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  • Who is responsible for the bill ?

    My 17 yr. old son got into a fight with a boy his age. Well my son did start the fight , he pushed him first. Then the other boy punched my son in the mouth so hard. My son fell backwards an hit his head on the ground very hard. My son lost conscience when he hit the ground for at least five minutes. Now my son has a knot on his head, barely can turn his head, shoulders hurt, an marks on his back from hitting the concrete. So my son wants to wait to got the hospital til tomorrow said he is just soar. But I am going to let him rest a couple of hours an take him anyway. I live in KY. If that helps. Anyways my ins. only pays if it happens on our property. So my question is. Is the other boys parents responsible for the bill. Or am I since my son hit him first ?

    6 AnswersInsurance8 years ago
  • Can you get an annulment for free if you do not have kids together?

    My son was married in Frankfort Ky. One week ago. Well she has showed her true side. He has to be at work at 6 am . She blares the stereo already quit cooking. An has done nothing but disrespected him. He caught her texing another guy.

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Does your ex daughter-n-law use your grandbaby against you ?

    My son was in a relationship close to 5 yrs. ago. Anyway His gf got pregnant they stayed together almost two years. She left took the baby an has kept him tied up in court an literally away from his baby for almost 3 yrs. My son loves his baby, but her family has money an lawyer's. My son does not. Well now the devious ex all the sudden writes me on F/B last night. I get's me all hyped up thinking I was going to see my grandbaby. Then here it comes she want's to get back with my son. Say's she realized she screwed up. Well my son already has a fiance an she's great. They have a child together, happy. Here's comes the ex saying If you take me back you can see your daughter. Now she is trying to get me to go behind current gf's back. An hook her up. If I don't my son will not see his daughter for God knows how long. What would you do ? His ex is a total B****.

    4 AnswersParenting8 years ago
  • What's the deal with Adam Sandler ?

    Did he really die ? If not why would someone say something so mean ? I told my kids an they cried. Then I hear it's not true. Is it ?

    4 AnswersCelebrities8 years ago
  • What would you do with your mom ?

    My mom had a stroke last month. She came home with me 2 days ago. She weighs 227 I use a hoyer lift to move her back an forth. I weigh 125 ,have had two shoulder surgery's. It is a lot of work night an day, she can't talk so it makes it even harder. I love her. She begged me to get her out of the nursing home. An my heart an back went out to her. I don't have much help with her at all. An the nursing home keeps coming to mind. But I can't do it to her. An at the same time I am wore out my back hurts, what would you do ?

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care8 years ago
  • How do I help my mom?, she had a stroke.?

    She is 68 had a stroke on the right side. She is unable to use her right arm. She can only say one word. But her right leg she can move. I know she can understand me. I layed my head on her chest an she just rubbed my head, she knows it's me. I know she still in their. The Dr.s are critical but it not their mom. She reminds me of my grandbabys. But at the same time, she will squeeze my hand to answer questions. How do I help her ?

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • You ever have a family member you can't stand ?

    I got a brother who has been in the pen for 10 years. An he is now out in a halfway house. Get's out in 3 mths. I just can't stand him. My mom is old an get's social security. He has been hitting her up since birth. I know when he gets back. It will be get me some vodka, get drunk cuss my mom. An she will take it. He is a loser always has been. An telling our poor momma I read the bible, I've changed. I swear it wouldn't bother me , if he never came back. Would you give em a chance ?

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • What does these charges actually mean, in Kentucky?

    Some guy used my husband's identity an got multiple charges on him. Well they finally got him in Newport Ky. He spent 3 mths. waiting to go to court. I copied an pasting what he got. But some guy told me since he waited so long to got court. He will be release next mnth. Here's what it said : Charge: Theft of Identity without Consent; Possession of Drug Paraphernalia; Driving on DUI Suspended License; Possession of Marijuana

    Disposition: On November 19, 2012 the defendant entered a guilty plea to the indictment. On this date he was ordered to serve 2 years on count 1, serve 12 months on count 2, serve 90 days and have a license suspended for 6 months on count 3, serve 45 days on count 4; and that this time is to run concurrently for a total of 2 years to serve and a suspended license for 6 months.

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • What bit me very painful does not itch ?

    2 days a go I got a sharp stabbing feeling in my neck. So I looked an seen 2 holes like a spider bite. Then blisters came up. It's very painful but does not itch. It has swollen more, so I stuck a needle in it. An some black stuff came out.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions9 years ago
  • If you do not have a webcam, can they still hear you?

    So I talk to a psychic online. I do not have a webcam. An the psychic is always right. It's like he is in the room. I am sure he has a cam but I do not. So it's driving me crazy. He knows what everybody is wearing, what we are doing.

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger9 years ago
  • What would you do if someone cussed your kid out, while your out?

    So if you wasn't home an if your teens was. An your husband's friend gf called an said Hi is my bf their. An your son said no, an my parent's are not home either. An she say's well I know my bf is their. An he said no he is not. She says your a fckn liar, an you can tell him he can just stay their. You get home with your husband an your 15 yr. old is upset an says mom Andy's gf called asked if he was their. I said no an she called me a liar cussed me out. So I called the gf an went off on her. An my husband says I should have let him just talk to the friend about his gf. Well he would have sugar coated it. I was mad my son had no reason to lie. What would you have done?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How come when I open my mail I got ppl writing me IDK?

    Everytime I open my mail someone is waiting to talk to me I don't know ? I got lesbian's trying to get me to talk to them. Asking me to talk to them watch them on webcams. I don't know these people, I tell them I am married an straight. How do they get my email address? How do I stop it?

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam9 years ago
  • Why do I feel like I got a heart beating in my arm?

    In my right arm I have been having a thumping my right arm, feels like a heartbeat. An across the right side of my chest I feel like I am being electrocuted every time I lean up, or bend down. Freaking out don't know what to do. Had this in my chest awhile back dr.'s said pluricy.

    1 AnswerHeart Diseases9 years ago
  • How would you feel if the guy your nephew was with came to the funeral?

    My nephew ( Mat) I admit was getting high on spice an drinking. Well he 'was" 23. So they was getting high an other guy said I am going in now. My nephew told Tony I am to high to drive home. So I am gonna sleep in my car for awhile. Well Tony's father was concerned an when an checked on Mat. An when in told everyone he is drunk. So the sister of Tony went an checked, an said no pulse. Someone called 911 an Mat was declared dead. We are at a loss. Tony came to the funeral. Mats mom just talked like it was ok to him. I found it revolting, gave him evil eye,dropped few insults. What would your reaction be? I think he should be punished. Do you? Absolutely true.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do I tell my mom her grandson died last night?

    My brother has been in the pen 10 yrs now. Not only do I got to tell my 67 yr. ol. mom her grandson died last night also got to tell my brother who is locked up. His son died. My nephew was 23 an had a little girl. My mom is is real bad health, my brother really is not all up their if you know what I mean. But we all love him. The rest of the family has volunteered me.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • How can mother's say they hit their kids?

    Moms on here saying they can't stand their kids. Calling them names smacking them. Then people here commenting say give em benadryl to baby's. Some of you people should be ashamed. I tell them they should be in jail an be ashamed. What has this world come to. So many loser's having kids. If you don't want them, don't have them.

    8 AnswersParenting9 years ago
  • Does recent calls mean he dialed them?

    On my husbands cell it has dialed calls,missed calls,received calls, then recent calls. So does recent calls mean he dialed them, or did they dial him? He has a few #'s I don't recognize. Says buddy was using his phone. IDK

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What exactly does spam mean?

    When I check an delete my mail it says delete spam? An when I am on a site, it says report spam. How do I recognize spam? An sometimes when I answer or ask a ? sometimes the word highlights in blue? What's that about?

    2 AnswersAbuse and Spam9 years ago
  • How my brother threaten me from prison?

    He sent me a letter last mth. saying when he gets out in 3mths. he was gonna bring hell down on my household. I have kids. I called prison, spoke to warden. He said he won't let him write me or call me anymore. Well today my mom got a letter from him. Saying I am this an that , an he was gonna get me, an when he is done I'd be a whole new person. Now what do I do?

    3 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • What guidelines to you to be a childcare provider, for people who get gov. help?

    I have a friend who wants me to babysit her four kids. And said if I did I'd get 1500$ a mth to do it. First that's a lot of kids. And wouldn't get a check for 2mths. Then once a mth. reg.. Idk summers coming, I like my pool very much, an her kids are all under 6. Should I? What will I have to do to qualify , if I do?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago