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Jack S
Lv 5
Jack S asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 8 years ago

Do you lie to your child to keep them happy?

People tell their kids that Santa is real so they can live in a world with a bit more magic. Anyone ever make up something new? Details?

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I lie to them to keep ME happy!

    I have told my preschoolers that the park is closed right now (avoids the tantrum when I say we can't go right now because we have errands to do).

    I have told them I have no idea where a certain toy is when I have hidden it or removed the batteries because I just couldn't listen to it a minute longer. The same applies to movies.

    I tell my kids about all of the fantasy characters (Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny etc) because I want them to have a childhood. They are little and they do not need to know the hard truths of the world at such a young age. Plenty of time for that later.

    My boys are in a phase where they want to be "strong like Daddy" so I have told them that certain foods they either haven't tried or may not really want to eat today will make them strong like Daddy. This helps because every child goes through phases where they will only eat very few foods, now I can sneak a few more in there.

    Did you know that air freshener doubles as Monster Spray? A cheap can set beside a child's bed stops the nightmares and the avoiding sleep because of the imagined monsters in the closet or under the bed.

    I'm parent and yes I have lied to my kids. We are all better for it because my kids can be little, they will eat the foods they need to and everyone is happy because Mommy can get some sleep.

  • Ista
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I'm with Forever 5. Many a toy "disappeared" because I couldn't stand the noise any longer. His grandparents bought him those obnoxious toys, and then sent them home with him to drive me nuts!

    In addition to lies that make life easier, I've also told several to ease his fears. When he broke his arm, he was not only in pain, but scared of having the Xray done, as he'd never had one. So I told him it wasn't any big deal, and told him how they take an Xray. It's really simple, they strap you up by the ankles, and hang you upside down, so that they can get a proper picture of the arm, at the right angle. Doesn't hurt a big, and it's kinda like going to a theme park.

    He was so busy trying to figure out if I was BSing him, that he forgot about the pain for a few moments, and his fears. What was funny was, the Xray tech wasn't in the waiting room when I told my son this, and as he was walking us back to Xray, my son asked him how they take the picture. Without missing a beat, and no clue of what I had told the boy, he told him they hang you upside down by the ankles! It was too funny. But the twinkle in his eye gave him away.

    As a result, he didn't panic, and was relieved to see all he had to do, was sit in a chair and put his arm on the table. :)

  • 8 years ago

    Oh yeah - The PeePee Vampires.

    They come when you sleep, take off your pants, pee in them and then put your pants back on so you wake up in peed-in pants.

    (This started as a joke because a friend's baby would FREAK THE F^&%^&K OUT when she woke up and had peed her diaper, but then it spread to everyone we knew.)

  • 8 years ago

    Well there's the magic wizard man in the clouds that grants you wishes if you bow down to him. People like to brainwash kids with that crap.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I am afraid that I have criticized people for this many times.

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