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Will the new gay tolerance (gay tyranny) eventually force us all the engage in homosexual sex?

Gays have become like the proverbial camel who sticks its nose in the tent, only to eventually take over the tent. First they wanted acceptance. Then they wanted the right to marry. Now if a business refuses to take part in a gay wedding, they can be sued and forced to pay all the court costs. Is their next step to force us all to engage in gay sex against our will? As ridiculous as it sounds, it seems its headed that way. The new tolerance is in reality a new brand of tyranny.


@ K. Plesner - aren't you by definition a bigot then for not accepting those who have an honest disagreement with you based upon moral convictions that have been held by most people for thousands of years? Seems that one must agree with you or be labeled a bigot. That's tolerance?

Update 2:

@ saguy - nice copy and paste job. Have you exhausted all your relevant ideas?

15 Answers

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, a coercive government cannot force us to engage in immoral and dangerous sex. We always have the alternative of refusing the government and accepting the consequences. The example of St. Agatha is instructive (see link).

    Clearly, the homosexual agenda does not stop with tolerance, which is the willingness to put up with actions we recognize to be wrong. The aim of the homosexualists is to have homosexuality recognized as normal, natural, and good. By getting some judges and legislators to invent an unmarried marriage, homosexualists have forced their propaganda into schools. Now we are seeing the persecution of bakers, photographers, musicians, and other professionals catering to weddings to either deliver their services to parody weddings or face the consequences. In New Mexico, the photographer who declined to promote the political farce of a parody wedding was forced to pay $7000 in court costs.

    Interestingly, there is plenty of precedent for refusing services for immoral actions. A lawyer can refuse to represent an unrepentant, guilty murderer, and a doctor can refuse to perform an assisted suicide. In general, businesses make contracts in a free market for those who in good conscience they can perform a service.

    The people of this world will have to make a decision about religious freedom. I found that almost no one would force an atheist videographer to film a speech against homosexuality, but the majority would force a Christian photographer or baker to participate in a parody marriage. Either all religious freedom stands or it all falls.



  • NO!
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Not all of us no; but the prediction is that many people will become homosexual at the end of times according to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). If you have not noticed, at the moment homosexual activity is increasing. Some of it is due to the media showing that being gay is normal and the other may be due to insensitivity of sexual pleasure. The latter point means that as people start having sex outside of marriage with multiple partners, then they become insensitive to heterosexual sex to a degree. hence they try something new (homosexuality). If you analyse, there are many gays that have had sex with females before they tried having sex with males.

    Your story reminds me of that of the Prophet Lot (pbuh). The people in Soddom would force others to have homosexual sex..

    this could very well be the future.

    Some people say homosexuality is not a choice. Well there is no scientific evidence which shows that. If someone has no choice for their sexuality then murderers do not have a choice of murdering (that's how ridiculous it is). In that case people like Saddam Huessein and Hitler should not be judged (which is ridiculous).

    In fact science shows that homosexual couples (who have their genes used for conception of a child) usually result in children who are heterosexual. It also shows that heterosexual couples result with homosexual children.

    There is evidenc that the brain of homosexuals is different to that of heterosexuals. However, brains change in structure and function depending on the character of a human being (rather than the other way round-although sometimes character can be affected by the brain).

    Moreover, scientific data shows that AIDS is concentrated within the homosexual people. Scientific journal articles show that homosexual pakistani's have the most concentration of AIDS. Scientific textbooks show that in American history homosexuals have always had greater number of AIDS than heterosexuals (in number). Having a higher number while your percentage in society is so low is telling one something. Anal sex also has been proven to destroy the rectum (since the rectum is only one epithelium cell thick-not designed for inserting ***** into it).

    However, in the face of these claims people will still ignore the error of homosexuality and still chase their lusts.

  • 8 years ago

    No. What they want is for gay relationships to have the same status as heterosexual ones. They aren't going to make heterosexuals engage in homosexual sex. They just want to remove old negative status regarding them.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No, it will force bigots to behave a little better.

    Edit: So I'm a bigot for disliking someone not wanting to give equal rights to all people, but only to those who follow my set of bronze age beliefs? I think not.

    Source(s): .
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  • the choice is up to Gods children individually, But the blind leads the blind over the cliff.

    Source(s): Apostle James the Greater
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I really hope you are joking,you sound like an idiot.

    Why in any logical way would the government force people to have gay sex against their will? are you mad?

