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What would you do/say if you found a triangle with four sides?

The above question is stupid. I wouldn't expect you to imagine such an impossible scenario. You could try to imagine such a triangle, but you'd typically either imagine a triangle with three sides, or some sort of quadrilateral. That's because a four-sided triangle cannot exist, and this is the only sensible answer you can give to such an absurd question.

With that being said, and this is my real question, why do Christians expect me to tell them what I would say if I found (after I died) an omni-benevolent being who, at one point, destroyed almost every living being on the planet? The only sensible answer is, such a being cannot exist.


@Lightning: A flexible mind is right. I can't even comprehend the mental gymnastics required to show that genocide is an act of loving towards its victims, especially when the victims are just being sent towards infinite torture. Sort of like the way I can't comprehend the mental gymnastics required to imagine a triangle with four sides.

(Actually "genocide" seems to be too small in scope. Omnicide?)

Update 2:

@Go ahead and hate me: You said it yourself: a pyramid is not a triangle. A triangle is a closed polygon with three sides, by definition. A polygon is a path in an affine space, geodesic metric space, or some other kind of geometric space for which any two points are connected via a unique line, formed by taking a finite number of points in some order, and connecting successive points with line segments between them. Closed means the first point and the last point are the same.

A pyramid simply does not satisfy this definition. It contains infinitely many line segments.

Update 3:

@3O: Every distinction we make is one of convenience. If it weren't so convenient to distinguish, we'd call everything a "thing" and be done with it.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The problem is, you've tried to equate a definitional contradiction with something you consider to be an oxymoron. And the fact is, oxymorons do exist. Someone with a flexible enough mind can imagine a scenario where an omnibenevolent being might destroy a planet; it is something that could be argued to be plausible. Whereas a four-sided shape is by definition not a triangle, so you're just stringing words together to create nonsense.

    Then again, I'd imagine you're used to that.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Doesn't quantum mechanics and the study of human psychology collectively tell us that we don't know ****? It's better just to keep an open mind even when the initial answers appear promising. Oh, wait. You must be a cosmic idealist. Logic is perfect and humans are capable of being perfectly rational.

    From the other answers (and I wasn't creative enough to see it myself) I gather that the evidence/argument is often arbitrary. For intellectual purposes, the distinction between a triangle and a pyramid is one of convenience.

  • I only chose to answer the first question, as the answer came to me almost instantly.


    Now, I know that technically a pyramid is not a triangle, and can only exist in a three-dimensional environment; and a triangle can only be a two-dimensional object. A pyramid in a two-dimensional environment is a triangle. My mental gymnastics linked the two together instantly.

  • 8 years ago

    Yeah, I know. Belief is not logic. It's completely okay to have belief, but don't expect those who live their lives by it to make sense to you. They don't care if the world makes sense or not.

    And I guess a triangular prism with 4 triangular faces would have four sides, but that's not a triangle, or even a polygon, so I think you would have to go into the fourth dimension for that to happen. And even though we only live in 3 space dimensions and a fourth would defy our laws of physics, such a shape could theoretically exist. I can't explain how though, I think a black hole might form in the center of my brain.

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  • shawn
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Triangles with four sides are called pyramids. Pretty easy if you just use your head and think about it. So yes triangles can be four sided, it is just no longer called a triangle even thought it has four sides. People who can't think for themselves never give answers from themselves. They wait for others to give them an answer. Better be a scientist however though if they are to accept any answer.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Join 3 triangles from the top and have one triangle at the bottom joining them all.

    A pyramid has 5 sides and the base is a square

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    hehe ... your triangle analogy is a bad example of what you're saying about God.

    if you say that 'such a being cannot exist', then you're outrightly calling the bible a lie.

    yet this very being can make and destroy.

    yes, since He has the POWER to create, He also posses the power to ___ ? destroy

    there are two sides to every matter, yes or no ? yes, indeed

    think about this ...

    there goes your analogy.

  • 8 years ago

    I am still trying to figure out what your question is since all you are doing is ranting about how superior you are to Christians. Yay for you!

    Try the mental challenge of being open minded. It might be really hard for you, but perhaps with practice, you might one day get it.

  • 8 years ago

    Does a cubic triangle not have four sides? Thinking yes to God like Christ becomes higher. Thinking no goes lower.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    (What would you do/say if you found a triangle with four sides?)

    In a emotionless and robotic voice: Wow look it's a cube...

    "Gets on with life"

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