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  • Gender makes me unable to attract my type. What do I do?

    I'm attract to straight girls and talented musical theatre guys (the majority of which are gay). But, I am a girl, and I am far from a butch. I know that there are a lot of lesbians who aren't butch, but a lot of them are attracted to butches. And, when I see a girl I like, I normally stay away because she's probably straight and if I approach her, I'll offend the girl, and get gossiped about. When I see a guy perform and I like him, I approach him, tell him I like him, and then he tells me he's gay.

    I know I'm not ugly, because I try to stay away from ug. I've even had some straight guys crush on me, but they were ugly, so maybe I might be too.

    I must admit that I do tend to be a little aggressive and to the point when I purse relationships, but I personally would like that in a person, I don't wanna play the dating game.

    What do I do about it??? Do I have to pretend to be more masculine??? Will I ever be able to get a desirable person???

  • What is Pittsburgh, PA like?

    What is Pittsburg like in general??? What's the general demographic??? Is it energetic and active??? Are there always people on the streets??? Are there a lot of things to do (concerts, name brand stores, museums, restaurants, etc...)??? How is public transportation??? Do people generally walk instead of drive???

    Preferably, compare Pittsburgh to another city, like New York or Chicago. Please be descriptive.

    I'd especially like your answers if you're from another city and not a suburb.

    1 AnswerOther - United States8 years ago
  • What is the party scene like at Point Park University?

    I mean; How often are there parties at Point Park??? Are there house parties??? Are the parties themed??? Do you have to have an invite??? Can you find a party at anytime??? That kind of stuff.

    Secondly, what is Pittsburg like in general??? What's the general demographic??? Is it energetic and active??? Are there always people on the streets???

    Id especially like your answers if you're from another city and not a suburb.

  • How do you feel about my world population, resources, and climate crisis solution for 2030?

    So the scenario is the population has become exceedingly difficult to provide for, Americans are running out of gas, it's becoming a hassle to provide everyone on the planet with food because China and India are over populating, and are trying to move into the American way of life, thus producing more and more harmful gases flying into the atmosphere. A war is on the verge of breaking out because China and India think they have the same right to grow as the western countries did at a much more reasonable time.

    So for America, my first move is to abandon Alaska and Hawaii, make Puerto Rico a state, and divide Eastern and Western Kansas or Northern and Southern Nevada into individual states in order to keep the number of states at 50. Then the United States should ally with the other strong nations and groups of the Americas in order to increase the strength of the armies of the Americas, make these continents more threatening as a whole to Europe and Russia, and to reinforce the United States role as a superpower and to push the idea of American (North and South) superiority. After the Continental alliances, America should ally with Europe and offer a treaty of protection to all of Africa's countries. The countries that accepted would be protected, the countries with valuable resources and animals would automatically be protected. Then war would be declared on China by Europe and the Americas, we would overkill China without hesitation as a threat to India and other countries who threaten the well being of the earth and comfortable living.

    Problem Solved: population would be drastically reduced, resources wouldn't be in such a shortage, and the remaining nations would have a longer period of time to move out of the American way of life into an even more comfortable, technologically advanced, and energy efficient way of life.

    Now, let me tell you why it's ok:

    Because the murder of a selfish population who caused the crisis by over populating and is attempting to follow the footsteps of a greater population no matter the cost of the world is okay, due to the fact that the murder betters humanity as a whole.

    Fairness doesn't matter in a species threatening situation.

    There is no reason for you to care about the suffering of the problematic nation because YOU'RE NOT THEM. Stay out of your emotions unless you would allow your children to be killed because a problematic nation's sense of fairness overrides its will to let humanity in general thrive.

    3 AnswersInternational Organizations8 years ago
  • Why is my cat suddenly biting me?

    I've had my cat for 11 years and I go on vacation every year, but this year, the day before I left he started biting me for no reason, he would sniff me and bite me (mostly my hand), and when I got back I could tell he was happy, but one of the first things he did was bite me. Whenever I go on vacation my grandmother visits him everyday so it isn't anything out of the norm for him. This morning, he stood at my bed waiting for me to look at him, and when I did he moved his head in a circle and then moved it in a "no" motion and it was so human that I was kinda creeped out, and then I tried to touch him and he sniffed my hand and bit me AGAIN!!! Then he moved to the other side, popped out of nowhere and did it again!!!

