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Why do atheists blame everything on God, when they believe there is no God.?

I cant see how they can blame God for anything at all, as they deny He exists, and if something doesnt exist, one cant put blame onto it either.


dreamstuff, A lot of us believe children could be subjected to second hand smoke, one answer, that the pollution in the air could be affecting our children and thirdly some say it is what they put into the food nowadays.

Update 2:

speakout We dont justify sinfull behaviour homosexuality, abortions, wife beatings, molesting children, stealing raping, murder etc, in your case you tolerate this behaviour and therefore provoke the Lord God to anger.

Update 3:

AdrenaLy, You do have free will, or choice to choose good or evil, if you choose the evil, there are consequences, if you choose the good, then why would the Lord God vent His anger on you? So people have free will to listen to the Word and receive it with joy, or reject it, and follow your own inclinations, but then when it turns bad, dont blame the Lord for your choices.

Update 4:

Cerra God since He is he creator of us all, He does shower us with blessings, when we acknowledge His mercy and goodness towards us, He sents the rain in due season, so you can eat, and the sun and the seasons, for us to enjoy. But if the people stop to give thanks and start thinking that Darwin and richard dawkins are more to be followed than our Creator, Think would you give your glory to another if you had created a masterpiece. So the lord God also can be provoked to jealousy if the people no longer revere Him in their hearts but turn to gods, like homosexuality, selfishness, abortions, and coveting your neighbours husband or wife, defrauding the neighbour, these are all forbidden and making laws contrary to the ones He has given us. Of course we are than provoking Him to anger, and what other way to get our attentions, do you wish for lightning to strike you, therefore natural disasters and plagues, diseases, etc.

Update 5:

wukong Christ has the final answer showing mercy as we see when all those who accused the woman caught in adultery, He told her "Go and sin no more" and surely this is also the answer to everyone who is caught in defrauding their neighbour, homosexuality, murder, adultery etc. to "sin no more" as Christ is not an agent of sin.

Update 6:

Nous that is exactly my point, that you as an athiest, blame the Lord God for all those diseases, what about people sinning deliberately which he has told us the wages of "sin is death" So if you dont believe there is a God, then why are you accusing Him of causing death? you cant have it both ways, you either believe He does not exists, or you have a hatred for Him, because He is a God of justice, and does not let sin go unpunished, then you are not a true atheists, as athiests deny the existence of God.

21 Answers

  • y2k
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    A lot of atheists I know and have heard may not necessarily blame God if they say they don't believe, but some people use bad things to justify their claim that God doesn't exist. These aren't actually real atheists then are they? I think "atheists" that blame God may be confused or just angry at God for whatever reason.

    Source(s): Cerra. , I wasn't trying to be offensive. I'm just saying that if people who proclaim to be atheists feel the need to blame God then they are not real atheists. I know real atheists don't blame God, I'm just trying to answer the question from my experience. Sorry if you were offended.
  • 8 years ago

    Ultimately it's hypothetical. Though, I have heard people who claim to be atheists say - actually say that they stopped being Christian because God was mean. And if that was the start of it, that's cool, but one needs more back up than that. That's when we ask ourselves, "What is an atheist?" Atheists don't believe in God. And weather or not you end up talking to a confused kid or someone who actually is an atheist is all up for you to decide.

  • Arnie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I don't understand why someone who does not believe in something would want others to agree with them,its very sad.

    The mystery's of faith an GOD are beyond human comprehension.

    Faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence.

    How can the universe create itself out of nothingness? Given the fact that the universe began to exist, it must have had a “cause” that originated it.

    Everything must have a beginning?

    You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.God is like the wind, you can't see him.


  • Wukong
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    A very good point to make.

    I would suggest that some Atheists are, similar to some believers, rather stupid.

    Others, perhaps, are not really atheists at all, but need something to prop up their behaviour - and fear. Fear of there really being a God, who will punish them for doing what they know in their hearts is bad. Or just doing what they know is bad.

    Others, who claim to be Atheists because God is a bad guy, are surely not Atheist at all - just enemies of God, which is way different, and takes belief

    And sometimes fear of death itself. After all, it's a scary thing, no matter what we believe or don't believe.

    Such can cause some people to become somewhat bitter, and aggressive.

    I might say, though, that not all Atheist blame anything at all on God. Me, for instance. And I can also speak for many others who are either friends, associates, or known to me.

    At the same time, i do not blame you for anything you think either, nor disrespect your beliefs. Rather, I believe we each choose our own path through life. That - is free will.

    As to even having free will, it seems a lot of homosexuals would disagree. They do not believe in free will, freedom of choice, or even that new born babies are innocent. Have you never heard one of them say "I can't help it, I was born this way" ? Thus, we should surely let all the murderers and child molesters out of jail, because it isn't their fault, and law is based on intention. Rubbish, of course.(Actually, none of my own homosexual friends believe it either. But what chance do doctors and scientists have against some cool stoned guy with pink pants and a funny hairdo - or a Christian cultist who does not live Christs message given on Sermon on the Mount?)

    AdrenaLy has a good point, though, worthy of debate.

    Your own reply to him, is a bit weak, and fails to address his meaning.

    The same with your reply to cerra (who's an idiot anyway)

    You are likening God to a Mafia Godfather.A Despot.

    I am Atheist. But as a former Jesuit and a theologian, I object (perhaps to your method, and choice of words, rather than your intention). But then, you are surely not a Christian, anyway.

    For all of your judgmental beliefs, Christ had a reply - "Judge them not, lest you be judged"

    And who will cast the first stone? If Christ were alive today he'd probably own a brickworks. he'd make a fortune, even if He only sold to Baptists. (so, now you might point to my splinter, and generously ignore your plank. But please explain it as well. because Jesus himself is still waiting for the answer to that one)

    My opinion of Richard Dawkins is not too tall - knowledge and learning without intelligence or wisdom (ha ha, the idiot knows).

    But Charles Darwin? What do you know of him? like most people, including many Atheists - NOTHING.

    Charles Darwin believed very much in God and Creation. He just couldn't accept the terribly translated and only partially used allegory in genesis with all it's glaring mistakes and 'convenient' alterations. After all, didn't God create the natural order of the Universe?

    It was Darwin's failure to find the 'missing link" that would have proved Creation, that started my own journey towards Atheism. But I respect him a lot (no, I'm not THAT old)

    @dreamstuff - You think God would be a magic fairy dancing around with a wand granting wishes? That's so stupid. You must have brain damage. Or issues. I'm sorry nobody gave you a piece of candy or a hug when you were 4. Get over it.

    @cerra. Why do you keep saying "we"? I didn't vote in your election. And never will.

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  • 1001©
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Atheism is the view that God does not exist. Atheism is not a new development. Psalm 14:1, written by David around 1000 B.C., mentions atheism: "The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'". Recent statistics show an increasing number of people claiming to be atheists, up to 10 percent of people worldwide.

    The existence of God must be accepted by faith, but this does not mean belief in God is illogical. There are many good arguments for the existence of God. The Bible teaches that God's existence is clearly seen in the universe (Psalm 19:1-4), in nature (Romans 1:18-22), and in our own hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11). With all that said, the existence of God cannot be proven; it must be accepted by faith.

    At the same time, it takes just as much faith to believe in atheism. To make the absolute statement "God does not exist" is to make a claim of knowing absolutely everything there is to know about everything, and of having been everywhere in the universe and having witnessed everything there is to be seen. Of course, no atheist would make these claims. However, that is essentially what they are claiming when they state that God absolutely does not exist. Atheists cannot prove that God does not, for example, live in the center of the sun, or beneath the clouds of Jupiter, or in some distant nebula. Since those places are beyond our capacity to observe, it cannot be proven that God does not exist. It takes just as much faith to be an atheist as it does to be a theist.

    Atheism cannot be proven, and God's existence must be accepted by faith. Obviously, Christians believe strongly that God exists, and admit that God's existence is a matter of faith. At the same time, we reject the idea that belief in God is illogical. We believe that God's existence can be clearly seen, keenly sensed, and proven to be philosophically and scientifically necessary.

  • 8 years ago

    We're not "blaming things on God"; we're just responding to other people's claims. Imagine someone says that a magical unicorn protects people in natural disasters, and you say that that can't be true because many people die in natural disasters every year. You're not actually blaming the unicorn for anything; you're just pointing out that the person's original statement either isn't true or makes no sense.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I blame people who believe in God.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Religion, whether God is real or not has done real and measurable harm: i.e. the inquisition, current islamic terrorists, etc. So atheists generally explain that the sacred texts by theists generally prescribe horrible acts that some fundamentalists take literally, therefore "god" if your text is true must be a horrible being.

    So there are two things here:

    1) God isn't real, the problem is the delusion of people that god exists that makes them do stupid things...sometimes horrible things.

    2) If the God of the Bible (or Qu'ran or Jewish Bible) is real, then he's a terrible being that does not deserve worship because he's biggotted and stuck in the bronze age.

  • 8 years ago

    They don't. They simply point out how silly it is to say "god is perfect," when there is so much suffering and pain in this world. Why do Christians say that anything bad that happens is a result of "free will," but any time somebody is doing well, they say that it is "the will of God?" Even if there is a god, and he gave us free will, it is still his responsibility as our creator to keep us safe. Do parents not go to jail for allowing their children to be abused? Why should god get a free pass, if he exists? Atheists do not blame god for anything, they simply point out the fact that, if he does exist, he is not loving. He is very sadistic, vengeful, jealous...

    So the devout Christian child who dies of cancer... The children who pray every single day for god to get them out of their abusive homes... Where is their free will? Where is their choice? How can you say god is loving when he allows those children to suffer like that? They do not choose to live in abusive homes, nor do they reject god. So why are they tortured, beaten, and raped? Yes, their parents have free will, but what about the child? How can god sit there and watch his children suffer?

    I don't blame god when things go bad. I simply think that if he exists, he is no more loving than a sadistic sociopath.

  • 8 years ago

    Hitler was blaming the Jews for whatever reasons and finally eliminated 6 millions of them. His reasons were unjustified but too many people believed it.

    In your case, similarly we don't blame God but those using God to justify their intolerance, tons of sins, violence, ...

    If you didn't understand then just reread the second paragraph.

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