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Why do so many people believe in the theory of evolution when God created the earth and all living things?

In (Romans 1:20) it says: "For his invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world's creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable". I did believe that we were created from apes when I was in school. But, now I know that humans were created by God, and all animals were created by him according to their own kind. They didn't evolve from another species. It is inexcusable to think this as the above scripture points out. Yet, people still believe that we, the universe, and everything living thing came into existence by chance instead of giving credit to our creator Jehovah God.

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is correct, you can't claim to be a Christian and believe a man made theory (not a fact) that contradicts a core teaching of the Bible but unfortunately even religions themselves are adopting this belief. For example: The Catholic church has a belief called bioethics broken down into various parts. I would like to give you a quote from: "Creationism and the Catechism" by Sr. Joan Acker (Dec. 16, 2000) and "Evolution, Evil and Original Sin" by Daryl P. Domning (Nov. 12, 2001) Which was posted over a year ago on the catholic insight magazine site (now can only be viewed if you pay for it)


    "Even though we were told that the original paradise was not real but "mythical", we are assured by Sr. Acker that if we will just do the right thing and display active love for others, particularly the abandoned and destitute, we will make it to a paradise which is real (ref.30). Could Pelagius, the fifth century theologian who thought that humans can take the initial step towards salvation by their own efforts, have said it better?"

    Even though the idea of Adam as our common ancestor, monogenesis (mono=sole; genesis=development) is rejected, it is nevertheless maintained that mankind, together with all other animals, share a common ancestor. This ancestor, they tell us, is not Adam, but must be placed, not at the origin of the human race, but at the origin of life itself, three to four billion years ago.

    All animal behaviour is attributed to Darwin's natural selection. Animals are said to demonstrate not only aggression, but deceit, theft, exploitation, infanticide, cannibalism, and even pride. There is, they say, no human behaviour that we call "sin" that is not found in animals. We, having free will and knowing right from wrong, would sin if we did these things. The implication is that our tendency to sin is simply inherited genetically and is not related to original sin (ref.4 )

    But what does science show us?

    Scientists have found that there is indeed discontinuity between the different ‘kinds,’ and, except for the question of origin, this has been the chief obstacle to the theory of evolution. Even Charles Darwin was forced by the facts to admit: “The distinctness of specific forms and their not being blended together by innumerable transitional links, is a very obvious difficulty.” (Origin of Species, 1902, Part 2, p. 54) This still remains true.

    Certainly we understand that there are slight changes where a particular species has developed due to it's environmental conditions or even through direct breeding (i.e. new variety of dog) BUT they do not change species nor does dna change. Fossil records are clear evidence of this.

    More information on religions and science

    Reconciling Science and Religion

    Is It Unscientific to Believe in God?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I love Yutgoyun's analogy. I used to be gong to endorse one other one. Believe there are two clocktowers in a city. Both are entirely accurate always. One clocktower, the clockmaker lives within the tower and maintains the clock in ultimate situation so it maintains perfect time. The other clocktower, the clockmaker left long in the past, the tower is locked and the clock needs no protection in any respect. Which would you suppose was a greater clockmaker? Undoubtedly the one who created a clock that could run all via itself with out a tending. So if God is superb, I mean thoroughly ultimate, he would have created the sector after which stepped back. The additional development of the arena would be 'programmed' into it. It's an awfully harmless and simplistic view to believe that God just created all of the species, all of sudden. We all know, for instance, that some ninety% of all species that ever lived are actually extinct. So it stands to motive that God created a mechanism for extra 'speciation'. Why couldn't that be evolution? Why could not evolution be part of God's plan? Even supposing you do not forget Genesis to be a 'production fable', in comparison with different primitive production myths it's the most correct by using -a ways- in terms of the chronology of how the universe developed. First there used to be earth, then water, then plants, then fish, then animals, then man. There are a couple of issues--just like the sun coming after the earth--however due to the fact how ancient Genesis is, among the oldest written records that exist on the planet, it can be mighty!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Science explains the big bang was not from nothing but from a singularity that was all the matter and energy in the universe compressed into a single point that then expanded rapidly!

