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In Bibles that use the word "Godhead"?

where do they say that it refers to a God that is composed of three co-equal, co-eternal persons who are each called God and that they also make up the same God?

10 Answers

  • Elijah
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The word theotes appears ONLY ONCE (Col. 2:9) in the entire New Testament (and NEVER in the ancient Greek translation of the Old Testament. It has been rendered in various trinitarian translations as follows: "Godhead" - KJV, ASV, NEB, REB, MLB; "deity" - RSV, NASB, NRSV, NIV, NAB, CBW, Mo, By; "divinity" - JB, NJB.

    It should be remembered also that "Godhead" as found in the older English Bibles (such as KJV) HAD A DIFFERENT MEANING THAN IT HAS COME TO HAVE IN MODERN ENGLISH. "In older English ['Godhead'] was a synonym for divinity" - p. 221, Vol. 2, A Dictionary of the Bible, Hastings, 1988 printing; and p. 362, An Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon, Liddell and Scott, Oxford University Press, 1994 printing.

    Theotes simply does not literally mean "godhead," and the use of "godhead" by the KJV translators was not intended as some would understand it today. Actually, the heavenly Father, *alone*, is the closest thing to a literal "Godhead" to be found anywhere in the inspired Scriptures. (See 1 Cor. 11:3)

    Recommended Related Articles:

    Col. 2:9

    Col. 2:9; "Divine"

    Godhead (Col. 2:9) - Links to Information

    Source(s): Custom Search Engine ( (ENTIRE SITE) Including Watchtower Online Library)
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    sure, "be conscious of God" is the content cloth, message that the bible attempt to place across, as a results of fact the catholic and the protestant concept are distinctive, they gained't use their counterpart's Bible and make that declare. And the declare has not something to do with the wording too, there are various bible in distinctive languages and interpretations like NIV, KJV etc. besides the shown fact that the message is the comparable. besides the Bible isn't a e book of dogma, it inviting investigations, study from persons, so the content cloth and the applying of it is the genuine deal. Ethnic(Jews) rituals or close by(center east) know-how relationship decrease back to early advert might impact the validity of the classes telling. If somebody upload/burn some internet site or the entire bible together with his loose will, it makes no distinction the e book burnt is somewhat the Bible that maximum Christians conserving expensive or "Javascript Bible", a reference for information superhighway internet site developer. The be conscious of God is the message believers can get from the Bible, not equals the Bible in its actual style.

  • 8 years ago



    The three headed beast called the trinity is false doctrine.


    God is a Spirit ! _____ Not a person___ a person has limits _____God has NO LIMITS !!


    ( Colossians 2:9 ) KJV

    "For in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily."


    Colossians is talking about Jesus ! . Jesus has ALL the fulness and because Jesus is God in the flesh, God/Jesus is not going to give His glory to another .


    People of the trinity say___God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost....


    Here is the problem___God the Son___ is not in the bible, at least the King James bible___


    We can NOT have three persons____because>>> who<<< would be ALL powerful !!


    Luke 11:17 KJV

    "But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation ; and a house divided against a house falleth "


    The Holy Ghost is not a third person in the Godhead, but rather the manifestation of the Spirit of God ( the Creator ), and of the resurrected Christ, coming to dwell in the hearts and lives of all men, who will be obedient to the gospel, as the Comforter, Sustainer, and the Keeper ( John 14 : 16—26; Rom. 8 : 11 ) .


    So There are not three Gods, but three MANIFESTATIONS of the One God.

    “ These three are one “ ( 1 John 5 : 7 )


    Jesus is the Son of God according to the flesh ( Rom. 1:3 ). and the very God Himself according to the Spirit ( Matt. 1 : 23 ).___ “ Behold , a virgin shall be with child , and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is , God with us ”___

    Jesus is the Christ ( Matt. 16:16, the creator of all things ( Col. 1: 16,17 ) ; God with us

    ( Matt. 1 :23 ) ; God made flesh ( John 1 : 1 );

    God manifested in the flesh ( 1 Tim. 3 : 16 ) ; He which was, which is and which is to come. THE ALMIGHTY

    ( Rev. 1 : 8 ; Isa. 9: 6 ).

    To this, Jesus Himself testified when He said : "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father " ( John 14:7--11 ) ; and " I and my Father are one" ( John 10:30 ).

    Since it took shedding of blood for the remission of the sins of the world ( Heb. 9 : 22 ), God as the Father, being a Spirit, had no blood to shed; so He prepared a body of flesh and blood ( Heb. 10: 5 ), that He might fulfill the prophecy of ( Isa. 43:11; ) " Beside Me there is no Saviour " ; and caused the angels to sing, " For there is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is CHRIST, THE LORD " (Luke 2 : 11).


    ( Matthew 1:18 ) KJV

    Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together , she was found with child of the HOLY GHOST"


    The child that was in Mary was not of the FATHER ! !


    ( Acts 17:29 ) KJV

    " Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device"


    Source(s): . .. Apostolic Believer In One God, Jesus . . King James bible . .
  • 8 years ago

    I do not believe that any Bible actually has the word "Godhead" in it. The concept comes from trying to explain some verses that reference God, Christ (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. Most call this the Trinity and after much study all that I can say is I don't understand it. Because of this with me it is a "non-issue", meaning what you believe on the subject may be right or it might be wrong and I don't think any one is going to Hell because they don't understand it. That is based on the very simple mind of mine hoping God does not condemn be for being wrong, so I hope that if others who believe differently then me are wrong that they receive the grace (mercy) that I hope to receive if I am in error.

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  • TeeM
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Bible Dictionary,.