    Why is this happening!?!?! He never bites me unless I bother him too much!!!

    3 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Why do people base love on gender??? They limit themselves?

    Why do people feel like they have to pick one or the other??? A gay man will refuse to love me because I'm a girl a straight woman will deny me for the same reason. Not matter how well I present myself, how nice I am, or how compatible we are, when it comes down to it; Even if I fit everything else perfectly with what a person wants, a gay man or straight woman will deny me for what's in my pants. Why does it make a difference??? Don't tell me that people are just born gay or straight, I believe people are born bisexual, but are either pushed to choose gay or straight by an external force or by a subconscious force.

    As you can probably tell my sexual preference; I don't understand how a person can choose to love a person or not base on gender, it's like both of you guys pick a gender to love and suddenly view the other as ugly or gross.

    Explain this to me.

  • I hate driving with my mom!!!?

    So I have my permit and I drove MY car to my school today with my mom. And the whole way there she was just talking to me trying to tell crap that I already know, telling me to slow down constantly when I'm going the speed limit, and telling me to stop when I'm a trucks length back. And she kept getting louder and louder for absolutely no reason. At first when I started driving she kept on telling my to get closer to the white line to the point where I was driving in it and today she had the nerve to start yelling and telling my that I'm driving to close to the white line and to drive in the center of the lane. Exactly, what I was doing before. She would not shut up and I kept on telling her to be quiet because she was distracting me, yet she wanted to throw a little b*tch fit when I started turning down the wrong street, when I speed up 10 miles because of irritation (she knew that sh*t was her fault), when I didn't see a sign, and when I didn't look before going on the green light because I was trying to pay attention to her bull. And every time I approached a stop light she would say stop multiple times while i was slowing down, and I had been telling her that I know how long it takes me to stop, so the moment she said stop I stomped on the break to show her what the fuc that looks like when I'm so far back, and she threw another fit. And she was upset when I got distracted by her running her mouth and stopped close too close to another car. Then when we got out she threw another fit because I forgot to lock the door because I was trying to get the hell away from her b*tching.

    She kept on telling me when to turn when I was waiting until I felt comfortable, and she would never just let me f*cking drive. When I tried to tell her why I did something she wants to give a b*tch response and say "I know how to drive you don't, don't try to act like you do" AND AGAIN I SAY I KEPT TELLING HER TO BE QUIET AND LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE BECAUSE SHE WAS DISTRACTING ME!!! IM A ******* BEGINNER AND SHE SAID IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOUR MAD YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION, IM SORRY I CAN'T ******* DO THAT WHEN YOU'RE YELLING AT ME AND BEING AN UNREASONABLE B*TCH!!!

    I cannot believe she wants to act like she had no part in my driving and like I should have no physical reaction to her bull!!!

    1 AnswerFamily8 years ago
  • If I go on the 1200 calorie diet do I have to exercise?

    I'm 16, 5'3, and weigh 153 pounds. My goal weight is 120. I've been on the 1200 calorie diet for about a week now, I eat pretty much the same things as I had been just not as many snacks because i don't have the room for it in the diet. I normally eat some cereal for breakfast, sometimes dry (200) other times with milk (around 300), for lunch I eat whatever is available but I rarely go over 300 calories, for dinner I eat around 400-500 calories. After that I normally eat a powdered donut or two if I can afford it. I sleep a lot and spend my time watching tv. I read that if you multiply your current weight by 12 and subtract 1,000 that's the number of calories I need to eat to lose weight fast. But that number comes out in the 800s and I also read that eating less than 1200 calories a day is unhealthy. I want to be 120 by the time I go back to school in August.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • How to get closer to NYC in college?

    I'm planning out my life because I graduate from high school next year, and I really wanna be in New York City. But I can't be there directly because NYC universities are expensive and I need a school with at least a 60% acceptance rate because I'm not going to have a very good GPA, and I need a school with either an arts administration or music business major (or something similar). So I was looking at the surrounding cities and their colleges and I found that some of my options are Goucher College in Baltimore (from there it would take me 9 to 12 hours to get to NYC using public transit, Point Park University in Pittsburg (9-12 hours), a The University of Hartford in Hartford Connecticut (I skipped over NJ because none of their schools meet those requirements. A major problem is that I have to stay out of Philadelphia because of a "this town ain't big enough for the two of us" kinda situation. I just looked up public transit routes on google maps. If any of you know any ways to get to NYC quicker tell me, and how do you feel about being on public transportation for that long? And another thing, I'm not from the East Coast so do you think that if I'm on there for that long that I'll catch some Eastern illnesses that I'm not yet immune to???

