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Lv 6

When god kills a pregnant woman, does that count as one murder or two?

Some of you will try to say that this has never happened. Please note that intentionally drowning someone is generally considered to be a form of murder.

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    When God does it, it's justice, duh. *sarcasm*

    But I think it would count as one, the Bible describes a fetus as water, not a living being.

  • 8 years ago

    Firstly, The idea that the flood of Noah's day was "global" is NOT Logically Conclusive, since the "face of the whole earth" (Genesis 8:9) is also used of a localized plague (Exo 10:5, 14-15). "under the whole heaven" can also be used of specific nations (Deu 2:25).

    Second, since the Text specifies "ha Adam" (Gen 6:1-2), the targets of the Nephilim were the decedents of Eth ha Adam of Genesis 2:10-14, 18-19, and NOT the Sixth Day creation. This might limit the geography even further.

    Third, eretz, rendered "earth", is also rendered "land" "country" "ground".

    One would be hard-pressed, therefore, to PROVE that the flood was "global".

    It is murder if it is innocent blood.

    "Their progeny, called Nephilim (translated "giants"), were monsters of iniquity; and, being superhuman in size and character, had to be destroyed. This was the one and only object of the Flood."

    The progeny of the fallen angels with the daughters of Adam (see notes on Gen. 6, and Ap. 23) are called in Gen. 6, Ne-phil-im, which means fallen ones (from naphal, to fall). What these beings were can be gathered only from Scripture. They were evidently great in size, as well as great in wickedness. They were superhuman, abnormal beings; and their destruction was necessary for the preservation of the human race, and for the faithfulness of Jehovah's Word (Gen. 3:15).

    This was why the Flood was brought "upon the world of the ungodly" (2Pet. 2:5) as prophesied by Enoch (Jude 14).

  • 8 years ago

    And if the woman chose to live in a flood plain even if she knew it might happen it is still HER decision, and GOD will NOT interfere with our decisions. You keep blaming GOD for the consequences of the Actions and decisions of MAN. Place the blame where it belongs and NOT with GOD who usually gives us warnings which we tend to ignore anyways.

    Source(s): FACTS
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    God strives for the two-fer, for the body count. He's best at mass genocide though.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago


    YHWH, the ONLY true God, does NOT kill anyone

    The Flood victims were given 120 years warning

    that their world was to be destroyed, and like you,

    they were on notice to change or be destroyed.

    . . .

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Murder is *unjustified* killing. You have to prove God is not just in His actions. (Btw, you saying so isn't proof.)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    God is righteous in all his ways and holy in all his works, what you call murder is Gods justice on evildoers.

    Source(s): Apostle James the Greater
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    unless you are God

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