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Why are Republicans considered obstructionists and wrong to oppose President Obama?

Yet when George Bush was President, Democrats were called "the loyal opposition". In fact, Senator Hillary Clinton even said it was the duty of the other side to question The President, and his policies.

Democrats have made clear over the years that Republicans, Conservatives, nor The American People should never question their policies and motives behind those policies. They do all they can to prevent any opposing views from being expressed. Look at the constant attacks from the left aimed at FOX News, Rush Limbaugh. Sarah Palin, and on and on.

Yet these same Democrats defended their right to oppose President George Bush at any and every turn. They criticized Bush openly and often. Liberal hatred for Bush was not hidden. It was in the open for all to see. Liberals even thought out loud about the death of George Bush. There were at least two books written about the assassination of George Bush. If anyone objected, liberals simply hid behind The Constitution, (Freedom of Speech, and Expression). What would these liberals say if a similar book was written today about Obama?

The point of my question is simple. When Republicans are the minority party in Washington, they are "Obstructionists". Yet when Democrats are the minority party, they are "The loyal opposition". Why?

One final thought: My personal belief is that the job of "the minority party" is to question, oppose and sometimes even obstruct The President as needed, and/or required.

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hypocrisy is the rule in DC.

  • Frank
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There is a difference between questioning the President and what the Republicans are doing.

    They are voting to repeal ObamaCare over and over and over, even though they know their votes won't pass, and even though the same plan was something they created and supported before Obama copied it. They are threatening filibusters to avoid voting on appointments made by the President that they know will pass, doing so at an unprecedented rate.

    They aren't being the loyal opposition, forcing a compromise on the President. They are fighting every compromise and fighting everything that the President proposes and using rhetoric that rails against the President, not his proposals.

  • This is because democrats are evil. Simple. When they do it its allright but when the republicans do it its not. The republicans haven't even opposed obama who is the most anti American president you've had. The democrats opposed bush much more and the democrats in the media were always bashing him even though he was a good president and didn't do any bad things compared to obama. Democrats have a double standard where they are allowed to bash republicans even when repubs haven't done anything wrong but repubs can't bash them even if they do many wrongs as they are presently doing and have done so far.

  • 8 years ago

    One of the main points the radical liberals try to pull is the race card, and this is an upper hand to them. One of the points of the race card is dilution, overplaying it, making the call to race lose it's meaning. The thing is, that dilution is not as prominent in the black community, a primary source for the democrats base. Therefore while many of us say, oh that's ridiculous, it's not racism, i disagree with his policies, it strengthens the resolve of those that do buy into the hype to back him more vigorously

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  • 8 years ago

    That's because we on the right actually know what our government is and what it's all about while those on the left are often impressionable and ignorant. The left has demonstrated several times a distinctive ignorance on what politics is all about, and I believe that it is due to their vast ignorance that causes them to prefer a king-like politician who tells them that those who oppose him are evil, and that if they would just stop being evil, he would give them everything they want.

    It becomes the liberal mindset that instead of supporting the necessary political process that is vital to a nation such as ours, they would prefer to simply force their way. After all, any opposition is evil and isn't worth any consideration. Who wouldn't oppose evil? Who would ever seek to allow actual evil a fair say? And that's exactly how the left behaves, like any opposition to them is simply evil.

    Of course, their control over 90% of the major news media helps a lot too because without them, they wouldn't get their propaganda spread, nor so many brainwashed.

  • 8 years ago

    When a liberal is in office all the things that the liberals said about the conservative in office go out the window.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Because this is literally the most unproductive congress in history.

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