    4 AnswersNew York City8 years ago
  • Are some people fated to play the role of "The Villain" in life?

    In every move I make in life; opinions (ex. People are all sensitive about children, when my opinion is that babies can be replaced if they die before age 1 because they have no personality yet), social situations, and even my achievements are viewed as burdensome to others. Ex. I got into an advanced choir class and the people already in it started to complain about my presence. People are always scared away from me for my... mental eccentricities. I'm always over shadowed by this really talented gay guy that I had a crush on, but my feelings turned to hate and jealousy after my advances were spurned simply because of my gender. I'm really bothered by rejection, so I tried to force myself on him and got really hostile. Since then everyone's been a little avoidant of me. I've learned that people oppose my socially, opinion wise, and physically, and lately, I realized I've only been getting more and more villainous, and started to except my possible fate as "The Adversary".

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Stomach randomly squeezes in for no apparent reason...?

    It's like when you suck your stomach in to look skinnier, but it only happens at night and I don't try to. I think occurs when I inhale whilst breathing perfectly normal at random times.i do have asthma in the red zone, I was born with it, but its never really done anything, I have a lot of endurance, but I tire out easily due to my being generally weak in the muscles and laziness. I've never had an asthma attack, and I don't really know what wheezing is but I don't think I've done it. I do catch hay fever and have seasonal allergies and the only food I'm allergic to is black beans.

    If you have any idea why my stomach is randomly sucking itself in during the night, please do share. I googled it and can't find anything.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • Have you ever had an envy that made you shake; made you sick; made you dangerous?

    I've just realized that nemesis and arch-enemies are real. You see, I had been confused about my feelings for this person for a while, but I'm on summer break and I hadn't known how relaxed I was until the mere mention of this person's name made me shiver and shake with envy. Then I realized that this is what true hate felt like. My foe and I are very similar in terms of hopes and dreams, but very different in ability to carry them out, he's got the talent to do all that, and I have to go through classes and try extremely hard and still fail. He does deserve the fame he strives for, he doesn't even appreciate the attention he gets now, but I do. He just recently made a college decision in the city I was targeting and I dreaded the thought of being in the same city again, the school we're in now can barely hold our chaos, and I realized that we have the "this town ain't big enough for the two of us" situation. I feel the need to destroy him, because I know that it's the only way I can be satisfied with life again.

    3 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Is it possible to transfer from Columbia College Chicago to Drexel University?

    I know that CCC is different and not really respected, and that its credits don't normally transfer to regular schools. But, if I major in Music Business Management and minor in Writing for Television will my credits transfer to Drexel if I major in Music Industry and minor in Television???

    Also, is it possible to take my general Ed classes last, like in the last 2 years???

  • Why is it that I suddenly cannot sing?

    I sing a lot, but for the past few weeks my voice suddenly decided to sound horrible. I'm not going through puberty or anything, I'm a girl and it already happened. My voice just sounds really amateur now, and I can hit my high notes, low notes and regular notes, the problem is that they just don't sound as good as they used to. I tried to add some vibrato in to make it sound better but it only sounded worse, and I payed attention to my diaphragm and it sounded the same. I don't smoke or drink or anything like that, my allergies have been bothering me but it shouldn't have that much of an impact. The fact that I can no longer sing is really bothering me.

    4 AnswersSinging8 years ago
  • My lust is causing problems in my social life!?

    Over the years my lust has grown more problematic, getting me into trouble at school, ruining possible friendships, tarnishing my reputation, and making me really hostile and instigative.

    For example, every time I lust for someone it turns into a morbid obsession, and by the time I realize it I've reached the point of no return and I can't stop; I call this the Lust/Stalk Demon form. If it takes to long and I am continuously denied I become enraged and I become impossible to get rid of. I threaten and psychologically assault my victims, and though I never win what I want, I am unforgettable and I have left my mark.

    The only way to stop is for me to redirect myself to another person. I've now gained a title/reputation among my teachers as a stalker and I know they're constantly watching how I interact with people. It has become nearly impossible for me to develop friendships with attractive males without expecting a relationship in return.

