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Poohcat1 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

President Morsi of Egypt is being overpowered by a military coup. What do you think. Good or bad for Egypt?

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bad most likely. Democracy does NOT work in the Middle East. There is no tradition of waiting until the next scheduled election to vote a bad leader out. What happens now in a year's time when they don't like what their NEXT president has been doing? Another coup d'etat?

  • 8 years ago

    Probably good. In a lot of countries with extreme economic disparities, the military is the middle class. The military is one of few ways to crawl out of the lower classes. An economic, tech middle class is developing in Egypt but it has a way to go before it wields the power it needs to assume control of the country. During the 1950s, South American countries used to go through coup after coup after coup until it became a joke. But, like Egypt, the military (and, for South America, professional sports like soccer) were where you'd find solid middle class values.

    I'm praying that Mohamed ElBaradei assumes leadership of Egypt (if he can be convinced to take on the role). He's imminently qualified and can bring both class and brains to the position.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Dear Western World and dear mrs. amanpour on CNN: you know so little about what is going on in Egypt, its a disgrace for your corrupted government controlled news channels.

    There is no "Crisis in Egypt". We, the Egyptian People united, are downing the next Puppet president your administrations and governments have supported until today.

    There is no "fear effect" on the streets in Egypt by the military, the Military has bowed to the will of the People and is only showing their support from the Air dropping flags over Tahrir Square.

    Our "young democracy" is teaching the world how politics will be handled in the Future, by the People, from the People and ONLY for the greatest People on Earth, the Egyptians.

    And obama: we do not give a flying **** about what you have to say anymore.

    The Egyptian People are Free, United and Proud to rule Egypt from now on. God bless the People of the World and their Egyptian led Revolutions

  • 8 years ago

    Because they think he does not have what it takes and therefore is not the leader they thought he was going to be

    Morsi thought that as soon as he was elected, that was IT. He secured the leadership he does not have to do anything else.

    BUT leadership is not anything like that. It means a LOT OF HARD WORK.

    The people kept a very close eye on everything he did and came to the conclusion that there was NOTHING HE DID FOR THE GOOD OF THE EGYPTIAN PEOPLE.

    So now.the people wat to fire this servant and replace him with another and BETTER one.

    You see, in a democracy the politician leaders are servants of the people, That is the essence of their power, their SERVICE for the good of their masters.

    Watching this leadership transition and change, the US citizens can take a lesson from the EGyptians

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I think it's great that the military in Egypt is standing with the citizens.That is the Egyptian peoples country, it does NOT belong to Morsi..or the muslim brotherhood.

    I just wonder if this were to happen in the US, if our military would stand with the American citizens, or with our President (no matter which one it might be) and the rest of our government? In Benghazi, Libya, ''9/11/2012'' our military was ordered to stand down, from someone in our government, and they did. They didn't try to rescue our people. Two retired veteran Navy Seals went in anyway. They were killed, but what if our military went in and tried to save them..instead of taking orders from top US officials...? They might have been able to save our people. We will never know. This is worrisome to me.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Egypt is divided...

    It has a radical Islamic faction that want to introduce Sharia Law and turn Egypt into a third world backwater.

    The military don't want that and neither do most right-thinking Egyptians.

    Military intervention is better than Civil War...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's very bad news for Egypt. Morsi won a fair and democratic election, these people voted him in barely a year ago and now they want him to go. They don't know what they want, the Army should respect Morsi's authority, recognise him as commander-in-chief and act on his instructions.

  • 8 years ago

    Good, as usual America backed the wrong group/leader.... let them do what they want, and lets not worry about the other side of the world when our country is in such poor condition.

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