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Green Machine

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• I've had this account for some time, but I keep changing my name to spice things up. I normally go by Didi. • I'm a measly 16 year old. • I live in New England. • I'm a senior in high school. • I'm pansexual. • I've read over 600 books and I love recommending them to people. • I'm addicted to my cell phone. • Yahoo! Answers is my second sanctuary, after tumblr. Follow my blog: Ask me something:

  • Teens: What was the last thing that made you extremely happy?

    Like EXTREME happiness, not just normal happiness.

    I'm extremely happy because it's my crush's birthday, and I got my acceptance letter in the mail, and I just finished season 2 of Legend of Korra, and today is just a super fantabulous day for me.

    I hope everyone here had an amazing day, too c:

    BQ: What's one of your biggest pet peeves?

    BQ2: What kind of hobbies do you have?

    9 AnswersAdolescent7 years ago
  • Nerd Alert: Are you ready for the premiere of Legend of Korra?

    5 MINUTES! I'm over my friends' house because I don't have cable and I love this show to pieces. I'm so excited. I love this show so much.

    It's the spin-off sequel series to Avatar: The Last Airbender. Season 2 premiere <3

    BQ: What did you think of The Last Airbender? Did you see the movie?

    BQ2: What shows did you primarily watch growing up?

    5 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Do you ever not answer a question because you already know which one is the best answer?

    I'll open like 10 questions at a time and scroll through them, but I only answer like half of them because I'll see the best answer and I don't really see the point in repeating what they said.

    And I don't mean that I don't answer it because I know I won't get the points - I mean like their answer answers the question perfectly, and there's no point for me to put in an answer because they've already said what I would say, or better.

    BQ: How many best answers do you have?

    BQ2: What's your opinion on graffiti as an art form?

    8 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Teens, check this out: "Listen to Wikipedia"?,en

    It's got no ads or anything, I promise.

    Basically, what it says on tumblr is:

    - pluck sounds are an addition

    - strings are are subtractions

    - the pitch says how big the edit is

    - and the orchestral thrum in the background is when someone new joins wikipedia

    It's quite beautiful, truly. And c'mon, you're listening to KNOWLEDGE being ADDED to the WORLD WIDE WEB. If that's not one of the coolest things ever, I don't know what is.

    BQ: Were you listening to anything before I gifted you with the beautiful sounds of knowledge?

    BQ2: Do you know how to play any instrument?

    3 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Teens: Do you use believe in using natural remedies to cure things?

    I somehow got hives yesterday, not sure how, but they're in a nice cluster on the back of my legs. My sister told me to look up how to get rid of them and I kept getting results like "drink green tea", "eat things with lots of vitamin C", and "take a cold shower/put a cold compress on it to reduce swelling" as ways to get rid of the bumps. So far putting ice and hydrocortisone on them has kept the swelling & itching down, but I'm a little curious to try the green tea remedy and see how that works.

    What kind of natural remedies do you use when you're ill, if any?

    BQ: Do you drink tea or coffee? What's your favorite kind?

    BQ2: How often do you eat breakfast in the morning?

    6 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Teens: When was the last time you read good news?

    I don't like looking at the news because I don't like the helpless feeling I get when watching something that I can't do anything about. But when I logged into Yahoo today, the first article I saw was about a 911 operator who had saved a woman's wedding day - by loaning this woman, a complete stranger, her own wedding dress when the woman's had just gotten stolen! I thought that was incredible and it really cheered me up to hear such a sweet story. I feel like we rarely find that in the news today.

    BQ: How did your parents meet, and when were you born?

    ∟ my mom was in college and my dad was working at a comic book store. My dad told me that she would come into the store every afternoon and buy a comic, until one of his coworkers told him that she wasn't coming in for the comics, but because he was working the register x] he ended up asking her out after that, and they had a serious relationship for a little over a year when I was conceived, and they got married shortly after. They got divorced when I was 4 and both remarried, and both of them have 2 kids with their other spouses. But they're still pretty good friends.

