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since, according to the news media, the republican house passed?

and sent to the democratic senate, a bill to keep "children with cancer medical trials" funded, why does harry reid, nancy pelosi and all democrats in the senate refuse to sign the bill and send it to obama? why is the democratic party more important than these children? why isn't planned parenthood, the gay community, aclu, naacp, black panthers, atheists, the entertainment community, such as george clooney, oprah, tom hanks, ashley judd, jesse jackson, al sharpton, calling a news conference to tell the senate to pass this bill to try to save the lives of these precious children that have cancer? why did harry reid, according to the news media, (not fox news) ask why they should? shouldn't the answer be because it is common decency that you should try to save an innocent child? everytime that obama and the democrats pointed a finger at the republicans and called them vile names, didn't they have three fingers pointed back at themselves? i know that the democrats will have this deleted, but i hope that yahoo will consider the children before deleting it. you can call me all the vile names, just stand up for the children that have this terrible illness called cancer. if all of you can speak up for the children, politics shouldn't be involved., should it?


the tea party can't fund or defund anything. the democrats have said many times in the past 5 years, pass then we will descuss it and they lied. if they care about the children they will sign it. it is simple. democrats have long been spoiled. when i see on the regular news (again, not fox news) that these people speak up, then i'll know they care about the children and not just the democratic party. no wonder the world has lost respect for america. the democrats passed a bill and told the majority of americans we don't care about you. sorry, not a member of the tea party, but respect them. why have the democrats not had a budget in 5 years? blame the GOP is the democrats game.

15 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Some people believe that if you ignore responsibility seriously enough people will not hold you responsible for it and you will point fingers at someone else. Democrats are just as responsible as anyone else for the current conditions but for some reason Reid, Pelosi and Obama seem to believe it's their job to do nothing, because somehow they don't have to.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Why is the TeaParty REFUSING to FUND OUR GOVERNMENT? The facts behind this are scary. We currently have a MINORITY FACTION running the show. Big MOUTHS and BIG MONEY. They will forever change the face of our democratically run government if they get away with this. It would open the door to allow someone to flip the tables on THEM and hold the funding of our government to a law someone ELSE doesn't like .. maybe something to do with guns or immigration? Then should a MINORITY run the show??

    If you think the dems are holding money up then you don't know what the hell is going on. I've been watching them talk on the floor of the House of Reps for 4 days (not straight haha) and it's a disgusting display of lies and nonsense. The RATIONAL republicans are SPEAKING against the TP faction of their OWN party but they are VOTING WITH them. No balls!

    You can't piecemeal our funding. You can't pick and choose what to fund. You fund it all. It was VOTED by Congress to spend it (appropriations and whatever that word is!! I hate that). The Republicans have REFUSED 26 TIMES over the PAST 6 months to meet with Dems for Conference Committtees on Obamacare. They waited until ONE HALF HOUR before the closing of government to REQUEST one??? WTF?? NOW they will tell YOU that THEY are the victims here. THAT is BS! and THAT if FACT.

  • 8 years ago

    Go ahead and give a budget so that all can be helped instead of just a kid with cancer. This is ridiculous, and nothing more than a stupid attempt to make Reid seem cold. When actually its the republicans that wouldn't pass the budget for those kids with cancer to get help in the first place.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Extortionists never stop with just one demand, and it is always a mistake to negotiate with them.

    The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) is the law of the land. A majority of the House and Senate voted for it, the President signed it into law, its constitutionality has been upheld by the Supreme Court, and a majority of Americans reelected the President after an election battle in which the Affordable Care Act was a central issue.

    Moreover, we don’t repeal laws in this country by holding hostage the entire government of the United States.

    The bullies are a faction inside the Republican Party – extremists who are threatening more reasonable Republicans with primary challenges if they don’t go along.

    And where are the Tea Party extremists getting their dough? From even bigger bullies – a handful of hugely wealthy Americans who are sinking hundreds of millions of dollars into this extortion racket.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Democrats fail to understand that Omnibus funding is the greatest problem to getting the budget under control....LOL! Passing bills by Department is the only way to cut waste, fraud and abuse. That's the way government has been funded FOREVER....LOL! We haven't had a budget SINCE 2007...LOL!

  • Rick
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    We are done playing Republican games that attempt to shift the blame for the pain of the government shut down to the Democrats. The public isn't buying it. 70% now blame Republicans for the shut down. Democrats have made it clear that they will happily sign a clean budget bill at the levels of spending that REPUBLICANS wanted despite the fact that we wanted higher levels. Send us a clean bill. Budgets are not the way to pass you Conservative agenda. No one is buying that argument except the 30% who believe whatever Fox News, The Tea Party and Rush Limbaugh tell them.

  • 8 years ago

    Why is the House Republicans trying to cover their butts sending piece meal bills to be passed?

    Do the clean CR and be done with it.

    Enough games.

  • 8 years ago

    The Republicans want to get their way a piece at a time. The Democrats are not going to go along with that.

  • Chuck
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    nancy pelosi is a House member. While I think of her as a witch, I doubt she has the magical powers to be in two places at once.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Reid said that they didn't matter in a press conference yesterday.

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