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Why is this; and why is That?

A person will post a Question on this thread; and seem too 'walk away', then the voting is left up too Bias, favoritism, and some just choose the dumbest answers just too be funny; which actually works, most of the time; as it gives me a good laugh.

If you are not going to bother by checking or resolving a Question; then Why do you post it in the First Place?

It isn't necessarily a requirement; but, Can someone please explain this to me?


@Tutti: Perplexed is more the term here.

Update 2:

But doesn't it give you the feeling of a 'waste of time and effort' if the asker never replies?

Update 3:

@Curtis: Yes, thus; this question. I get a real big kick of some of the average mentality that seems to dominate this thread. I love the TD’s of Actual Proven Facts or Common Logic answers; and, your Last; Notice they Choose your answer first, and leave you ‘cut off’ from any rebuttal you may have on their argument. I will make an effort too give their argument consideration; however, most will still fail resolve in my research.

@Anyone Else: Got an opinion? would love too hear it.

@Earth: Well, I guess that they can’t see that, every time they leave a question open for voting, is not a catalyst for popularity; but added animosity or disgust, with the people that are above the average IQ and/or, Maturity range in here. I do agree that Leaving a Question open for Vote should shave off points; then maybe they will be a little more diligent and not leave us all hanging in the air. It gets nerve wracking.

I do like the Real Stupid Questions though; It lets the ‘Samuel Clemens’ come out i

Update 4:

@Ms. Wallace; Actually I think it is because of the PhD that supports my BS, in order to validate the BA.

Update 5:

I am going too extend this a little further too see if I get anymore. Curt, Earth; you are tied. Ms Wallace is only a contender because I like her and respect her answers, in my unbiased opinion.

Tuti: I like you as well; as you amuse me, your answer may be correct, as it seems that there are more of 'the ones like me' that are in here besides....uh....Me.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hello.Some are not trying to find a genuine answer.Just making a connection.Often seeking popularity.

    Yes leavinq questions to go to vote is a waste of the answerers time

    Persistently doing this should lead to points being deducted in my view..

    Also some ask a question and immediately leave it open for a week which means a good answer early on is not required.

    edit.Thanks for your response to answer.Just to point out. Best answers are not important to me.I answer some that I know will never get picked.I just give an honest reply.All the best.

  • Dr. William; seems that Curt and Earth summed it up pretty nicely; However it is Earth that did bring up the suggestion of Deducting Points for leaving a question too Vote.

    I believe that we should pose this to Yahoo Q&A's Administrators; as it may make the questioners be a little more diligent in their posts; and, weed out, the ones that are not sincere, or post a question, just because.

    I feel that when a Question is left to Vote; is 'literally' a 'Slap in the Face', and an 'Insult to our integrity', to the ones that take the time and effort too answer; just too be ignored.

    Not only should they Loose the 10 points for letting a Question go to Vote; but, those same 10 points should be added to the Voted Best Answer.

    That would be good; as it would put us All in a "Loose, Win" Situation. They loose, we win!

    Source(s): I think Earth should get BA as he made the point of the Points.
  • 8 years ago

    Yes, it does feel like a waste of time when that happens; and I don't know why.

    But what is often worse is when the asker chooses an answer that is so factually wrong, or biased, or whatever. And what is even maddening is when they choose YOUR answer and then argue with it!

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Is BAs the reason you are here?

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Julia
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    to wind people like you up......

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