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I'm a 15 year old atheist who usually spends his time in the Religions & Spirituality category. My reason for being here is to expand my own knowledge on the subject, and to introduce myself to new ways of thinking.

  • What are some good online courses on cooking?

    I know absolutely nothing about the culinary arts, so preferably introductory type courses. A youtube channel would be great, but an interactive website would be even better.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • What hobbies can I take up to be more interesting?

    I went on a date today, and it was very obvious that while the other person was very active and productive, I'm pretty passive. For example, she travels, I don't. She has a scuba license, I am learning computer coding. She plays water polo, I play the piano.

    She's going to be away for a while. What can I do while she's going to become more socially interesting and impressive?

    4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts7 years ago
  • Any advice for going on a date?

    We're going to bike to the beach and get ice cream, but besides that, our plans are a little ambiguous. I've taken her to a dance before, but besides that, it's our first date.

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Help me out please?

    Yes, wrong category, I know. This is a quick question.

    My profile avatar wasn't working before, and other people saw me as the default. I made a change that I think might have helped. Is it working now?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How do I get my custom avatar to show?

    I don't know why, but the custom avatar that I picked is not being viewed by other users. However, I see it just fine. Could this have to do with signing in through Google?

    2 AnswersYahoo Profiles7 years ago
  • Ten points if you can tell me what my profile picture is?

    Don't ask why, I just need to know this.

    2 AnswersYahoo Profiles7 years ago
  • Smart answers needed. Is this possible?

    I'm posting this question in this category because it is relatively active, and there's a lot of smart, critical thinkers here. However, in science related categories, there is pretty much no activity.

    So here's the idea. Take the Earth and split it in half. Then, take the exact mirror image of one of the halves and replace it with the other half. The idea is that if each of these halves are exactly the same, down to every single particle, but just mirror images, then no matter will be able to pass from one half to the other. So each water molecule of the ocean would be blocked from crossing over by its parallel, and the same for the atmosphere, and even people. In this hypothetical situation, would the two sides remain exact parallels of each other? And if the Earth was like this, how would this affect life here?

    And yes, there is a reason that I'm asking this. I'm wondering if I could write a science fiction book using this concept.

    10 AnswersSociety & Culture7 years ago
  • Is the word "deism" capitalized?

    Like atheism, since it's not a religion, my guess is that it is not. Am I right?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Race is to racism as religion is to _____?

    Is there a word for discrimination based on religion?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Can other users view my avatar?

    It was suggested to me by a couple of answerers that my avatar is just the standard grey person with white background. That's not what I see. Is this true? If so, how can I fix it?

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products7 years ago
  • What do you guys think of my profile picture?

    This is a serious question. I like this picture because I'm sort of trying to make fun of myself. However, I'm worried that it might make questioners take me less seriously. And in this category, people might attribute this to me being an evolutionist, which I'm not trying to do. Am I overthinking this, or should I change it?

    9 AnswersPhotography7 years ago
  • Atheists, should we get rid of the term anti-theist?

    I've noticed that this term keeps on getting mixed up with the word atheist. I propose that instead, we define ourselves as either compliant atheists or militant atheists. Do you think this would be more appropriate? If not, what else can we do about this issue?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Atheists, am I right about this?

    The word gnostic, when used with religion, means that one is sure of their god's existence and thinks that they can prove it. However, this is not the actual definition of the word. Since the word gnostic comes from the Greek root gnosis, which means knowledge, it meant to have absolute knowledge of something. So even though when the word gnostic is used with religion it means to be sure that a god exists, if used with atheism, it could mean to be sure that no god exists. So a gnostic atheist would be somebody who thinks that you can prove that no god exists, and an agnostic atheist would be somebody who thinks that you cannot prove that no god exists.

    I always thought previously that, because of the religious nature of these words, all atheists were agnostic, and no atheists could be gnostic. But that's only true when referring to religion. When referring to atheism, the meaning changes.

    Am I right about this? Can the words gnostic atheist and agnostic atheist be used to describe differing atheistic beliefs?

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Is there a word meaning the belief that you can prove that a god does not exist?

    Gnosticism is the belief that you can prove that a god exists.

    Agnosticism is the lack of belief that you can prove that a god exists.

    These terms can only really be used for theists, because all atheists are, by definition, agnostic. And it is impossible for an atheist to be gnostic, because these beliefs contradict each other.

    I'm trying to find out if there are terms similar to these that can be used to further define the beliefs of an atheist.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Where can I get a copy of the Bible?

    Not a digital copy, an actual book. Preferably free. I know that there are lots of organizations that give them away for free.

    By the way, I'm a high school student. Could that help me? I heard that there were some areas in which students were given free copies of the Bible at the end of the school year recently.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • What were these girls thinking?

    I'll make this short. I asked girl A if she wanted to go to a dance with me as a friend, and at first she said yes. But the next day, she said that she wouldn't be able to. A while later, I asked girl B if she wanted to go to the dance, and she said yes. When I arrived at the dance, girl A was there, and girl B completely ignored me. After the dance, both of them acted like nothing happened.

    I was pissed off for a while, but I've forgiven them. What I don't understand is why they acted like this. Was there something that I did wrong? Was this behavior justified?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How was the death of Jesus a sacrifice?

    Jesus can be restored to his physical body at any time that God sees fit. How did his death atone for all of the sins of people?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Why do people commonly ask other people to pray for them?

    Seems like an obvious answer, but just hear me out first. Assuming that there is a god that is omniscient, then you don't even need to pray for this god to know what you want. I've heard from many individuals before that they just do this for their own comfort, not because they think that they must ask their god. But if the only reason for praying is to make the individual feel better, then why ask other people to pray for them? And anyways, would more people asking a god to do something really make them more inclined to do it? That seems like it undermines the concept of that god being omniscient. Would they only be able to hear a prayer if a lot of people were praying for it? Does that put it higher up on their list of priorities?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago