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I have some doubts in what my teacher says about GOD?

She says it exactly like this

-I hear Gods voice, (Im like WTF, God does not interact with you directly)

- If you don't listen to wHAT God commands you to choose in life will go to hell. (Then why do we have free will?)

- She says she can sense if You have the Holy Spirit in you (She's not even psychic)

- She said When jesus died on Good friday for 3 Days he went to hell, Then ascended on the third day (WTF! jesus never went to hell)

- She says the monks prayer bowls in thailand calls demons and evil spirits (Is this even true?)

-She says Conjuring the "movie" has a demon in it and will posses you

-She said 8 demons surrounded her and she heard gods voice saying "You are my daughter i am your father, (I thought al of us came from eve, only Jesus came from god)

-According to her whenever she enters a classroom of highschool all she can sense is lust (again she's not psychic)

-She says her little worshipping group can sense God everytime they meet

-She says living life to the fullest is a "SIN"

-She says when people die God asks them "Do i know you?" (I thought he made us in his image?)

-She also said Our Generation is the 2nd coming of christ ( What?!)

-She also said theres no purgatory but only a Very big GULF dividing heaven and hell

-She also said if you dont read or follow the bible you go to hell (But bible was created by man)

She also said the "Illuminati" worshipped demons and summoned spirits ( they were scientists =_=)

-She says Satan can flit in and out of heaven, And he points to God which person does he owns

-She said when she was eating at this restaurant she couldn't feel comfortable because her holy spirit isnt comfortaable with the food

Im Very sorry for all these questions, i know it may be a bit annoying but it really tears me apart, for 6 years i have schooled in a catholic school, and i am a full bred catholic, Now i entered this christian school, everything she says just goes against all of the things that i know about God, and the bad thing is everytime i try to speak out all my classmates shoot me down, because they said i think like an Atheist, And im not! just because i don't believe her. All of them believes her.

Should i believe her too? Everytime she talks its like i don't know God Anymore Help me Please D:


She teaches us Christian Living Education (CLE) , I really wanted to answer her, but i couldn't all my classmates worships her

Update 2:

and When she says about The list to the command or go to hell. She tells it like God told her who to marry, Where she would live, WHere would she work, What kind of food would she eat :l just to make that part clear

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Czar Eli, you sir are working too hard, and you could use some help, so let me suggest some things:

    Most students are in class to get a grade, not to get into heaven. Taking tests is also known as, "pleasing the teacher", so tell her what she wants to hear and show some genuine interest in a way that shows you are thinking beyond the classroom.

    When she enters the room and says that she senses lust, yell out, "yeah, I noticed that the moment you walked in!" She should feel flattered, beneath her flak-vest and body armor. She is not a nun, but she sure soulnds like one! Now for the extra-credit in this class: Put up your hand and have this written down so you can read it slowly and deliberately. "Is is true that God can forgive our sins?'

    If yes, then ask, "Then why has he never forgiven original sin?" Seems obvious enough to ask.

    The nuns all know the drill, but the other faiths sort of ad-lib the whole thing and it is fundamental to any teaching of the faith that you can explain God to children and so make them love him, or so it goes. I would swear that you are sitting in Texas, getting a good old Southern Baptist indoctrination or at a Pentacostal school. The words have so much emotional content and there is a double-helping of guilt in every lesson. You must eventually ask the teacher if she considers Catholics to be Christians. If she says a simple, "yes, they are indeed." then you have to ask why the violence in Northern Ireland is still going on between the Catholics and the Protestants if they are both Christian.

    If she doesn't have good thoughtful answers to these questions, then she will embarrass herself and let you be assigned to another teacher.

    Lastly, let her know that you are only at that school to complete the prerequisite study of Western religions before you go to Rabinnical Yeshiva. (to become a Rabbi.) As a teacher, she will be torn in two pieces. One piece says, "I am a teacher and my duty is to prepare students to further their education." (even if it means training a kid so he can be a Rabbi?) The other will be that she will have to demonstrate "religious intolerance" in a very public way by denouncing your path to the Synagog as a Rabbi. Rabbi's believe in God, but not the "New Testament", so she can't say that you are being "Un-Godly", can she?

