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Lv 4
Rick asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

Do you believe that James DiMaggio was really Hannah Anderson's biological father?

To me it is the only explanation that really fits all the evidence in this case. It also explains why Hannah and Brett Anderson are refusing to give a sample of Hannah's DNA. If she really is Brett's daughter, why not give the sample and dispel the rumors? Do you believe that Hannah was having sex with DiMaggio? Perversly, that is also the only thing that really fits the evidence.


What about the possibility that Hannah seduced DiMaggio, not knowing that he was her father? If DiMaggio had been having sex with Hannah, knowing that he was her biological father, it would explain why he felt he had to kill Hannah's mother when she caught them. She would have known that Hannah was his daughter and freaked out, promising to go to the police. He panicked, killed her, then killed her son because he happened to have seen and heard everything. This is the only explanation I can think of to explain why he would have killed Hannah's mother and brother (or half brother).

Update 2:

Kathy...I don't understand what Brett Anderson being in Tennessee has to do with anything. Who was he supposed to be a threat to? And, if I am understanding your scenario of what you think happened, why would DiMaggio suddenly feel it was necessary to kill her mother and brother (or half-brother) in order to kidnap Hannah. Why not just take her on one of those trips they took together, with the mother's permission, and not bring her back?

Update 3:

Kathy...You really think the murder of Hannah's mother and her son were planned? WOW! You really don't have a clue.

Dirk...DiMaggio just going off the deep end is possible but it sure leaves a lot of loose ends. Why did DiMaggio and Hannah's mother both have DNA kits? If he really kidnapped her, why the two used condoms found at his house? What kind of murdering kidnapper is considerate enough to use condoms, then leave them at the scene of his two murders? Usually when a person just snaps like you suggest, there is an significant event that triggers it.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't forget the $112,000 life insurance that DiMaggio gave to the paternal grandmother to "take care of the children" right before the kidnapping and murders instead of giving it to his own family (sister or other members). That also is odd in this case.

    I think this Hannah girl is not telling the truth. What grieving person gets her nails professionally done right after she is found and goes on facebook answering questions when this is still an open case. Why so many texts/phone calls between the two the day before?

    Recently it was said that she knew her brother and mother were tied up and being tortured in the garage, but she still went to cheerleading practice that same day knowing this. It was also found she was in his car around midnight the night before the killings. Why?

    Did you see some of the photos from the funeral on yahoo yesterday or recently? She had no tears in any of them. She has make up on that looks perfect (if you had been crying, your makeup wouldn't be good). In pic it looked like she had a grin on her face while hugging some man. She was also holding a starbucks latte filled with whip cream. Why would you bring starbucks to a funeral?

    I don't care if she was his bio kid or had some love relationship with him, you can tell right off she is not innocent. None of the stories she has told make any sense at all nor do the facts of the whole case.

  • 8 years ago

    The family says that Hannah's mother was already pregnant with her before DiMaggio ever entered the family's life, so that doesn't seem to be the case. Frankly, if I was Hannah, I'd find a request for my DNA to prove her father wasn't her father highly insulting.

    And for the sake of argument... let's say it were true. What would be the point and what would it do to her relationship with the man she has always known as being her father?

    While Hannah was still kidnapped, one of her friends mentioned that Hannah was a bit "creeped out" by the attention that DiMaggio was giving her in the previous weeks, so I doubt seriously she did a 180 and suddenly was sexually attracted to him.


    Good Lord, you have a bizarre imagination!

    Did it ever occur to you that Hannah's father was in Tennessee, so he was not a threat. So he lures the rest of the family up to his house in an isolated area. He knew that if he killed the mother and son and burned the house down around them it would take awhile for the authorities to piece what happened together and give him a shot at getting Hannah and himself out of town.

    You need a hobby, son.

    OK... One more time. The father was in Tennessee so DeMaggio knew he couldn't stop his plan. If he just went off into the woods with Hannah and her mother was still alive, she'd notify the authorities. And that's assuming Hannah agreed, but as I mentioned earlier, she had recently become uncomfortable with his increasing infatuation with her... so that's not likely either. Then there's the fact that it was school season, so she wasn't likely to go traipsing off into the woods on a camping trip, if even if she were so inclined.

    Give it a rest.

  • Dirk
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Im pretty sure they say that the mother was already pregnant with the girl when Brett met DiMaggio. Also note that the boy and the teen girl look very much alike, so much so that you can tell they are siblings.

    Heres just a shot in the dark, but what if DiMaggio just went goofy, killed the mom and brother and actually did kidnap the girl for his own wierd uses. Hummmm.....

  • 4 years ago

    Hannah Having Sex

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  • 8 years ago

    Yes, I think he may have forced her into having sex with him. She was just a minor. If he is the dad, then it's incest.

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