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Is there a computer connection cord for my old camcorder?

I have a Sony Video Camera Recorder, Model No. CCD-TRV15. It records onto 8mm tapes. I have a DVD/VHS player that can also convert VHS tapes to DVD, but it is too expensive to get Wal-Mart or another company to convert the 8mm tapes to VHS and then DVD. So my questions are: 1. Is there a cord I can use to connect the camcorder to the computer? I know that this camera is so old these may not even exist... and 2. Is there a cheap, but reliable, machine of some sort that I can use to transfer 8mm tapes to DVD or to my computer?

Thanks so much for your input!

3 Answers

  • Mmm J
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Connect the AV-out from the camcorder to an "analog/digital converter". The A/D converter connects to the computer. Elgato, Roxio and lots of others make them. The better ones cost more becasue they work better.

  • 8 years ago

    You need the A/V cable (phono plugs to phono plugs) supplied with it ... quite cheap to replace.

    And, since it is not digital, you need a video capture solution for your computer ... if you have USB2, then this is incredibly cheap...

    Alternatively, you could plug the A/V cable into the AV In of your DVD/VHS, and record from AV in while playing on camcorder - but if you take it via the computer, you can do some cutting & editing

    Only other thing you may need, to avoid an extra sound processing step, is an adapter to split the mono to stereo

  • 8 years ago

    Forget about convert the tapes to VHS. Convert them directly from 8mm to DVD, using the AV cable that came with the camcorder, connecting it to the AV input on your DVD recorder.

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