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Lv 6
? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

What issue(s) do you cross party lines on?

Whether you consider yourself more liberal or more conservative, where do you disagree with your party?

Mine (lean Republican):

Tax cuts - I support them, but not when we have a deficit. Get a balanced budget first. I can support some tax increases to balance the budget IF we have cut spending as much as possible.

Gay marriage - I support a constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between consenting adults, that covers everything - traditional marriage, interracial marriage, gay marriage, polygamy, bigamy, everything. In lieu of an amendment, leave it to the states.

Environment - I support private and some government action to ensure a clean environment and such.

"English as the official language" - Strongly against it.

Military spending - I support cutting military spending, largely closing overseas bases, getting out of needless wars, canceling over-priced military equipment, etc.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm a republican, but im for gay marriage, decriminalizing marijuana, and cutting defense spending (and cut all other spending)

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Gay marriage. More people want to sign on for a relationship that forms the building blocks of our culture? Sounds good to me. Just because you are gay doesnt mean you can't be for fiscal restraint, pro second amendment, or that you have to buy into every last socialist lie out there. Why alienate people who might be with you on a whole host of issues just because you find what they do behind closed doors icky.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    i am a libertarian leaning republican,

    But since most Libertarians end up running as republicans, None really.

    I am against Prohibition laws, but I AM for a strong military.

    I just think if we are going to get it wrong, let's err on the side of Liberty.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Doesn't sound like you agree with the Republicans on much of anything.

    I used to vote for candidates from both parties. I'm fairly conservative on fiscal issues. But the Republicans got so extreme on issues like abortion, gay marriage, and immigrants that I just can't vote for them anymore. Even my mother, a lifelong Republican and ardent Reagan supporter, stopped voting for Republicans because of the abortion issue. She was in her 80s at the time.

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  • 8 years ago

    I consider myself liberal.

    But I depart from the party line on military and energy policy.

    I don't care about global warming because I think it will eventually force us to find alternative energy.

    I think our military presence overseas is a strategic necessity.

    It increases our overall capabilities.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Church and "judeo Christian" values in politics. Its a value of the GOP, but I disagree and religion should have no place in politics. Not saying that historical statues, engravings etc need to be removed (as athiests always try to do), just that we shouldn't put focus on it when we are trying to appeal to a diverse base.

  • 8 years ago

    I would I suppose be classified as liberal. But I also love me some guns, and support "Vermont" carry. That's it, I'd probably have more if j bothered with politics.

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