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What are conservatives opinions on Reagan funding, training, arming and basically creating the Taliban?

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Throughout history, countries/groups who were once friends of a nation became enemies... and enemies became friends.

    There is nothing new in the world.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    This gets to a deeper point with how conservatives react with what Reagan did to what Obama did in, say. Libya or Egypt. Sean Hannity in his book praised the Contras in Nicaragua and has quickly interrupted guests who try to bring up Reagan's role in not only funding the Mujaheddin but the soldiers in El Salvador as well to prevent the spread of communism at any cost (even though most killed had no direct or even indirect ties to communists). And this crap about YEAH WELL CHARLIE WILSON A DEMOCRAT DID... Okay? Point is what? Damn all these people who screwed these nations and gave birth to the modern day demons. And that goes for Obama should he decide to stick his nose in Syria. Let them be, if they're gonna die over there let them die by their own guns and swords and keep the conscience of this nation out of it.

  • 8 years ago

    It was a Cold War strategy and tactic to prevent Soviet Union from taking over another country. Nobody could have known at that time that Afghanistan would become the home of America haters.

    What's your problem with Reagan? I've noticed a lot of Reagan bashing lately. Did the Democratic Party send out talking point memos and I didn't get one?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    extremely the taliban did not come into life till after the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan. They were the answer the Arab league got here up with to "administer" the rustic. Osama did not run the Mujaheddin, they were operated by technique of a council of Afghans interior the rustic. Osama spent little or no time interior the rustic in the previous the Soviets left. Your historic previous is defective, only to be envisioned from a pubil college grad.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    That you proved you think the Mujahideen groups who fought AGAINST those that later formed the core of the Taliban ARE the Taliban

    Source(s): Not being in a coma
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I never blame dead presidents for the past because the one in charge

    at the present time is the one you should be worrying about.

  • 8 years ago

    Now Reagan allowed Democrat Charles Wilson to use funding to supply Afghan freedom fighters with weapons to fight the Soviets but this was a total democrat run plan and operation.

    google it "Charlie Wilsons war"

    Jimmy Carter created the modern day terrorists.

    On taking office in 1977, Jimmy Carter declared that advancing "human rights" was among his highest priorities. America's ally, the Shah of Iran, was one of his first targets, with Carter chastising him for his human rights record and withdrawing America's support.

    One of the charges was that the Shah had been torturing about 3,000 prisoners, many of them accused of being Soviet agents. Carter sent a clear message to the Islamic fundamentalists that America would not come to the Shah's aid. His anti-Shah speeches blared from public address systems in downtown Tehran.

    The irony, as noted by Steven Hayward of the American Enterprise Institute in his book, "The Real Jimmy Carter," is that the regime of Ayatollah Khomeini "executed more people in its first year in power than the Shah's SAVAK had allegedly killed in the previous 25 years." Khomeini's regime was a human rights nightmare.

    When Khomeini, a former Muslim exile in Paris, overthrew the Shah in 1979, he established the first modern Islamic regime, a role model for the Taliban and the jihadists to follow. And when the U.S. embassy was stormed that November and 52 American hostages were held for 444 days, America's lack of resolve was confirmed in the jihadist mind.

    The wreckage of Carter's foreign policy was seen in the Iranian desert, where a plan to rescue the hostages, a plan never formally presented to the Joint Chiefs, resulted in the loss of eight aircraft, five airmen and three Marines. The rest, as they say, is history.


    As we have noted, it was the Ayatollah Khomeini who introduced the idea of suicide bombers to the Palestine Liberation Organization and who paid $35,000 to PLO families who would offer up their children as human bombs to kill as many Israelis as possible.

    It was Khomeini who would give the world Hezbollah to make war on Israel and destroy the multicultural democracy that was Lebanon. And perhaps Jimmy has forgotten that Hezbollah, which he helped make possible, killed 241 U.S. Marines in their Beirut barracks in 1982.

    The Soviet Union, seeing us so willingly abandon a staunch ally, invaded Afghanistan, and it was the resistance to the Soviet invasion that helped give birth to the Taliban. The Iranian revolution led to the Iraq-Iran War that took a million lives and encouraged Hussein to invade Kuwait to strengthen his position.

    That led to Operation Desert Storm and bases in Saudi Arabia that fueled Islamist resentment, one of the reasons given by Osama bin Laden for striking at America, the Great Satan. Now we're about to face a nuclear Iran as we are embroiled in a war on terror.

    If we'd stuck by the Shah and his successors, the history of the last 25 years in the Middle East and here at home would have been very different. As Hayward observes, the fruits of Carter's Iran disaster are with us still, spawning the rise of radical Islam, terrorism, the Taliban and al-Qaida.

    North Korea

    When President Clinton first learned of the North Korean nuclear program in 1994, a surgical strike against its Yongbyong reactor might have sufficed to send Pyongyang a message that a nuclear North Korea was unacceptable.

    Instead, Clinton allowed Jimmy Carter to engage in some private foreign policy and jet off to the last Stalinist regime on earth to broker a deal whereby North Korea would promise to forgo a nuclear weapons program in exchange for a basket of goodies that included oil, fool and, amazingly, nuclear technology.

    Along the way, Carter praised North Korea's mass-murdering dictator as a "vigorous and intelligent man." And of North Korea itself, Carter said of this habitat for inhumanity: "I don't see they are an outlaw nation."

    Cold War

    Jimmy Carter also once challenged Ronald Reagan's "aggressive" and successful strategy for winning the Cold War. Perhaps he'd like to send one of his Habitat for Humanity crews to rebuild the Berlin Wall brick by tyrannical brick. The fact is that Jimmy Carter could not have done more to damage our national security had he been a hand-picked mole planted in the White House by the KGB.

  • 8 years ago

    It turned out about as well as Obama and Benghazi.

    Trying to run guns up to Syria with CIA trained Libyans, they immediately turned on us and used all the ammo on the consulate.

    What a shame.

  • 8 years ago

    Complete and utter denial.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Shh, you're not supposed to criticize dear leader.

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