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How to get a 2 year old to sit and listen to a book?

i am taking care of my nephew and he is very different from my daughter. I know all children are different. My daughter at this age would sit with me and we would read books and play together. He just wants to run around and throw things, watch the same tv show over and over(ya I know turn it off but then he cries and screams). He has very little language where as my daughter at this age could talk in short sentences. He is different then what I am used to and I want to teach him a few things but he seems so disinterested. i have tried many different books of different subjects. How can I get him to listen and sit still?

7 Answers

  • Kukana
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Firstly he shouldn't be seeing ANY TV at this age. No chid under the age of three should have any 'screen time' at all (see for more info). If he's seeing TV most days that may be responsible for his language delay - TV does no good at all and is often responsible for children struggling to speak.

    Lots of boys do need to spend a lot of time running around, playing with a ball outside, climbing, and so on, so it's important that your nephew has the opportunity to do this for a couple of hours every day. He probably also needs to play with building toys - bricks, Duplo, and so on - but he should be able to look at books too. Reading a whole book may not be possible, but if you find a book with pictures that attract him, it should be possible to talk about them together, and turn the pages, and discuss the story - perhaps he can point to things on the pages. Reading books is an important way of helping children develop language skills. Don't even think of them as 'teaching' him at this stage... just developing an interest in books and seeing that they're fun.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I can't believe "something" is a child development specialist! He sounds perfectly normal to me. A lot of boys (and some girls) are like this- they need to be active most of the time. It's quite unreasonable to expect most 2 year olds to sit and listen to you read a book- experts don't recommend doing that. What does work is to keep them active for a while, playing outside, or in a park, or swimming or something, and then, when they're tired, they will sometimes sit with you for a few minutes while you point at pictures in a book. But they are certainly not going to follow the thread of a story.

    I was at a party yesterday with several children between the ages of 1 and 3. A couple of the girls sat quietly on the steps of a swimming pool playing with toys, and sat and ate their dinner nicely. The boys mostly ran around, played with trucks, squirted each other in the pool, ate a little and then ran around again. There are, of course, individual differences, but more boys than girls are experiential learners and really need to be actively exploring their environment.

    I don't think a little tv hurts, but you really need to get your nephew to places where he can be active. He doesn't need to sit still and listen at this age.

  • 8 years ago

    You have a couple options. You could time the amount of time he watches T.V. Letting him watch it for a long time isn't healthy especially at his age. Try to find out what he likes and match things with that. He will soon start to accept hese new things. You can find out what movies he likes and turn on something that relates to the show he watches. If he likes to run around and play then go to the park and play with him. Its definitely better than watching T.V. all day. Plus he can get some vitamin D from the sun. while hes ready to sleep, he will be tired so he wont be complaining about the book. So have him next to you ont he couch or sofa and read him the book. Although he will only listen for like 5-8 minutes, its a good start. Then try to find a good and interesting book that he might find entertaining. Good luck!

  • 5 years ago

    If you intend to understand your child and she\he has between 2.5 and 7 years then your great system is this , Children Learning Reading.

    The advantage that Children Learning Reading program  has over an entire word recognition understanding course is so it can show it's strategies in a nutshell and satisfying  small steps.

    With Children Learning Reading program you and your son or daughter will have a way to pay satisfying time together while they learn how to read. Number making your child to remain through tedious ‘monitor marathons ', the instructions are very short that they're easy to fit into your daily routine. The complete class contains 50 classes and the instructions were created in ways so it will not matter if you miss a few days between them. So your child can keep on on the way to reading accomplishment even though “life gets in the way”'.

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  • 8 years ago

    Try some video story books he can watch on tv as you say he likes to watch things on tv. Then as he gets used to video stories, maybe he'll like being read to. Tho each child is very different and he's a boy not your female daughter.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Please, no TV. Put him on your lap, open the story book and point at the pictures while reading. If he doesn't show any interest, try to sit on the carpet with him and build with wooden or plastic (Lego) blocks and allow him to destroy everything. Some boys at that age also like to dismantle old alarm clocks or anything mechanical but he has to be supervised continuously just to make sure that he doesn't swallow any tiny parts. Good luck.

  • 8 years ago

    I am laughing

    As a child development specialist this tells me you worked with your child she used language, sat to listen to a book and use

    Used her time differently than running through the house

    His parents simply haven't worked with him and worse yet they do not expect more from him.

    Some parents think young children just gain skills, like listening, sitting fora book, but you have to work on those things

    I would not watch him, he is terrible and not good for your daughter to see his behavior and you need to use that time for your daughter which would be time well spent

    Oh you can not change it for him, like get him to learn to sit and listen to a book, even enjoy a book by turning pages because he goes home.....and his parents are not on task with him.


    3cheers for you and being on task with your child.

    €£€. €£€

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