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Why do people base love on gender??? They limit themselves?

Why do people feel like they have to pick one or the other??? A gay man will refuse to love me because I'm a girl a straight woman will deny me for the same reason. Not matter how well I present myself, how nice I am, or how compatible we are, when it comes down to it; Even if I fit everything else perfectly with what a person wants, a gay man or straight woman will deny me for what's in my pants. Why does it make a difference??? Don't tell me that people are just born gay or straight, I believe people are born bisexual, but are either pushed to choose gay or straight by an external force or by a subconscious force.

As you can probably tell my sexual preference; I don't understand how a person can choose to love a person or not base on gender, it's like both of you guys pick a gender to love and suddenly view the other as ugly or gross.

Explain this to me.


"I didn't choose this life", "I was born this way", "I can't control it"; is exactly what someone who has been forced to choose subconsciously or externally would say, and when I say external I mean like a rape or something has changed you're view of the oppose sex, by subconscious I mean like being taught the bible and having it so deep within you that you don't realize you've choosen to be straight, or subconsciously you view gay people to be happier or fabulous so you choose to be gay and don't realize it. You're sexual response to someone comes from the mind, and if you've been sucked into society's system of making a choice, you've become narrow minded enough to base love and sex on gender, when the issue of sex could be easily solves by a dildo or strap on.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, I disagree with you that people choose one or the other, (I'm heterosexual, and despite my open-mindedness on the subject, I simply do not have sexual feelings for the same sex beyond a vague aesthetic appreciation) but I do agree that most people are bisexual to some degree. The issue comes down to the fact that people cannot separate love from sex, and that's a shame. There are people who can, but most aren't this open-minded. I've always imagined that for people who are pan or ace, romance must be frustrating... to have someone reject you for something that barely exists for you in that context... That's gotta be weird. I personally would be fine with the idea of dating outside my sexual preferences, although I admit I'm not likely to go out of my way to do so. I think the thing people need to realise is that when you take away sex, there's really little if any difference between friendship and romance. They're both forms of love...

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    " it's like both of you guys pick a gender to love and suddenly view the other as ugly or gross."

    What a crock.

    I don't know ANY gay man who would describe women as ugly or gross. Its just that we are not sexually attracted to them. I have been romantically involved with a woman before and came out while I was with her. Its now 5 years later and we went from not being able to see each other to being best friends.

    You have a really immature understanding of relationships and their depth. Sexual contact creates a deeper more connected level of love between two people that just does not occur when their is no sexual interaction.

    And I have NEVER been sexually attracted to a girl. Just because you don't think people can be 100% gay or straight doesn't make it true.

    It just makes you narrow minded...which is what you are accusing others of.

  • Lava
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Well, you're wrong. You're totally wrong, and making up wonderful stories about how we're all perfectly bisexual blank slates isn't going to make a bit of difference. You're wrong. The vast majority of your sexual potential is determined before you ever take a breath. Hell of a lot of bisexuals still have preferences as well.

    Gay men will not have sex with you because you don't make their cocks hard. Is that clear enough for you? It's not that you're ugly or gross, it's just that you literally do nothing to arouse them. They aren't choosing to not get an erection for you, society didn't damper their natural response to you. They just don't want to sleep with you. Sound more like a personal issue if you can't handle that not everyone wants to bang you.

  • 8 years ago

    I'm going to have to burst your bubble. People ARE born gay or straight as well as bisexual/pansexual. A part of attraction and love of another individual is indeed determined by sexual attraction as well as personality and deep feelings. I don't care how much I might "love" a girl as a person... if I have no physical attraction to her we are NOT going to be in a fulfilling and satisfying relationship.

    Just because you are able to hold attraction to multiple genders does not mean the rest of us are stupid or selfish for lacking that ability. You are creating the same fallacy as those people who say "bisexuals don't exist, you are either born gay or straight" except it's the opposite reaction, instead stating that you know more about my sexuality than myself.

    You are wrong. You need to dial it down a bit and realize that just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it isn't real. I'm calling you out right now in as nice a manner as possible so you don't continue to hold hypocritical beliefs.

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  • 8 years ago

    Um, yeah, your theory about people being "pushed" to be gay or straight is ridiculous. It's a very narrow minded idea: Assuming everyone else can't possibly be any different than you. Thinking that it isn't even a possibility that other people may have different preferences than you, and that they are lying to cover it up is very egocentric.

    Your idea is nice on paper (our outside appearances don't matter, blah blah blah), but just simply isn't realistic. At the end of the day, we are all just biological machines controlled by chemicals and we cannot control what elicits a sexual response from us. That's just how the world works. Get with the program.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    If I had to guess, I'd say it's just neurology.

    Most human romantic pursuits are founded on the reproductive drive; while it is theoretically possible to become infatuated with someone but still refrain from pursuing sexual relations with them, it is far rarer to fall in love with someone you're not even remotely sexually attracted to.

    From the perspective of the subconscious, there's no point in devoting the huge amounts of energy involved with the brain chemistry of love to an affair which couldn't lead to intercourse.

    Of course, love is a very subjective and elusive concept - no one really understands why or when it is given birth.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I can love anyone if their personalities nice enough but if your a woman and want intimacy.....well that wont work....

    The parts down there just ain't something i've ever been able to force myself to be sexually attracted to.

    Love and sex are two completely different things. One can easily love someone without having any sexual attraction to them (in the case of close friends and family). That's basically what we'd be limited's not something I choose, but what comes naturally to me.

    Source(s): gay guy
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    You can go ahead and believe all people are born bisexual but that doesn't make it so. Many people are born heterosexual, some are born gay/lesbian and others are born bisexual. I was born lesbian and to me being with a man would be torture. I didn't "pick" or "choose" to be attracted to women or to find men unattractive, I was born that way.

  • 8 years ago

    Sexuality isn't a choice. If someone is attracted to people of only one gender, that's just how they are. They have no control over it.

  • 8 years ago

    because people are attracted to certain types of people, it is just the way things are

    some people are just hard wired to be attracted to a certain sex, or in some cases, bith sees

    Source(s): ..
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