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Anyone else notice that a lack of imagination is common amongst theists?

"How can anything exist without God?" -- Uh, easily. There could be other gods, we could be living in the matrix, or things might simply exist without having been created first. LACK OF IMAGINATION.

"The only way to prove God doesn't exist is to look everywhere in the universe." -- Sure, and the only way to prove no triangles have four sides is to manually check each and every one of them. LACK OF IMAGINATION.

"Why would you bother discussing religion when you don't believe in it?" -- Because it's interesting. It's not like Harry Potter fans literally believe in a Wizarding world; they just enjoy discussing fiction. That's exactly what we're doing here, except it's even more exciting, as certain people literally believe it to be true. LACK OF IMAGINATION.

"You worship [science, yourself, dawkins, darwin, satan, etc...]" -- You forget, just because worship is at the centre of your life, does not mean everyone worships something. LACK OF IMAGINATION.


@Don H: I think they're being spoon-fed their imaginary friends. They're not really a product of their imagination at all.

Theist + Imagination = Deist

Update 2:

@3O: "note the blind [propagandistic] hatred for theism expressed on these boards. It's clearly a lack of imagination that prevents sufficient empathy to overcome such eminently shallow hatred." -- Unless it's one of the infinite spectrum of other possibilities. LACK OF IMAGINATION.

Update 3:

@godsproblemchild: "Triangles are by definition three sided you don't need to measure any of them if you find one with more than three sides its not a triangle."

Precisely. And if you find a loving, omnipotent deity that allows you to be mercilessly tortured for eternity, then it's not a loving, omnipotent deity. Welcome to logic.

Update 4:

@Open Heart Searchery: "That didn't go the way you thought it would, did it?"

What, a theist presenting a flimsy, previously debunked argument? No, I never saw it coming! What's more impressive is you posted it on the same page it was debunked.

16 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    You can't have it both ways bub. Either theists are right in their beliefs, or they are imagining it. If the former, then they are right and you are wrong and fine, you can say they don't have a good imagination. If the latter, then they actually have a good imagination and you are wrong.

    So either are wrong.

    That didn't go the way you thought it would, did it?

    EDIT: Debunked? LOL Are you reading the same answers I am? Wow, you got taken apart here... Back to the drawing board, young grasshopper.

  • 8 years ago

    Well i will agree that evolution is the work of an active imagination no doubt about that.

    Arguments like this are the reason why marijuana is still illegal in most states. Triangles are by definition three sided you don't need to measure any of them if you find one with more than three sides its not a triangle.

    And if you find a god who is not self existent without beginning or end, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, then he does not meet the definition of God because by definition there can only be one God. The creator of ALL.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My reality is different from yours young lady, considering i don't know if you even have a consciousness and i cannot prove that you do, therefore i must assume that you could be a hallucination.

    Any scientific study or new theory or new religion could also be halucinations, because it is away from my consciousness henceforth it could simply be an illusion.

    The whole of reality could be an illusion or a hallucination, we could be naked bald people inside tubs filled with liqufied flesh being used as a battery for machines.

    Let them have their beliefs and do not try to change it, because for all we know you could be the result of drugs in my system.

    Good day rainbow alligator lady.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I see a lack of imagination in the mainstream society in general. Love of the Socratic Method of intellectual investigation is shunned in favor of blind deference to scientific authorities and linear progress. Anyone who wants to be a radical innovator is called an "idealist" or derogatorily referred to as a "philosopher" (i.e. wild dreamer).

    All of your arguments can easily be turned against atheists in a slightly altered context. I think this demonstrates one clear theme: we are all equally human. Perhaps it also indicates that the structure of modern industrial societies demands mindless cogs for the production machine so that expressions of non-linear thought are criticized by a generally anti-intellectual society that has, paradoxically, venerated intelligence. In my opinion what we're seeing is a clear demonstration that logic without imagination is highly counterproductive for proliferating human dignity.

    P.S. note the blind [propagandistic] hatred for theism expressed on these boards. It's clearly a lack of imagination that prevents sufficient empathy to overcome such eminently shallow hatred.

    *edit* Look at you now, everything is a LACK OF IMAGINATION because you define imagination in terms convenient for you. Lets not talk specially about infinite variations because such a topic is so broad its a useless avenue of investigation (after all, there are limitations to imagination). In all honesty, I can't see anything but a lack of empathy that would motivate anti-theistic expressions. Anti-theism is, quite simply, a decentralized hate group. Anti-theists are blind to their own membership in a hate group because they lack a coherent collective ideology. Hate on, girl.

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  • 8 years ago

    It's how indoctrination works. Give someone a set of rules and facts that they -know- and they will limit themselves to single minded thoughts. It basically stops free thought and prevents people from leaving religion.

    Now, it's not to say that all religious people are crazy and indoctrinated, but the vocal minority is very annoying and needs to be stopped.

    I would also like to point out that this indoctrination prevents someone from being a philosopher, even though some claim that religion is a philosophy.

  • 8 years ago

    The real problem is not the lack of imagination it's their lack of curiousity.

    The kind of people we're talking about here don't even want to know our answers to those questions. They ask these questions as a way to try to end the conversation, not start it.

    Edit: 3O - I don't know what things are like in your universe but in the one we can all observe people who invent something new, feasible, demonstrable and workable are hailed as innovators and given the highest respect in society. What you're lamenting is that ideas that can't be shown to work aren't given credit. Funny how that works, huh.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The perishing world is full of imaginations, you are so much better than we are, and well, quite impressed.

    Your's is the superior Adolf.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Well theism is imaginary, it's just that someone else has done all the imagining for them and found a way to cash in also

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Imagination does not exist in those who belief. Faith does not need imagination. There is a need for you to learn and understand more about this subject.

  • S K
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    And that their imagination was supplied by the bible.

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