  • 8 years ago

    No. That sounds like wishful thinking on your part

  • 8 years ago

    Some people DISGUISE their homophobia under a veil of supposed religious beliefs by PICKING AND CHOOSING “OUT OF CONTEXT” passages to fuel their ANTIGAY hatred. Guess what? The bible also bans the following! >>

    Divorcing Someone -MARK 10:8

    Cursing -EPHESIANS 5:4

    Football on Saturdays -EXODUS 20:8


    Shaving & Getting Tattoos On Your Body 19:27-28

    Gossip 19:16

    Eating Lobster or Pork 11:10

    Wearing Cotton/Polyester Blends 19:19

    Associating With Women Who Are On Their Periods 15:19-20

    Further, heterosexuals have DESTROYED the sanctity of marriage with a 50% divorce rate, 1 out 3 straight women MURDER babies through abortion, MILLIONS of heterosexuals DEFY God's "Ten Commandment" to not "commit adultery," 1 out 5 women in the USA will be raped or sexually assaulted by straight men in their lifetime, millions of heterosexuals have MULTIPLE marriages, or marry for wealth, opportunity and other UN-Christian reasons, and 40% of children in the USA are born to parent's "out of wedlock" (unmarried).

    Moreover, the bible has lead to the slaughter of more people than ALL wars combined "in the name of God.” The bible has been used to persecute Jews, to prove that Whites can OWN Blacks as slaves, and now individuals want to "butt" into my life and say I can't marry who I want. All of the aforementioned has been sanctioned and is currently being instigated (anti-gay animus) by Christianity.

    In his book, "Holy Horrors," James Haught chronicles 1,000 years of RELIGIOUS HATE (the Witch Hunts, Crusades, Holy Inquisition, and anti-Jew sentiment). Also, Richard Rubenstein wrote in, “After Auschwitz: Religion and the Origins of the Death Camps,” that the Nazis "did not invent a new villain...they took over the 2,000-year-old Christian tradition of the Jew as a villain. The roots of the death camps must be sought in the mythic structure of Christianity."

    Here's just one biblical passage that fueled Jewish hatred: "You suffered from your own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews, "WHO KILLED THE LORD JESUS" [...]. The wrath of God has come upon them at last." (1 Thessalonians 2:14-16).

    Throughout history, people have also used biblical passages to VALIDATE slavery. The book, "Noah’s Curse" by Stephen Haynes explains that the biblical passage, "A servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren," reads Noah’s CURSE on Ham. Ham is later identified as the ancestor of black Africans, and historically, this biblical passage has been used to JUSTIFY Black slavery.

    Also, many Christian clergymen SUPPORTED SLAVERY. Larry Hise says in his book, "Pro Slavery," that ministers "wrote almost half of all defenses of slavery published in America." He also lists 250 religious men who USED the Bible to say that Whites were entitled to own Blacks as slaves.

    James Haught says, "Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined, and imprisoned, yet we have not advanced one inch towards uniformity. What has been the effect of the coercion? To make one half of the world fools and the other half hypocrites."

    In 1967, when the Supreme Court ruled interracial marriage bans as unconstitutional, 72% of Americans were AGAINST "interracial marriage." Most Americans did NOT want Whites to marry Blacks, Whites to marry Latinos and Whites to marry Asians. MOST Americans believed that interracial marriage was immoral, unnatural, and contrary to God's will.

    Further, marriage has NEVER been between 1 man and 1 woman. In the bible: King David had 6 wives, King Solomon had 700 wives, and Rehoboam had 18 wives. In Exodus 21:10, it even says: "a man can marry an infinite amount of women without any limits to how many he can marry." So, yes, the institution of marriage DID change and HAS evolved over time.

    As it relates to LGBT rights, people can spin their "erroneous" interpretation of religion all they want. However, thankfully, I can choose to believe what they believe, or NOT believe what they believe, and I can be a part of a religion, or NO religion. That's MY right as a US citizen.

    Also, a religious book DOES NOT "trump" our US Constitution. NOWHERE in our US Constitution does it say Blacks and Whites couldn't marry (when it was ILLEGAL at one time), nor does it say same sex couples cannot marry. As such, all "bible" arguments are INVALID. Our "country's bible" is the US Constitution, NOT a religious book!

    Lastly, as long as our government IS involved in marriage, religion has NO place in these discussions. We DON'T live in a theocracy, we live in a DEMOCRACY. Equal rights belong to EVERYONE, including LGBT Americans!

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    With your attitude, i certainly think you could use a nice dick up your ***

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Replace "gay" with "black", and think about how your question toppled over into exemplifying the form of fallacious thinking typified as "slippery-slope".

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