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TEENS: Are you scared of the fact that you will die one day and leave this world behind?

Why or why not?

27 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, I am interested. I mean, if I were to die unexpectedly, that would suck so much. I am scared of dying suddenly. I don't want that.

    I mean, I am interested in dying. Not saying I am suicidal, I am interested in what happens next. Or if nothing happens next. So, I am curious about death. Is my grandpa or my aunt or my ancestors really "in a better place?" I want to know. But I want to live a full life first.

    I am not really sad about it because I know everyone dies. A loss is still a loss, but I look at death as the complement to life, not the feared opposite of life.

  • Yes, I am a bit scared. I don't want to die now, and I want to live for a long time, around up to the age of 80. I want to have fun and accomplish all my dreams, be happy, get married, have children and see my grandchildren and maybe even my great grand children.

    I am scared of dying because I think it's 'weird' (not the right word to use) but how the world continues when you are gone and I am scared where I will end up - hopefully heaven with the angels but I don't want to die. I love life but at least when you're dead you're at peace and nobody or anything can hurt you xoxo

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No. I know I will go to a brand new world, someplace with no mental blocks and no fear. Total freedom. I'll have happiness and love and I can see the whole universe if I want to. Not saying I want it right away now, but I won't be scared when it happens.

    That isn't to say I'll get a spotless picture of Heaven. I just feel that we get what we prepare for, because I believe we go back into the unknown parts of our minds when we die, the part that connects to all things in existance, and from there it's literally "all in your head." And as for me, I don't want the adventures to stop. I want to be active and laughing and free, wherever I am.

  • Ayyyyy
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Well, I'm not scared of the act of actually dying. I am somewhat curious, yet scared of what happens next. I think that's interesting. But no, I am not afraid that one day I'll be leaving this world. People die, live goes on without you. I don't believe there's anything to be afraid of.

    The only I'm scared of is not living up to my full potential.

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  • I used to be when I was younger. I would get so scared that I would start crying. But now I understand that it will happen someday and you can't stop it from happening, because everyone is going to go eventually. I'm more worried about HOW I would leave this world (murder, some horrific event, or peacefully).

  • 8 years ago

    Technically I'm not a teen, but I'll answer anyway. NO, because I'm still young and that won't happen for a long time. Also, everyone dies. It's much easier to accept that and live life than constantly fear dying and never enjoy the life that's so precious to you.

  • 8 years ago

    Nope, death is one of the many things that makes us human, And ive learned the value of being human from LTCMD Data from star trek, coolest tv charecter ever! But seriousally death is just something that will happen, its an end, maybe not an end, but its something to make us get up in the morning and think "I have to do something today, because someday i will die and i wont be around to do it" and makes us want to live life to the fullest

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm not afraid to die exactly, but as a Catholic I do fear judgement day and I don't want to leave anything to chance in that area. I know I'm not perfect now, and until I am I'll be afraid. A little.

  • 8 years ago

    No i'll permanently get rid of my sister. I'll never have to see that brat again. Joking aside, i'm fearful. I remember I saw this quote by J.K.Rowling in a interview where she said she involves death a lot in Harry Potter because she know that children and teenagers are much closer to the realization of Mortality then adult remember. I guess it's something we all have to work out by yourself. I'm honestly really fearful that i'll waste my life, more then the Afterlife. Assuming there is one.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Sometimes, yes. Thinking about it can be overwhelming at times. I try not to think about it; I know that's it going to happen eventually, and I accept it, but I don't want to depress myself by worrying about all the things I won't be able to accomplish and the people I'll leave behind and whether or not I'll be in pain, etc. etc. It's just not one of my preferred topics to think about.

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