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Lv 7
jxt299 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

What Should The US Do About Syria?

Syria evidently used chemical weapons against its own people. Does this mean the US needs to get involved there, and if so, how?

Not forgetting that Syria and Iran are allies, and that Russia has said US intervention would be a catastrophic mistake, whatever that means. Is it worth getting involved? Is this just another case of the US wading in as the world's policeman?


I wasn't expecting any delusional answers for this question but behold, there it is, blaming Obama. Case study in delusion.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    We shouldn't do anything about it if we can't even solve our own problems. America's just trying to look like "the good guys" and save the day but the reality is we shouldn't do anything about it. That's there war not ours so let them solve it themselves. Hey started it let them finish it.

  • 8 years ago

    Isn't it a bit weird that 100,000+ people can be butchered like animals in a GD slaughterhouse for over two freaking years, then all of the sudden a so-called chemical attack obviously staged by my own government like Boston kills a small number compared to what has already died in the past two years and the almighty US war machine gets ready to bomb the hell out of Syria and takeout yet another world leader who is desperately needed to keep radical Islam in check in his country....

    Maybe those ancient prophet dude whom said, "lawlessness is the root cause of a mighty nations eventual downfall, was not so dumb after all..."


    Source(s): ?
  • PAUL H
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    It's funny how you divorce "O" from this issue by the question: "Is this just another case of the US wading in as the world's policeman?" Ummm... You conveniently forget that it was your precious Barack Hussein Obama that encouraged and supported the "Arab Spring" which destabilized the region. And then his pronouncement about his "red line in the sand", he is now obligated to intervene. This one is all on him. He attempted to hijack the impetus for the "Arab Spring" trying to claim credit for what he thought was a "democratic" reform of Middle Eastern countries, thereby destabilizing the whole region. Libya? Supported their democratic reform, they torture and kill our diplomat and his body guards. Syria? Current events speak for themselves. And that's just the highlights as it affects us. The "other shoe" is yet to drop in Yemen, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, etc. etc.

    Source(s): A brain
  • 8 years ago

    It seems like The US' answer to everything is war. The man who got a Nobel Peace Prize is now engaging war. Does Obama believe peace means war?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    usa should forget that syria exists

    --Syria evidently used chemical weapons against its own people.

    evidently? what's your evidence? just think about it - why would government use chemical weapon against civilians? right, no reasons... would terrorist do it? easily...

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