos when they riot?

    When the race baiters of the democratic party descended on the Trayvon Martin shooting, racial conflict throughout the USA, has been elevated to crisis level, ever since.

    Similar black on white crimes, happen every day in the news, but those victims deserved it if you measure by the lack of interest throughout the media.

    Democrats changed Zimmerman's race from Latino to Caucasian, to fit their "white on black" victim-hood profile. Although its 1950 anymore, liberals want you to forget, all the civil rights laws were changed 40 years ago.

    The ghetto thug and gangster mentality that rioted after the Rodney King trial, looted, burned buildings, and attacked white people; this was the excuse, they were looking for to do this.

    After the race baiters have wratched'd up racial tension, the big question is how widespread the ghetto criminals will riot, loot, burn buildings and murder innocent people?

    Will liberals support the attacks against white people or Latino people or both?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Why does the dispatcher's suggestion prove Martin is guilty of murder?

    Listen to the dispatcher's recorded conversation, the dispatcher said, we don't need you to follow the suspect, until the police arrive. It was not a police officer, instructing Zimmerman to stand down.

    Later, the same dispatcher said, its policy to always tell a caller not to follow, the basis is to protect the dispatcher from being sued if something bad happens.

    We don't know what provoked the fight between the Latino, Zimmerman and Martin, a teen aged hs student. There are no witnesses, we don't know what started the fight.

    Speculating on something you don't know is foolish and intellectually dishonest.

    You and I were not there, we don't know what happened and we will never know.

    So, so, so many liberals, who want this to be about race, are trying to change Zimmerman from a Latino to a Caucasian, why?

    How does the policy of the dispatcher justify Martin fighting with Zimmerman?

    4 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Does the far left treat civil rights as getting even rather than striving for equality?

    Lets look at what the far left is really doing in civil rights. Dr King's message was to heal wounds, forgive and bring people together. Once all the civil rights laws were changed, forty years ago, instead of following Dr King's message, the far left became corrupted by the righteousness of being the leaders of civil rights. The far left quickly realized if Dr King's message was fulfilled, they would have no cause.

    Today, the far left perverts Dr King's message, placed race baiters like Jackson and Sharpton to incite racial conflict. Civil rights is now about getting even and to prolong racial conflict, for as long as possible.

    Should civil rights be following Dr King's message or following the path of getting even?

    Is this why gays and illegals are being taken down the same path of victim-hood?

    (Note- I had to change the "L" word to "far left" to prevent YA from censoring my question)

    5 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is the far left aware, they are held in contempt by their icons and role models?

    It may be a shock to liberals, the people who direct them, inspire them and lead the way for them, have utter contempt for them.

    Are liberals aware what their heroes, really think of them? see link

    6 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • I can name 100 black celebs who have used the "N" word, why can they use it but Paula Deen can not?

    Don't you love the way civil rights went from equality to getting even?

    The far left created PC, so any term inconsistent with liberalism is racism.

    Hey, I am not advocating the usage of the "N" word, I don't use it, but notice, liberals have a double standard, the police dept of liberalism (the news media) is trying to destroy Paula Deen because she had to admit she has used the word at some time in her life.

    You never see the liberal media crucifying black people for racism unless they oppose socialism, of course. Why isn't the media attacking all people, black and white, who use the "N" word or are they just flaunting their double standard?

    12 AnswersPolitics8 years ago
  • Is Obama's claim that government can freely spy on any citizen, acceptable?

    Of course, there is no smoking gun, Obama's admin would never create evidence, that would connect the Obama admin with their edict to use various government depts to attack enemies of the Obama regime.

    The evidence, however, is massive, there is no question, the Obama regime is out of control with corruption and abuses of power

    Will all democrats line up, to surrender their personal freedoms to government bureaucrats, encouraging the regime to continue spying on citizens, with the intent to focus on political rivals?

    9 AnswersGovernment8 years ago