    I'm really nice, friendly, helpful, and funny when I'm not being overtaken by the Stalk Demon and lusting after you, but I can't help it!!!

    Please help! I've been suspended, fought with, bullied, gossiped about, and almost kicked out of a class for this! There's a horrible pattern of this.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • My lust causes me so much trouble! How can it be fixed?

    This may be unusual for a teenage female but, over the years my lust has grown more problematic, getting me into trouble at school, ruining possible friendships, tarnishing my reputation, and making me really hostile and instigative.

    For example, every time I lust for someone it turns into a morbid obsession, and by the time I realize it I've reached the point of no return and I can't stop; I call this the Lust/Stalk Demon form. If it takes to long and I am continuously denied I become enraged and I become impossible to get rid of. I threaten and psychologically assault my victims, and though I never win what I want, I am unforgettable and I have left my mark.

    The only way to stop is for me to redirect myself to another person. I've now gained a title/reputation among my teachers as a stalker and I know they're constantly watching how I interact with people. It has become nearly impossible for me to develop friendships with attractive males without expecting a relationship in return.

    I'm really nice, friendly, helpful, and funny when I'm not being overtaken by the Stalk Demon and lusting after you, but I can't help it!!!

    Please help! I've been suspended, fought with, bullied, gossiped about, and almost kicked out of a class for this! There's a horrible pattern of this.

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • Why won't people hang out with me?

    I call these people friends, because they talk to me, let me hang in their circle, and play with me sometimes, but they all refuse to see me outside of school and sometimes they say mean things. Whenever I invite them out to movies or something they always say no, and its very blunt that its because its me. For example, I invited one to a movie and they said, "Um,no; I mean I'll probably see it, just not with you." I'm strange and everything, but I'm a 16 year old girl, what do they think I'm gonna do to them? Can't they see that I just wanna be friends?

    I gotta admit, I'm very socially awkward and spontaneous, and I say some strange things, but I don't wanna go through high school and come out with my teenage years missing! When I go to college I wanna know how to make friends!

    Please, help me!

    6 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Should I choose the disrespect college with atmosphere or the respected one without it?

    It sounds a little dumb, but its a really hard and stressful decision.

    I plan on going to college for 2 years and then transferring to a college in NYC or at least with in an hour or two of it.

    I want to Major in Arts Administration/Management or Music Business, but I also want an artsy environment with actors, singers, and dancers, you know, I wanna be with people with performance talent, I also want a very urban environment.

    So I was looking at Rider University in New Jersey, and it has my major and the perfect minor (Popular Music Culture Studies), I was going to change my minor based on the college so it most likely would have been music theatre. Its in Lawrenceville, and its way too suburban. The buildings are too short, too far apart and they're old, and suburban areas make uncomfortable anyway because they're lonely.

    I also looked at Columbia College Chicago, and I really liked it, and it had my major and popular music studies too, but its not well respected, other colleges and universities look at it like a joke, and so I'm gonna have a hard time trying to transfer out of there especially to New York.

    Which would be the wiser choice??? Rider fits academically but not physically, I hate the thought of just being there in a town all the time. Columbia College Chicago fits great physically, but is of lower quality academically, and I keep getting mixed reviews.

    If you know of any other schools in urban areas with an arts(entertainment) administration/management majors, will you please share?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • I really want to go to school in New York, but I can't afford that so...?

    I was thinking that on summer breaks I could take month long trips to New York from Chicago. But I don't wanna pay for a hotel, so where could I stay without one in New York??? Where could I sleep at night and put my stuff??? How much money would I be taking???

    4 AnswersNew York City8 years ago
  • Do I have some sort of alter ego or something?

    At school, I'm super duper outgoing and never let myself seem to be in a bad mood, I'm really touchy feely, douchey at times and many people there don't even like me that much. I act really arrogant and witty, and I can't stop, and I used to be a really shy and quiet kid and got bullied a lot.

    With my family I rarely let them hug me, am very irritable and just want to be left alone and lay in bed all day most of the time, and constantly censor myself with strong filtering.

    At my dance class, I very much like all the kids, they're very nice, and I want to be friends with them, but I can't bring myself to say much or act the way I do at school it's like i physically can't, there's a barrier.

    Main problem: I'm one person at school, another person at home, and stuck in a big plastic bubble at dance.

    Do I uncontrollably use different personalities for different people or something???

    4 AnswersPsychology8 years ago