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  • Is my dog sick?? 8 yrs old. bichon. Sleeping a lot, not walking since yesterday?

    I have an 8-year-old Bichon Frise mutt. We've had her for 5 years & she's never acted like this. Since the day before yesterday she just lay around. Just seemed like she was really sleepy. Now today she is worse--won't walk around, have to carry her outside to see if she needed to pee. She didn't want to eat her favorite food, or anything! Finally got her to drank, but now she's lying down again. Help??

    5 AnswersDogs8 years ago
  • Is there a computer connection cord for my old camcorder?

    I have a Sony Video Camera Recorder, Model No. CCD-TRV15. It records onto 8mm tapes. I have a DVD/VHS player that can also convert VHS tapes to DVD, but it is too expensive to get Wal-Mart or another company to convert the 8mm tapes to VHS and then DVD. So my questions are: 1. Is there a cord I can use to connect the camcorder to the computer? I know that this camera is so old these may not even exist... and 2. Is there a cheap, but reliable, machine of some sort that I can use to transfer 8mm tapes to DVD or to my computer?

    Thanks so much for your input!

    3 AnswersCamcorders8 years ago
  • Hot spot help!! My bichon mutt is eating herself raw!?

    I have a seven-year-old Bichon (mixed with unknown breed) who has had hot spots for several years. A couple weeks ago she got a really bad one on her neck; she was scratching it with her paw CONSTANTLY and it was raw and nasty. Treated it with hydrogen peroxide; it scabbed over and is healing now. But now she has a hot spot on the base of her tail. It started small, but yesterday I was gone from home & when I got back she had chewed more and now there is a 2-3 inch section spreading up her back that is raw pink. I treated it with Neosporin on a Q-tip and she was shaking and crying and crying.

    So, is it okay to use Neosporin on her? Is she maybe allergic to something in it? Also are there any natural/home remedies I could use on her? And why is she getting all these hotspots all of a sudden? (She has had four or five in the past month.)

    2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years ago
  • I can't register for Yahoo Answers on other account!?

    This is not my email and I can't use Yahoo! Answers on my main account--it says Sorry, You can't register for Yahoo! Answers right now

    Thanks for waiting to be involved but it appears there was a problem in getting you joined up. Please try again later." What should I do? It has said this for months.

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • what do small lizards eat?

    i need to know what to give lizards to eat because i just got one and I don't know what to feed it.

    8 AnswersReptiles1 decade ago