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Lv 4
kelley asked in Business & FinanceInsurance · 8 years ago

Who is responsible for the bill ?

My 17 yr. old son got into a fight with a boy his age. Well my son did start the fight , he pushed him first. Then the other boy punched my son in the mouth so hard. My son fell backwards an hit his head on the ground very hard. My son lost conscience when he hit the ground for at least five minutes. Now my son has a knot on his head, barely can turn his head, shoulders hurt, an marks on his back from hitting the concrete. So my son wants to wait to got the hospital til tomorrow said he is just soar. But I am going to let him rest a couple of hours an take him anyway. I live in KY. If that helps. Anyways my ins. only pays if it happens on our property. So my question is. Is the other boys parents responsible for the bill. Or am I since my son hit him first ?

6 Answers

  • Zarnev
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You don't have insurance to cover this. The insurance of which you speak that only covers on your property is the med pay coverage on your homeowner's policy, which wouldn't cover your son anyway even if he was on your property.

    You are responsible for paying. If you think that the other kid is at least equally responsible you'll need to bring a lawsuit against his parents (if he is under 18). If you can get a judge to award you some money take it and buy regular health insurance. By law you need to get it by January 1 anyway.

    Source(s): Independent Ägent
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    First you sound ridiculous saying you are going to wait to take him to the hospital. Instead of typing this crazy question here you should be in the emergency room.

    Second, it will be YOUR responsibility to pay for the bill. Your son DID hit the other boy first. Your son just got the worst of it.

  • 8 years ago

    Whoever brought your kid to the doctor and requested medical attention, is responsible to the medical provider, for the bill.

    Until a judge says otherwise, you're going to be responsible for this.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    your health insurance only covers accidents if they happen on your property? that doesn't make a whit of sense....

    both boys are equally responsible

    get him to the hospital NOW. head trauma is deceiving.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    you, are, your son started it.

  • 8 years ago

    You are

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