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Do you honesty believe the dinosaurs evolved into the birds?


I was inspired to ask this question because of another question I saw.

How could a meteor kill all the dinosaurs?;_ylt=Atqy2...

17 Answers

  • 8 years ago


    N O ! - Not at all - -

    Birds are birds, and reptiles are reptiles, and never the twain shall meet.

    The archaeopteryx was Debunked (1985). Although no cross-species (half of one species and half of another) had ever been found, something close to it had been discovered. As mentioned earlier, in 1861 a fossilized feather was found in the limestone deposits in Solnhofen, Germany (near Eichstatt). It was considered valuable since it reportedly came from the late Jurassic strata—and there were not supposed to be any birds back then. Soon another fossil was offered for sale (always from the owners of the same quarry). It was a bird with feathers, with the head and neck missing. The British Museum paid a lot for it. So, in 1877, another bird with feathers was offered for sale—and this one looked like it might have the head of a small dinosaur!

    In 1985, six leading scientists, including *Fred Hoyle, examined the fossil—and found it to be a hoax.

    . . .

  • 8 years ago

    Many of the later dinosaurs had feathers. There appear to have been two types - a fairly basic one, and the more complex one still seen in birds today.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Yes. When the asteroid's collision scorched the Earth's surface, the bigger dinos were too big to hide and they all perished. However, the smallest of them dove into underground tunnels and survived. Also, due to their small size, they didn't need to eat as much, which helped them to live on through the great famine that followed. (Trivia: Nothing over 50 pounds survived the disaster). These little dinos were two-legged and their descendents evolved into the birds. The chicken is said to be a cousin to the T-Rex...which scientists have recently found to have had feathers. (Trivia II: 20% of all dinos were known to have had feathers.) In fact, real dino feathers in various stages of evolution have been recently found encased in amber in Canada.

    Source(s): Science Magazine and many recently written books on dinosaurs. Look for them in your local library.
  • CRR
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Feduccia and other ornithologists who say that there is no evidence for the dinosaur–bird link are correct. Their opponents, who argue that there is no evidence for the evolution of birds from extinct reptiles, are also correct. Both are correct because evolution down any path never happened. Observation and reason both support an original creation of different kinds of organisms.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Just as you believe that a Deity greater then the Universe created everything from nothing and throw statements around that Creation had to have a Creator "EXCEPT" the Creator ?. He can create a Universe in which we are supposed to be the only living beings though is too busy to end the Suffering though creates a lot on Earth a Spec of dirt in the mass of Space ?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Most did not... but there were species that did, if you look at an evolutionary chart you can see the transitions based on the study of fossils.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    Dino was warm blooded, and had feathers.

    They did that very thing.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No, I don't "believe" that.

    I do, however, accept the fact that birds evolved from one particular line of avian dinosaurs. I accept this because it is verified by enormous amounts of evidence.

  • 8 years ago

    Some dinosaurs.

    Birds are a subset of reptiles, it isn't that far-out a claim.

  • 8 years ago

    Some species evolved along those lines, but most just died out in a mass-extinction.

    Source(s): I mean, look at the facts: birds are bipedal diapsids; they are homeothermic (warm-blooded); they lay eggs, which they keep warm in nests; their bones are full of hollows and air pockets; and they are covered in feathers, just like the dromaeosaursids (commonly known as raptors) were.
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