    5 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Jumping the bandwagon: my own survey?

    I seriously hope they don't report all of these. They're all so good~!

    Mine is book related!

    1. Firstly, how many of you actually like to read?

    2. What's your favorite book?

    3. Have any of your favorite books become movies?

    4. What was the last book you read?

    5. Have you been assigned any books from your teachers that you actually liked?

    My answers:

    1. Yes, I'm constantly reading.

    2. I have so many favorites, but I have to say that this new book by Ilona Andrews that I'm currently reading is climbing up the favorites latter seriously fast.

    3. Ender's Game is officially in theaters this November - super excite.

    4. Saga, vol. 2 by Brian K. Vaughn & Fiona Staples

    5. Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Alborn.

    11 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Isn't it awesome when there's a full page of really great questions in this section?

    I'm lovin' it.

    BQ: How soon after asking a question do you choose a best answer?

    BQ2: Do you find that sometimes the BQ's are more interesting than the question?

    15 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Woo, new Doctor! What do you Doctor Who fans think of #12?

    I'm personally really excited to see Peter Capaldi in action. He's a pretty good actor and I think he'll make a great Doctor. A lot of people are complaining that he's not a younger, hotter guy, but he's not supposed to be some kind of sex symbol that gets with all the ladies. I've got high hopes for him and I can't wait until he's revealed!

    Whaddaya you guys think?

    BQ: How much TV do you watch?

    BQ2: Are there any movies or shows you really like that no one you know likes?

    9 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • How to get the toddler to use the potty by himself?

    We're trying to potty train my little brother, and he was doing well at first when we would usher him to the potty and stay in there with him and then he'd get a treat afterwards. But now that we stopped going in with him, he'll still come tell us that he has to go potty, but he'll usually pee on the floor outside of the potty and soak his underwear and then come running back to us naked saying his underwear is dirty. My older sister started putting him back in pull-ups, but my mom doesn't want to go back to those.

    Is there any way to get him to use the bathroom by himself? He'll usually do it once a day, but then the other times not make it.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Teens: Are you more likely to click on a question if it starts with "teens"?

    Seems like the thing.

    BQ: Do you have a blog?

    BQ2: Know any neat trivia?

    14 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Teens: What do you have bookmarked on your computer?

    I've got Gmail, Yahoo, Tumblr, Facebook, Pandora, Goodreads, my school website, and Homestuck bookmarked at the moment. Those are the websites I visit most, so I find it incredibly convenient to bookmark them instead of typing them over again.

    BQ: Do you order things online? Clothes, books, etc.? What was the last thing you ordered online?

    13 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Teens: When was the last time you saw a movie in theatres?

    I just saw Red 2, and oh my god, it's so funny. My mom had to drag me away from the book I was reading in order to go see it with her, but man I'm glad she did. Totally recommend it. I almost cried from laughing so hard.

    BQ: Are there any book-to-movie adaptions coming up that you're looking forward to?

    - I'm personally psyched for Ender's Game, even with all the controversy about OSC: it's my dad's favorite book, my little brother was named after it, and I enjoyed reading it to him. I'm not blowing off the issues that people have with Card, but at the same time, I'm going to see it for my dad and my brother, not in support of an anti-gay author.

    20 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Teens: Are any of you gamers?

    I'm not much of a gamer, but my guyfriends are trying to teach me the life of gaming; so far I've managed to get stuck somewhere in the middle of Assassin's Creed 2, kicked some butt against my family in Injustice, and am currently attempting to figure out how to play Minecraft on my boyfriend's server with my POS computer. I'd say it's going well, but I am so out my league when playing against these guys. But whatever, it's fun.

    BQ: What's your opinion on feminism?

    BQ2: Do children frustrate you?

    11 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • OH NO? Where did everybody in this section go?

    This section is looking a little dead lately (especially since A Hopeful Pessimist went on temporary leave). I rarely ask questions, but I think it's time I start pulling my weight in this section a bit.

