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? asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 8 years ago

Will Obama Care really help people?

14 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Please people stop telling lies and teying to scare everyone. YES, the ACA will benefit al lot of poople. And its just not true that premiums have skyrocjketed. My own premiums dropped bbout $6. a month on January 1St this year. bbut diont tkke my word for it. And dont take the other guys eihher. Ask people yourself, your family, friends and co workers. hhave thwir premiums went up? oor have they ever been denied insurance or had a cliim denied due to a preexisting condition or a typo on their application? Or have they ever had to delline insurance at their work because they couldnt afford it even after the employers contribution? I have. I or someone I know personally has been in each of the situations I just noted. So do your own research right in your own neiborhoods and dont let anyone tell you what to beleive.

  • 8 years ago

    It stands to reason that if it didn't help more people than it could hurt it would be a failure. That would hurt anyone who was in favour (favor) of it, in this case the democratic party. If on the other hand it helps more than it hurts. Who stands to loose for fighting so hard against it? As for big business (insurance companies or some of the medical profession) the fact that they supported to fight against it should be an indicator of following the money. I would think if republicans were so sure that this is a failure they would not fight so hard to prevent it. Of course they would not support it and they made their voice known long ago they think it will fail. So why keep it up unless they feel they would loose for doing so? Considering their lack of helping to do the right thing in getting the economy back on track they have shown themselves to be only in their interest not in the interest of the American people or good of all.

    Laws can be repealed, and changed you mean to say if it wasn't working for most we would just say will nothing can be done now? B S we are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. It's about time we started thinking that way. Republicans had their chance and they blew it. Insurance rates only continue to sky rocket, more people fall out of protection every year and still they insist on playing the same old tune. We need change if it doesn't work at least it was tried. Doing the same thing already proves it's not working.

    Source(s): edit : typing correction
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Though it may help some people, it will hurt a vast majority. In fact, it has already hurt countless American citizens. Insurance premiums have skyrocketed, hours have been cut, full time jobs near impossible to find, all because of this corrupt and discredited power-grab. But that is all according to plan. The very purpose of Obamacare is to empoverish people and destroy the private health insurance industry, making everybody dependent on big government. It's all about control over the masses.

  • 8 years ago


    If you look at all the other developed countries that have universal care, they pay less for health care than the USA, and they have longer life expectancies. How is that possible? Because universal care is better at delivering preventative care, which costs the least, while our system steers people towards emergency room care, which is most expensive to deliver, but is "free" to those who cannot pay for themselves. See for the data about other developed countries.

    Here is what the designer of Romneycare (succeeding in Massachusetts for the last 6 years) has to say about whether Obamacare will help people:

    "The analogy I like to use is a building that's burning down. The number of people covered by employer-based health-care plans is dropping by a percentage point a year. The system is falling apart. So you put in a new safety net. That means a few more people are going to come in. If you're not willing to risk making some things worse, you're never going to make anything better. My estimate is that 80 percent of the people are not going to feel any change at all, and that 17 percent or so are going to find that things are better, and that about two or three percent will be worse off, and those are the people who benefit from the discriminatory nature of health-insurance at the present time. If health-insurance companies can't discriminate any more, those people will have to pay a little more. When we decided that people couldn't discriminate in what they paid black people or women any more, people had to pay more because employers couldn't discriminate in what they paid black people and women. Was that a bad thing?"



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  • 2017
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No Obama care helps insurance companies with guaranteed is a big business money maker. little do with actual healthcare.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    come on, with the economy, housing market, employment (lack of employment) stock market is shaky- do you really believe the American people had healthcare in the fore front of their minds? it gets better, lack of jobs, services being cut- and they want to add 15-20 million new "south of the border" neighbors to our sinking ship?

    so when you say help us- help us what? snap like a nut

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The 15 percent Obamacare talked about helping is turning out to be about seven percent. It would have been a heck of a lot cheaper if the GOV just cut each one a "big fat check!!!!!" That dem (can't remember his name) was spot-on.... "OBAMACARE ALREADY IS A TRAIN-WRECK!"

    Source(s): Reality - Awareness of!
  • 8 years ago

    It should help some, yes.

  • No, it will help banks, insurance companies, drug makers, drug addicts to get more addicted.

    It's a drug addiction charter.


  • Mr E
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    no. even the poor will be worse off.

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