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Lv 6
? asked in SportsCycling · 8 years ago

Cyclists: Do you ever get scared when riding down a hill really fast?

I've recently started road riding and I live in a very hilly area. I go on lots of road rides and go down (and unfortunately up) lots of hills. When I'm going down hills despite being a little worried I put it up into the highest gear and pedal as fast as I can down the hill, I reach some really high speeds. I enjoy it and I get a thrill from it but at the same time I'm absolutely crapping myself! I go through all these scenarios in my head of me falling off and really badly hurting myself.

Does anybody else feel like this when going down hills?


By really fast I mean as fast/faster than the cars.

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm most uncomfortable in fast descents when there are crossing roads where cars are likely to pop out of them right in front of me regardless of the speed I'm going. In general, I don't mind descents in the low 40s mph.The fastest descent I ever did was 55 mph and it scared the ever-lovin' bejezuz out of me. I won't be doing that again.


  • 8 years ago

    Anyone with imagination will inevitably consider what could go wrong ... and that will probably lead to some caution going down hills. So I would say you are normal ... crave the rush from fast descents, but aware of the risks.

    Personally I am fairly cautious going down big hills since I have had some bad experiences (including a bad crash at about 40 mph when I hit some gravel near the bottom of a steep hill). I've also had a blowout on the front wheel of a tandem just as I went into an s-bend ... that was hairy. The worst thing you can do -- and I've had to fight it in years past -- is tense up and risk starting a nervous tremor.

    I've ridden with "fearless" hill descenders ... one guy I know passed two cars after hitting 113 kph (70 mph, on a tandem) on a steep downhill, and another who goes full-out into twisty mountain descents he has never been on before (in my view stupid) ... and none have had catastrophic experiences, but the risk is there and to NOT be aware of it and exercise reasonable precautions would be stupid.

    That all said, every time someone gets on a bike they take a risk, and while crashing on a fast downhill would undoubtedly be cause for potential serious injury or death (one person I know hit sand on a turn at the bottom of a hill and broke his pelvis in the resulting crash) it's unlikely if a) the bike is mechanically sound, b) speed is moderated on unknown roads, and c) you ride "loose but vigilant". However, going faster than cars is highly risky and, in my view, stupid.

  • Tex T
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Sometimes down mountain roads I'll be in the mid to high 30s and if the turn is a full 180 degrees I'll need to lean the bike over much further than I would like to get the bike around the turn if I misjudge and enter it too fast. Then I have to fight the urge to touch the brakes which can actually make the situation worse by causing the bike to go slightly straight and not track the turn maybe forcing you into on coming traffic. So fear can tell you when you're exceeding your skill level.

  • 6 years ago

    No I just pay close attention and do not do crazy speeds in the rain because it's to slippery. The fastest I have gone is 40 mph on my hybrid bicycle with street tires, I felt like is was starting to lift off the ground, tires screaming, hard to see small rocks ahead that I could fall hitting,and shorts and short sleeves. If I could react in time, I would role over slide on my backpack, kick my legs up and slide on my helmet as well. I have do 30 mph on blind corners with my knee a foot off the ground drifting toward other lanes,. I don;t do much of it anymore because I have done it several times, you come around the corner and a car, rocks, wet spot, person could be hiding around turn, you round the corner and at full speed crash, not fun, i'm grateful that has not happened to me.

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  • Tim
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Scared is not the right word. I would call it focused. When I hit speeds of 40+mph I have to be incredibly focused especially on things like road debris.

    It is a little scary to pass cars because legally you should pass on the left (right in UK) even if you are on a bike. Cars are not expecting to see cyclists passing them at 40 mph so they can react unpredictably.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Heading down into North Shore doing about 45 plus and yes I thought about it for about two seconds. Some things are not worth thinking about. Its funny that I shake my head in disapproval when I see someone on a motorcycle wearing shorts and t-shirts but look at me fly down that hill with those tight little shorts on.

  • Red E3
    Lv 6
    8 years ago


    a good stiff gust of wind that makes my bike move is disturbing when descending.

    At times just pure speed is a bit alarming.

    I use brakes when I feel I am past the point of control

  • 8 years ago

    No. That's why bicycles have brakes. Define 'really fast'?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    don;t pass cars on the right though


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