    1. Is there anything that you had trouble understanding the first time you read/heard/saw it, but now it's very meaningful to you personally?

    2. Where did you get your top 3 most prized possessions?

    3. Do you think learning about foreign language and culture is as important to learn as math and reading?

    There will most likely be more where these came from.

    9 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Teens: Any "guilty pleasure" songs?

    I've been listening to that new single "Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke for a week's so not my style, but I can't stop listening to it. Aahhh. Plus I really like his eyes. I think he has the sexiest eyes.

    What're your guilty pleasure songs?

    BQ: What are some songs that make you think "summer"? (Mine is "Someday" by Sugar Ray.)

    BQ2: What are your summer plans?

    9 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Teens: I think my computer is depressed? (music related question)?

    I turned on Pandora on my computer, and I kid you not, it played in this order:

    "Pain" by Three Days Grace

    "Last Resort" by Papa Roach

    "Dear Agony" by Breaking Benjamin

    I'm a little concerned, to say the least.

    Anyway, on to the actual questions:

    1. What were the last 3 songs you listened to?

    2. What's your current favorite song?

    3. Do you have any movie soundtracks?

    Thanks for answering :)

    9 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Stressing out because of school workload?

    Basic run-down:

    1. I missed 2 days of school recently, and I've got a timeline, at least 30 response questions, annotations, a packet on JFK, the last few paragraphs of a research assignment, a math worksheet, and a chemistry worksheet to do. And I can't focus.

    2. I also have to study for my SAT test next Saturday and my 2 AP tests the following Friday and succeeding Wednesday. I'm okay, except for math percentage is really low. Not fatally, but relatively. I can't seem to get basic questions. I'm practicing on College board at least once a week on top of everything else, and even the easy questions leave me mind-blank.

    I'm seriously on the verge of tears right now. I can barely focus on any of my work because I'm so stressed out about all of it and it's driving me crazy. Help, please!

    2 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Teens: Worst movie sequels?

    I'm flipping through Netflix trying to find something good to watch but they have all these crap sequels to good movies like "Mean Girls 2" and "Legally Blondes", which are like the original movies, but's dumb as all get out.

    BQ: What's your favorite movie?

    BQ2: Do you buy movie soundtracks?

    BQ3: What are you doing today?

    9 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago
  • Was it wrong of me to call my friends out on their actions? (Kind of long?)?

    Okay so on Thursday, I flipped out on one of my friends because she told my best friend that I called him my boyfriend and wanted to know why we were dating again because we're so dysfunctional in a relationship. I called her out on it because I told her after I called him that that it was a slip of the tongue and I didn't mean it, and not to tell him because he'd get his knickers in a twist about it (which he did). I told her to stay out of my relationship and to keep her mouth shut about us (there's a lot of gossip that gets spread about him & I; it's annoying) and that she doesn't need to concern herself with it. We haven't talked since then.

    Today, I called out said best friend before class because I was trying to get him to do something for me and then I asked him to get my jacket because I was cold and he told this kid that sits in between us who loves to pick on me to take my jacket and put it somewhere. So the kid throws it on top of our teacher's dirty bookshelf where I can't reach it and my friend thought it was really funny because he didn't think the kid would actually do it. I got mad and told him to go get it for me (I'm short, so obviously I can't reach it, and I didn't feel like making a fool of myself trying to get it down.) and he did but told me to "come off it" because I was upset. I told him not to talk to me unless he was going to apologize. I confronted him about it at lunch but he kept teasing me about it despite me saying it wasn't funny. He ended up not talking to me until the end of the day when I asked him about a lengthy and curse-full text I angrily sent him after lunch, but he said he wouldn't apologize because I was overreacting, even though I told him that I wasn't because that had really bothered me and I wasn't going to tolerate it from him. Now we're not talking.

    Is it wrong of me to get angry at them? I really don't like what they were doing and I'm not going to sit around and act like it doesn't bother me. Should I ask them to apologize or wait for them to do it?

    4 AnswersAdolescent8 years ago