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Lv 7
Jim asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 8 years ago

What do the Obama Cult Kool-aid drinkers think of their beloved Barry-cade Obama now?

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've seen a couple of polls that say many people actually blame the Republicans for things like barricading monuments and meadows or fields at national parks. I'm astonished at how uneducated many of us are about what branches of the government actually do specific things. Even the partial "shutdown" itself can not possibly be carried out by Republicans right now.

    Republicans submitted bills to keep funding everything EXCEPT Obamacare-related operations. The senate, controlled by Democrats, has refused even to vote on many such bills, or they have voted on some such bills and failed to pass them. The truth is that the Republicans can NOT shut down government They simply are not in a position of power to be able to do so.

    I think Barack Obama's supporters must surely be among the most devoted of any politician's followers. Many people voted for him a second time "because he got more people working" and "because Obama lowered the federal debt". These things are matters of fact that are in fact FALSE. Obama actually oversaw the exact opposite of those things, but such facts seem not to matter at all to Obama's followers. I suspect their adoration of Obama continues still, with no particular regard to any particular facts.

    Peace to you.

    EDIT: I think it is very revealing about the left-wingers

    that they offer NOTHING but ad hominem rants as so-called "answers" to your question.

    They can say nothing of substance, so they rant,

    with plain and primitive personal attacks about what your home might be (trailer park),

    and make utterly unsubstantiated accusations that you are racist.

    Of course, since you said NOTHING about race,

    we can only trust that it is the ACCUSER who deals in race-baiting and race-rants.

    I wonder also about the compassion of anyone who mocks trailer park dwellers.

    Is it their frugality that warrants derision?

    Is it that they tend to be of the wrong race or ethnicity?

    Is it that they are just plain "poor", but NOT dependent,

    and refuse to live in government-run tenement "projects" like nice obedient poor folks?

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Barrycades: Barricades erected at government expense by Barry Obama during the government shutdown to prevent people from seeing open-air federal properties. Goal: To inflict maximum annoyance from the shutdown Democrats engineered. The Emperor even blocked people from LOOKING at Mt. Rushmore. Probably miffed because he is not immortalized there.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    I couldn't believe it when someone told me that the phone number for Obamacare was

    1-800-FU*KYOU (insert a C you know where) - and then I called the number and it was immediately answered - "If you're calling about Obamacare press 1" so I did and then it went on to offer choices for how to enroll etc. LOLOL

    Not joking.!!

  • 8 years ago

    The President has done a great job, as evidenced by his reelection. Conservatives, just like you, are trying to destroy America.

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  • AJ
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    And yet another sad disgruntle sore loser racist Republican is born. What a sad breed of people you all are. How's your trailer park dwellings doing? Got milk?

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