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Wiccans: How to deal with a Wiccan who blatantly breaks the Wiccan Rede?

Being Wiccan Clergy I was thinking, what if it came to my attention that there is a person calling themselves a Wiccan who is doing HARM to other?. Wiccan Rede: Do as you will with Harm to none! How should this be dealt with?

7 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Remind the wrong doer of the law of Karma. OTher than that not much. You might want to do what you could to support and help the one who was harmed.

    Believe me karma can take someone to their knees and destroy them. Some are so misguided that they willing risk the rule of the three or Karma to get what they want. I have no use for those who do this. I keep myself as separate as I can from them and let others know that most of us DO NOT share the wrong doer's beliefs or ways.

    Karma will take care of them.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    If they are breaking the law, call the cops.

    If they are part of, or connected to your group, then follow whatever procedure you have in place.

    If they are solitary or part of another group and they aren't breaking the law, then by all means have a chat with them, but if they dismiss your concerns, there's little you can do.

    Not all Wiccans follow the Rede, after all.

  • Demi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I'm not Wiccan, but I am my faith's version of clergy as well. I've always viewed our jobs as clergy to help the other person be the BEST version of us that they can be, by their request. I've also the grave misfortune (or great fortune, depending on your POV, because I can spot the warning signs a mile away now) to belong to a faith that attracts a lot of racists. I deal with the situation of dishonorable behavior among those who claim the same base faith that I claim on a regular basis. I try NOT to do that as I am not my group's "spiritual police", but sometimes it must be done.

    If they are doing actual harm, as in physical harm, I of course report them to the proper authorities. That will not stand when it comes to my attention, and I imagine it will not with you, either. If they are doing some sort of perfectly legal harm, I do try and lead them away from that path. I have counseled more than one such person and while a few have resisted every bit of reason and charm I could throw their way, with time and patience and with never a single harsh word, I have had several see the error of their ways themselves. It's an amazing thing to watch happen when it does. The first time I saw it, it really did cross their face - that sudden clarity of thought and the wrongness of their actions suddenly - I can't even describe it. I might as well have punched him in the gut, the reaction was that swift and strong. I also ALWAYS warn others of any group of them if the behavior is predatory in any way, so when the larger community becomes aware of their actions (which will sometimes happen), there is also a group of us that is there to counter it.

    Sometimes though, nothing you do or say will sway the other from their chosen path of (for lack of a better word) douchebaggery. In that case, the victim of their harm should be aided in any way possible, whether they are of the same faith or not. If they refuse your aid and fail to heed your warnings, then you really can't do much more than back away yourself. If you do not, you are putting yourself in harm's way by worrying for someone who fails to see the harm and does not wish your help to avoid it.

    One of the worst things you can do though, at least in my opinion, is deem that person "not a real Wiccan" to the wider community, though that is so very incredibly tempting. The simple truth of the matter is we all have the right to spiritual self determination, we are all human and we are all fallible. It is better to say something like "they may be Wiccan, as I am, but that is not how the overwhelming majority of us practice our faith or honor our deities. We do not approve of such behaviors." You cannot determine another person's "Wiccan-ness" any more than I can determine another person's level of "appropriate Heathenism". We can simply disagree with their deeds and try to repair the damage our reputations suffer as a result of their actions, and in so doing, we will not just repair our reputations, we will improve and strengthen them by refusing to just cast the other out as if they had no say in the matter of their own faith path, no matter how poorly they follow its ethos.

    Best of luck and I hope you are able to resolve this to the satisfaction of all.

  • 8 years ago

    Call the police. Testify about what you saw at the trial.

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  • 8 years ago

    Call the cops.

  • John D
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Step on their Chakras or punch them in the aura.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    LOL... that's about 75% of those I've met...

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