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Lv 7
Wiggy asked in SportsWrestling · 8 years ago

Why do you think WWE feels the need to include Triple H into the Daniel Bryan - John Cena match ?

They put him in the Punk-Cena match a few years ago at Summerslam, and they're doing the same thing again. (Kayfabe wise, Triple H actually blew a call that lead to Punk's victory). So how can they say that Triple H will call it right down the middle, when again, kayfabe wise, he's not equipped enough to be referring?

Bryan vs Cena has the chance to be the match of the year, so why does Triple H feel the need to get involved? It's ridiculous. Do I think they'll still put on a great match? Absolutely. But not having an actual ref will hurt the overall quality of the match IMO. Things just aren't as smooth with a special guest referee.

So why include him? Bryan and Cena don't need a special guest ref. Those two alone have done a great job the past few weeks building up this feud.

Is it ego? Can Triple H just not stay out of the spotlight?

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    H will screw them bcuz they cant decide weather they wanna lose their fans and give bryan the belt or lose fans by cena winning so if H screws them cena will retain the belt and it wont be his fult ... Or ortan will become champ (i dislike cena)

  • 8 years ago

    It shocked me when Triple H assigned himself as the Special Guest Referee for the match. I think everything is done for a reason, so Triple H will play some part in this match rather it be a small or a large part. Personally, I feel as though it adds to the unpredictability. A regular referee would've called it down the middle but I doubt that's how things will pan out on Sunday. There is a large amount of scenarios that could happen now that a new referee has been appointed.

    1 -- The match is called down the middle. Triple H shows absolutely no bias and gives either John Cena or Daniel Bryan the win.

    2 -- Triple H screws John Cena. I doubt this will happen because Triple H is a face, however, Triple H has shown that he favors Bryan in the match. Maybe he can work as a heel for now.

    3 -- Triple H screws Daniel Bryan. I also doubt this possibility as Triple H favors Bryan. However, maybe Mr. McMahon convinced or bribed Triple H into doing it.

    4 -- Triple H is knocked out mid-match and Mr. McMahon assigns Brad Maddox as the new referee. Maddox tries his best to screw Bryan but Cena doesn't allow it and Bryan takes advantage (or, Bryan doesn't allow it and Cena takes advantage).

    Either way, I see Orton cashing in his briefcase and aligning with Mr. McMahon as the "corporate champion".

  • As stated in The Professional Wrestling Media months ago, The McMahon Family (Vincent Kenedy McMahon, Paul Levesque, Stephanie McMahon Levesque) plan to be involved on WWE Programs every single week in building up to and including Wrestlemania 30. Having Triple H asThe Special Referee in The Main Event gives Vince and Stephanie an excuse to be at The Pay Per View.

  • 8 years ago

    As reported by ''Wrestling Observer Newsletter'':

    The match is expected to end up as the kickoff of the WrestleMania angle with the McMahons. HHH being added as referee is not because they think Bryan doesn’t have enough star power and they need HHH there. Quite the opposite. HHH is there because this is a high profile title match, the biggest since WrestleMania, and the right spot for the angle to kick off the McMahon family.

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  • 8 years ago

    Triple H is going to play a part in either one of these scenarios:

    1. Triple H will screw Cena/Bryan out of the title.

    2. Triple H will be fair and unbiased, Bryan wins, then McMahon will sic Orton on Bryan thus causing friction between McMahon&HHH in the on air power struggle

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    To fuel his massive ego and bury Bryan.

  • 8 years ago

    because there both fan favorites so they dont want them to either lose and so there will be an interferiance guarrantee, i swear its getting old they need to start putting faces to fight each other fair and square

    please answer mine people

  • 8 years ago

    to try to sell more PPVs

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago


    " Keep going , and it becomes the

    ' T R I P L E - T H R E A T Match ! '

    for the W . W . E . Championship ;

    with W. W. E. ' Money in the Bank '

    briefcase holder , @ r i n g s i d e ! "


    Source(s): ___________________________________ " I need not mention , ' . . . with our same , SPECIAL REFEREE at SUMMERSLAM ' ! " ___________________________________ - ' Merciless Mental ' Inglewood Stuntman , current W. W. E. HARDCORE Champion . ___________________________________
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