    So it was always here!

    But why are BAD Christians always claiming the big bang came from nothing? Are they that ignorant? Did they sleep through school? Do they think God was not intelligent enough to use the big bang and evolution as his tools or is it that they know the truth but think they can twist it because everyone is gullible?!

    The Pope, Catholic Church, Church of England and mainstream churches all accept the big bang and evolution!

    Lord Carey the former Archbishop of Canterbury put it rather well – “Creationism is the fruit of a fundamentalist approach to scripture, ignoring scholarship and critical learning, and confusing different understandings of truth”!

    Nice that Christians and atheists can agree and laugh together even if it is at fundie expense!

    But behind the laughter is the despair at the fundamentalists striving so hard to destroy Christianity by turning it from a religion to an ideology!

    Surveys suggest that 29% of American Christians are so extremist in their beliefs that they fall well outside of the accepted bounds of Christianity!

  • 8 years ago

    Well for one it's what you see all through grades 1-12 and it the only logical thing we can come up without without God. But the thing you have to understand is Human beings are the only species that are totally aware of their own beings and can thing and analyze. It's like we were made specially to be dominate. If the evolutionary theory was correct then based off of sheer time and evidence wouldn't there be another species with the same type of mental capacity as us. The evolutionary theory is flawed and out of bounds. It how we try to understand our past with science. God is beyond science and most of his work is incomprehensible. Also if we came from apes then there would be an army of intermittent transitional species( Half ape half man) but we haven't found one yet.

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  • Arnie
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I think it's very sad that if someone does not have faith they would want others to agree with them!

    The mystery's of faith an GOD are beyond human comprehension.

    Faith concerns questions which cannot be settled by evidence.

    How can the universe create itself out of nothingness? Given the fact that the universe began to exist, it must have had a “cause” that originated it.Doesn't it make more sense to assume the existence of a Creation.

    You can't see the wind, but you know it is there because you can see what the wind is doing. You can know that the wind is there because you can feel it.God is like the wind, you can't see him.


  • Archer
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You have the process backwards, people "believe" in creation as there is no proof of it and people understand the theory of evolution as there is evidence and proof of it.

    Perceived is not proof but an interpretation of things around you. You apparently do not understand the theory and are stuck on the concept of creation.

    If all requires a creator as "nothing" is by chance as you profess, what or who made your god?

    Think about it!

  • Zach
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Evolution has scientific proof, I don't believe Gods have control over the universe. Evolution doesnt disprove the existance of Gods, it simply disproves that your God created living things. Lots of Christions believe that in evolution, they simply believe God enacted it. I'm a Buddhist and I don't believe in the idea of a single all powerful God. There are many Gods but they don't have any power over the universe and can't save us from suffering. They themselves need saving from suffering. So thats why I don't believe the Christian God created all living things. It only makes sense to believe in evolution the evidence is too strong, also humans weren't created from apes. Humans and apes share a common ancestor.

    Source(s): Buddhist
  • 8 years ago

    Clearly, the only solution is to raise half of our children to become Biology majors while making them secretly believe in creationism. Once they become biologists and slowly replace the evolutionists, they can use the peer review process in favor of creationism and ID. If we have to, we can also use hypnosis to turn them into Manchurian agents.

    The other half of our children will study law so that they can become judges, which will help us get past the lemon test and help us with other political agendas. My plan is completely flawless. FACT.

  • 8 years ago

    Why do so many people think that asking believers in anything but God a question about God means that they should answer their own question by quoting Bible verses?

    Please explain to me the possible reason for God's creation of the rest of the universe and how it benefits us in any possible way.

  • 8 years ago

    Where is the evidence to back up your claim? Other than words in a book that tells us bats are a type of bird, that the Earth is a flat disk or circle.

    People accept evolution because it actually has repeatable scientific evidence to support it. Evolution has been observed to occur.

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