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Why are Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller not allowed to enter the U.K?

when Muhammed Al Arifi,an Imam who advocates Jew hatred,wife beating and Jihad has no problem polluting the air,why have Keith Vas,Tony Lloyd and his pal Ismail Haniyah of Hamas not protested someone who preaches hatred yet are so afraid of people who speak the truth.Who else thinks Muslim supremacists and leftist would be politicians and those who should have no say regarding who is or not allowed into the U.K should be treated as enemies of Democracy and freedom of speech.


Corny,I refer to the influence some people have with the likes of Mrs May,Spencer is an expert of the Koran and Islam and he speaks the truth regarding the problems Islam can bring to any non Muslim society,recently Spencer was speaking on a U.K radio show,the Imam he was debating with complained the fact that Spencer was an expert on the Koran,the host was shocked and surprised that Spencer had the Imam on the ropes at the start of the first round,deniers of truth are doing no one any service.

Update 2:

Well said ,Lee,good to see you are on the ball about the not so hidden agenda regarding these devious people.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The TRUTH about Islamic fascism,is ' not conducive to community harmony '.

    The Tories are muslim ahse kissers,hypocrites,and PC Wankers too.

  • RichB
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Because the Government is scared of Islamist violence.

    If Geller and Spencer are allowed to enter the UK, it is feared that the Muslim extremists may be whipped up into a violent rage by the very thought of their presence here.

    The same may happen if the Muslim extremists' favourite hate preachers are denied entry to the UK.

    Both actions constitute appeasement of terrorists and "anything for a quiet life", at the end of the day. Spencer is essentially banned from the UK because he opposes terrorism and exposes these extremist beliefs for what they are. It's obscene but that is the way politicians operate.

    Vaz is an idiot. Back when Salman Rushdie got a fatwa from the Iranian Ayatollah for The Satanic Verses, Vaz went out on the street to burn copies of the book and expressed his sympathies for people who wanted to murder Rushdie. If anyone went out burning copies of the Koran, however, Vaz would probably call for the death penalty.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Obviously letting the general public hear the truth about this religion and it's followers is not allowed. People might just start looking around them at their neighbours, work colleagues, shop keepers etc and think, 'hold on, I/we DON'T want to live/work/shop where these people are. GET THEM OUT!'

    The government knows that it is sitting on a powder keg that needs only on spark to et it off. They are too weak and powerless to act and do something about it for fear of being called racist and islamphobic.

    Keep the people dumb and all will be ok is the governments thinking. Well, people are not dumb not by a long chalk and the worm is slowly turning as people are waking up to the threat from the enemy within.

    There was hardly any reporting on how German police found model planes and explosives in addresses in 3 separate cities. This news should have been made widely known and not suppressed.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    spencer is a world wide academic authority on Islam from a rational non-theist point of view, his historical works haven't even been successfully refuted by the best islamic scholars, he's in no way any kind of a rabble rousing drunk.. sheesh..

    I hadn't heard May had got round to banning him, perhaps it's only the heightened state of tension Islamists have reduced the country too, that makes a temporary ban advisable, if it's a permanent ban however I would be shocked. it's like banning truth to keep extremists happy..

    all you lefty censors, to equate Spencer with a hate preacher is absolutely laughable..

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  • _
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Socialists and conservatives in name only serve moslems. So they are free to enter and spew hat speech. Any speaker that will no work off their talking points is censored. Did you sign the petition to let Spencer and Geller in?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Because the Brits prefer Muslims to Americans.

  • 8 years ago

    Critics of Islam tend to know a lot more about Islam that those (Islamic apologists) that defend it.

    Quote one of the countless violent verses from the Quran and the lefties will bury there heads in the sand as usual.

    I actually believe it's about preserving their ego at this stage, they've defended it for so long and they can't admit they were wrong.

    Day after day, week after week, year after year the evidence is right there in front of them and they're still willing to sacrifice their children's future for their idealist socialist nonsense.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Much like if some one spoke up against Hitler would have been a hater? And a trouble maker?

  • 8 years ago

    I actually send their websites donations...

  • The decision was taken by Teresa May, a Tory, not a Left Winger or a Muslim. Personally I would not let any of them in, including the Imam, they are here to incite hatred so are not needed.

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