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Lv 6

Near death experiences and memories?

I asked before, but I'd like to broaden the answers.

I'm sure we have all heard stories from people who were pronounced clinically dead or experienced a near-death experience where they say they saw heaven/hell or various other experiences perhaps.

It is my understanding that our memories are physical, they are housed in our brain. When we damage a part of our brain we may be unable to retain or recall memories, we may lose short-term/long-term memory. Some suffer from a degenerative disease where we slowly lose our memory.

So how do you theorize that we can have out of body experiences, and yet we can retain the memories of those experiences as we return to our body. I guess what I am looking for is...

Are our memories actually housed in our brains, and our brains are just a tool to access them from our spiritual self.

Or is it more plausible to assume that those "out of body experiences" occurred within the confines of the mind?

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What about reports made by persons who were revived after being reported to be dead and who spoke of another life?

    Normally, after a person stops breathing and the heartbeat ceases, it is several minutes before gradual cessation of the life-force in the body cells begins. If the body is subjected to severe cold, that process can be delayed for hours. For this reason, it is sometimes possible to revive persons by means of cardiopulmonary resuscitation. They were what is termed “clinically dead,” but their body cells were still alive.

    Many persons revived from “clinical death” remember nothing. Others report experiencing a floating sensation. Some say they saw beautiful things; others were terrified by their experience.

    Is there a medical explanation for any of these experiences?

    The medical editor of The Arizona Republic wrote: “When physical prowess is at its lowest ebb, as under anesthesia, or the result of disease or injury, automatic control of bodily functions diminishes accordingly. Thus, the neurohormones and catecholamines of the nervous system are released and pour out in uncontrolled quantity. The result, among other manifestations, is the hallucination, rationalized after returning to consciousness, of having died and returned to life.”—May 28, 1977, p. C-1; also the German medical journal Fortschritte der Medizin, No. 41, 1979; Psychology Today, January 1981.

    Source(s): Reasoning
  • Nous
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    NDE stands for Near Death Experience and thereby lies the clue! No death just fantasy!

    Research has been done in a number of hospitals in a number of countries with the same results.

    Numbers, pictures of codes were placed on top of high points in the wards. In some hospitals patients were told in others they were not.

    In the hospitals where people were told of the test there were no claims! Not even one!

    In the other hospitals there were claims but no one could describe the numbers, pictures etc.

    Then even more interesting it was found that all the claimants had recorded their religion as Christian!

    It appears to be a product of childhood indoctrination!

  • 8 years ago

    I believe there is a lot more to the spiritual side of us than the body and soul. When you speak of the mind or brain you speak of the body. So the spirit within can take us where ever it chooses without the cooperation of the body. The body always wishes not to cooperate. The body holds us back and the mind or brain certainly does. Apostle Paul called it crucifying the flesh daily. You said it right when you said "confines of the mind," because the body confines us and the Spirit does not.

  • 8 years ago

    Those out of body experiences occur within the confines of the mind. While experienced by people of all cultures the details of the experience are obviously tied to the cultural matrix of the person having the experience.

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  • Prism
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Jesus is the all time testimony of resurrected mind, body and spirit .Dr Eban Alexander is a renowned neurosurgeon and before his brain death was a confirmed atheist believing that damaged brain cells are unrecoverable. From a logical perspective, based on both these examples it would not seem impossible for the Author of life to reinvest our bodies with life and restored health ,given the right circumstances.

    Source(s): u tube near death experiences of "downloaded" memory inaccessible from earthly experience. Blessings!
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Hell is real and the world needs Jesus.

    Ex- Marine at 22 was cast into outer darkness in 1994. Arch Angel Michael got him as a 13 foot demonic reptilian being about 4000 pounds was carrying him off.

    hell- shawn weed's testimony part 4 of 5.avi


    Emergency Room

    A respiratory nurse who works in an emergency room told me about a patient who had gone “code red” – he flat lined. She and some other medical personnel rushed over with the defibrillator to try and bring him back to life. They applied the paddles and revived him. She said that he started screaming and shouting “the heat, the heat!” then his heart stopped again. They brought him back a second time. He shouted “The flames, the flames!” They lost him again. Four times the man flat lined and was brought back, each time shouting about the heat or the flames. After the last time, he died and they could not bring him back. She said all the doctors and nurses just stood there for a few minutes and stared at the body. They all knew that man went to hell.

    - Mark Cahill – Book: One Heartbeat Away –


    Journey to the Center of the Earth

    I tell you, the terror is unbelievable. With a spirit body, it cannot be frozen or burned. It simply exists with thousands of sensations, which this nervous system we own down here could not take. It is absolutely Hell. I was surrounded by demons. They seemed to be so excited they were doing a fancy rock and roll dance in honour of getting me there. Thousands of them shouted to me that I would never get out. They didn't realize I was only there for a short period, and told me I was there because I had believed their deceptions whilst I was on Earth. The stench was indescribable. It was the smell of dying and dead flesh. Satan, their captain, is of course the author of death. Jesus called them unclean spirits, and they certainly are that.

    - Dr. Richard Eby - Book: Caught Up into Paradise


    Tug of War for My Soul

    "When Satan said I belonged to him, he was accusing me. He reiterated and confirmed all things I had just been shown and convicted of; he stood there making a legal argument against me. Satan pulled me back with him, and I was drawn back, I felt the torment and started screaming again."

    -Craig Gottschalk -Aviation Mechanic - From the book True Stories of Those Who Have Made the Journey


    A Doctor's Testimony

    "Each time he regained heartbeat and respiration, the patient screamed, "I am in hell!" He was terrified and pleaded with me to help him. I was scared to death...Then I noticed a genuinely alarmed look on his face. He had a terrified look worse than the expression seen in death! This patient had a grotesque grimace expressing sheer horror! His pupils were dilated, and he was perspiring and trembling - he looked as if his hair was "on end."

    - Dr. Maurice Rawlings Specialist on Internal Medicine

    ``````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````Study On NDE Experiences

    “A heart specialist from Chattanooga, Tennessee, has just finished a study of more than 100 patients brought back to life after being clinically dead. The Good News, he said, is that some of them had a blissful encounter with a being of light. The bad news, however, is that over half of the patients had a perfectly appalling time, walking through dimly-lit caverns and seeing fiendish figures brandishing pitchforks beside a smoking, sulphurous lake surrounded by moaning bodies. The doctor now firmly believes hell exists. Reluctantly, he said, I have come to the conclusion it may not be safe to die.’

    - May | June 1979 issue of Parapsychology Review

    Surgical Nurse

    "You're the gutsy one who talks about negative near-death experiences. Keep doing it. Don't stop." I was so startled by her comment, I momentarily slowed my pace and yelled back, "Who are you? What do you mean by that?" Her answer surprised me. "I'm a surgical nurse at a hospital in Phoenix, Arizona. We have lots of near-death cases there, and almost all of them are the negative kind. You know what I mean people who wind up in hell!"

    - P.M.H.Atwater, L.H.D., Ph.D - (92 Journal of Near-Death Studies Vol.10, No.3)

  • 8 years ago

    The mind is a product of a brain. There is no example of consciousness existing outside of a brain.

    By the way, most people who are revived from clinical "death" do not report having any near death experience. Why do you think that is? I think this evidence that near death experiences exist in some people's minds, but not in reality.

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