    Godhead definition

    (Acts 17:29; Rom. 1:20; Col. 2:9), the essential being or the nature of God.

    Looking up "essential you get this meaning: "being such by its very nature"

    Thus 'Godhead' means 'having the nature of God' and doesn't literally mean 'one is God'.

    Jesus as the exact representation or the express image of God must by nature be similar to God.

    (Hebrew 1:3)


  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    It actually is an old english word and in modern english it would be translated as "God-like" or "Divine"

    But the catholic church have kept it in to create confusion and push their idea of the trinity, by calling our God a godhead, pretty insulting actually.

    Source(s): Watch all the Catholics and fundies thumb me down, that's all the source you need :P (I read the original greek and latin versions from which the KJV and NIV were formed)
  • 8 years ago

    If the Trinity is true, it is degrading to Jesus to say that he was never equal to God as part of a Godhead. But if the Trinity is false, it is degrading to Almighty God to call anyone his equal, and even worse to call Mary the “Mother of God.” If the Trinity is false, it dishonors God to say, as noted in the book Catholicism: “Unless [people] keep this Faith whole and undefiled, without doubt [they] shall perish everlastingly. And the Catholic Faith is this: we worship one God in Trinity

  • 8 years ago

    I'm not sure there is a version that uses the word God-Head or Trinity. They are good words that describe the concept. Jesus said He was God. The Bible also says Jesus didn't consider Himself equal with God so He chose the lower Being, the Son. They are separate entities but One in spirit...purpose.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I believe that is a madeup word, just like the trinity lie.

    The New Encyclopædia Britannica says: “Neither the word Trinity, nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord’ (Deut. 6:4). . . . The doctrine developed gradually over several centuries and through many controversies. . . . By the end of the 4th century . . . the doctrine of the Trinity took substantially the form it has maintained ever since.”—(1976), Micropædia, Vol. X, p. 126.

    The New Catholic Encyclopedia states: “The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century. But it is precisely this formulation that has first claim to the title the Trinitarian dogma. Among the Apostolic Fathers, there had been nothing even remotely approaching such a mentality or perspective.”—(1967), Vol. XIV, p. 299.

    In The Encyclopedia Americana we read: “Christianity derived from Judaism and Judaism was strictly Unitarian [believing that God is one person]. The road which led from Jerusalem to Nicea was scarcely a straight one. Fourth century Trinitarianism did not reflect accurately early Christian teaching regarding the nature of God; it was, on the contrary, a deviation from this teaching.”—(1956), Vol. XXVII, p. 294L.

    According to the Nouveau Dictionnaire Universel, “The Platonic trinity, itself merely a rearrangement of older trinities dating back to earlier peoples, appears to be the rational philosophic trinity of attributes that gave birth to the three hypostases or divine persons taught by the Christian churches. . . . This Greek philosopher’s [Plato, fourth century B.C.E.] conception of the divine trinity . . . can be found in all the ancient [pagan] religions.”—(Paris, 1865-1870), edited by M. Lachâtre, Vol. 2, p. 1467.

    John L. McKenzie, S.J., in his Dictionary of the Bible, says: “The trinity of persons within the unity of nature is defined in terms of ‘person’ and ‘nature’ which are G[ree]k philosophical terms; actually the terms do not appear in the Bible. The trinitarian definitions arose as the result of long controversies in which these terms and others such as ‘essence’ and ‘substance’ were erroneously applied to God by some theologians.”—(New York, 1965), p. 899.

    Even though, as Trinitarians acknowledge, neither the word “Trinity” nor a statement of the Trinitarian dogma is found in the Bible, are the concepts that are embodied in that dogma found there?

    At Acts 17:29, Paul, when in Athens, showed that it is illogical for humans to imagine that “the Divine Being [to thei′on, form of thei′os] is like gold or silver or stone.” Many translators here use terms such as “the Godhead,” “the Deity,” or “the divinity” (KJ, AS, Dy, ED, JB, RS), while E. J. Goodspeed’s translation says “the divine nature.” According to The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, the expression to thei′on “is derived from the adjective theíos, meaning ‘pertaining to God,’ ‘divine.’” (Edited by G. Bromiley, 1979, Vol. 1, p. 913) Liddell and Scott’s Greek-English Lexicon gives as the meaning “the Divinity.” (Revised by H. Jones, Oxford, 1968, pp. 787, 788) So the phrase to thei′on can be understood to refer to a person or to a quality. Obviously, then, the context must guide the translator in his choice of words. Here at Acts 17:29, the context clearly shows that the person of God is being described, and so the expression is appropriately rendered “Divine Being” in the New World Translation.—Compare NIV.

    I shot this at the Trinity Church in Copenhagen Denmark. Does this look like God?

    John 10:30 The Message (MSG) 25-30 Jesus answered, “I told you, but you don’t believe. Everything I have done has been authorized by my Father, actions that speak louder than words. You don’t believe because you’re not my sheep. My sheep recognize my voice. I know them, and they follow me. I give them real and eternal life. They are protected from the Destroyer for good. No one can steal them from out of my hand. The Father who put them under my care is so much greater than the Destroyer and Thief. No one could ever get them away from him. I and the Father are one heart and mind.”

    "EDIT" The person that calls himself or herself "the Christian", I have a question for you to contemplate. Do all branches of the US government claim they all have equal power? NO? Well then I guess that's not a good analogy of the Trinity Lie.

    Source(s): 76 years of common sense, 65 years of research and 50 years of Bible study and 40 years as one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. I don’t make any snap decisions.
  • 8 years ago

    Is the US government with three branches or is it three governments with one branches? Ponder this question and then look at the trinity...Jesus loves you so much

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