    Sumary: You can either "co-operate and graduate" or you can have some fun with the teacher and see if she is truly educated or just going through the lesson-plan, it's your move and I must remind you that until you reach the point where you challenge the facts that you are given, you are not ready to enter the world of people that think for a living. You will not survive in college without a reasoned scepticism that says, "if its true, show me." Think of your math classes right now, where you do the "proofs" to show how you produced the answer logically and sequentially. Ask about the chance of becoming a Christian Mechanical Engineer. Science and religion are NOT at odds, they are two separate observations of the same universe, illustrated and narrated to tell stories that their listeners can understand. They are likened to a painting and a photograph of the same scene. For most folks, the painting is fine, but the geologist needs the photo. Life requires both kinds of images and you may not have much control over which one you get in life. Oh yeah, the burning of paper in bronze urns is right out of the Buddhist Handbook! Buddhists place the name of a person that is troubling them, on a piece of paper and then burn it in an urn, so that the, "spirit of the trouble is sent away with the smoke." That is not a Christian act and she should be called on it as a false teaching. Look at her syllabus and see if she wrote about it there, because you might want her fired for spreading false doctrines within the church. Now you have to decide just how much you dislike her as a person and maybe even stay after class and tell he that you are going to report the incident of Buddhist teaching to the principal. Lots to do here, so much fun, so little time to have it.

    Source(s): Pentacostal Rabbi.
  • 8 years ago

    .1)some people believe that jesus went to hell. so that's not really unusual. in my opinion he is a zombie.

    2)monks are peaceful what she said is bull****

    3)The Conjuring was about demons and i thought it wasn't that good. its also about the witch trials and clearly the director didn't have all his facts straight. there are no witches everyone that was tortured/hung/burned were innocent for disbelieving in the bible

    4)The "Illuminati" is just freemasons who believed in the bible and were accepting of everyone the only catch for them was no atheist you had to believe in god.

    my advice:

    you do think like a atheist, everyone does. you question the logic of things and you will eventually learn to do that more. don't let religion brainwash you in to becoming ignorant.

    edit: The best way to become a atheist is to read the bible. I became one when I realized that I had more morality then the god in that book. I would also suggest to learn about other religions. Just to see why people believe what they believe.

    your teacher is crazy. never submit to people because you are afraid they wont approve. always stand up for how you feel. if there is anything i learned about religion its about obedience not morality. don't think, just pray. and this is what is WRONG with religion. that is what people like the Nazi's did with Hitler. They didn't stand up for what was right, instead they bowed down to what was above them.

    Source(s): Atheist
  • 8 years ago

    What is your teacher teaching that brings these matters up? I cannot think of any subject that would benefit by such statements. Why not tell her that lying for Jesus is still lying and is against the commandment about not bearing false witness..

  • 8 years ago

    you were taught catholic doctrine which is not bible doctrine

    your teacher is correct on most all she says

    none of what you listed was a question, but what your teacher claims

    yes god does interact with us directly by his holy spirit that lives in us

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Your teacher is a fricken nutter OR a fricken LIAR.

    Ask to change schools lest you become infected by the madness.


  • 8 years ago

    What class does she teach? How to spot a moron? And the irony is that in the end you are all supposed to realise SHE is the moron?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    teachers shouldn't talk about God at all

    he has no place in a class room

    standing up to classmates is important, say what you feel is true and make your teachers mad!

  • JJ
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Listen to everyone, and make up your own mind in the end.

  • Noah
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    oh man. reading all your questions about your teacher made me laugh not smile made me laugh

    your teacher rocks as a stand up comedian.

  • 8 years ago

    She is absolutely crazy. Don't believe her. She is a lunatic.

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