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Michael asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

Can Zimmerman's Lawyer file...?

Can Zimmerman's lawyer file a Civil Lawsuit of his own on behalf of Zimmerman,

and charge the state of Florida with "Unlawful Prosecution" ? (and I would add

Persecution, if I could) !!

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Trayvon Martin is dead because he didn’t just go home in his last 4 minutes or call the police to deal with his perception that a “creepy assed cracker” was stalking him, but instead started throwing punches.

    It may well be that he and many black children are taught to hate people of other races, not just whites, and interpret all actions by others as hostile and “disrespectful” so that they believe they are in the right to initiate violence; and that many non-blacks are fearful and distrustful of blacks they don't know personally (though that isn't just a black/white issue - I remember how shocked and offended I was the first time an older lady in an empty parking garage hugged her purse and shrank against a wall as I walked by her -- but I didn't think this meant I should follow her, argue with her, or punch her). (I know in Washington, D.C. some black teens scream offers of sex, make threats about enslaving non-blacks in the future, or throw rocks at the cars of men and women of various races who come into contact with them on the streets -- I have had all three of these things happen to me, both when I was alone and with groups, including groups of men and women and groups that included people of more than one race. Indeed, walking about town on Martin Luther King Day in DC for several hours seems to ensure that one will come across this, as groups of teens on holiday wander about Petworth, Adams Morgan, Meridian Hill Park, with nothing else to do.) This situation is not made any better by a federal and local governments whose policy outcomes include double digit black teen unemployment and 40% urban high school drop out rates. As well as a probably well-informed belief that if you are black and call the police to solve a dispute, you will end up arrested yourself. Most white "progressives" aren't competent to think about these issues -- they are in denial, in part because they profit off some of the central engines of racism in America, like our de facto segregated urban schools and the educrat unions that own them and are the major funders of Democratic party campaigns. A case in point, Wired creator David Simon, who thinks the case is only about race, and only in the way traditionally conceived by "liberal" received opinion.

    Whether George Zimmerman should have done something different in the few minutes between his calling the police and the beginning of his physical fight with Trayvon Martin is a question everyone will disagree about. I think many of us, at the point where he was on the ground being pummeled would have done what he did, and probably without a lot of regard to the race or sex of our assailant. We would have grabbed our gun before the assailant did and shot. Though it would be great to have the skills and opportunity to have fired a warning shot, or to have shot the assailant in the shoulder or leg, I think many if not most people would have been willing to shoot even if it meant killing an assailant. Better him (or her) than me. What should have been the case though is that Trayvon Martin had had another option, namely, feeling that he could have called the police. But police are not thought to be responsive to black families in black urban neighborhoods, just as public schools are not. And decentralized, market-based, customer-oriented options don't exist. Trayvon Martin's death may be an example, in part, of government failure. (Though as we now know Martin's criminal record may have also made him shy of the police.)

    Leftovers and the establishment media and the Obama administration have lied about this situation and fanned the flames all along, beginning with claiming that George Zimmerman was white and with NBC's criminal editing of his 911 tape to make it sound like he was a racist and stalked Trayvon Martin for being black rather than for being a stranger trespassing in a gated community plagued with burglaries. (Leftover hacktivists have gone so far as to circulate a photo of MLK as Trayvon in a hoodie.) Constantly thematizing and fanning stories about crime and race has another important function for the ruling class, as historian Robert Higgs notes: "I have no hard evidence on the matter, but I strongly suspect that the Zimmerman trial has performed a valuable service for the ruling class during recent weeks: it has diverted many people's attention away from the state's massive, worse-than-Big-Brother invasions of our electronic communications onto a relatively insignificant matter. By such diversions the state diminishes the extent of adverse feedback to its egregious, pervasive, ongoing criminality." Leftovers are now petitioning the federal government to bring a civil rights case against Zimmerman, chanting the sacred catechism of their failed civil rights regime, whose raison d'etre is to smear average Americans with original sin.

  • 8 years ago

    Extremely unlikely. For one thing, before such a suit could move forward, the state would have to essentially waive sovereign immunity. Second, the chilling effect of such a lawsuit would be dangerous. While the prosecution was ....over zealous, there are many cases where the cases are weak, but the danger of allowing a suspect to go free is so high that trying weak cases are necessary

    risk. Third, i do not believe there is a basis in law for such a charge. At the best, the defense lawyers might attempt to target a suit at specific prosecutors or officials, but the level of proof needed to win a case is so high it wouldn't be worth the cost of such a suit.

  • 8 years ago

    There will be lawsuits filed against those who forced this prosecution when there was not even "probable cause" for a murder charge. There was misconduct within Florida's government and probably the Federal government too.

    Not to mention the news media who misrepresented the facts, and the activists who made it into a racial issue.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm not sure, I don't know the law. But I did hear that Zimmerman wants to sue one of the TV networks for editing the 911 call to make him sound racist.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I am going to misspell this man's name only due to my ignorance but Dertowitz who is a famous civil rights lawyer said the prosecutors need to be probed for misconduct.

  • 8 years ago

    He got away with murder he should be happy he's not in prison or six feet under already. Frankly im tired of hearing about this wanna be cop who assaults police officers. They might reward him for killing a black person but they're not gonna let him get their money.

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