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Lv 4
Dinoel asked in EnvironmentConservation · 8 years ago

What factors might limit a country's ability to protect its environment?

Primarily interested in Lebanon, but general answers are good too.


3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    If the economy is a timber, oil, gas, coal, resources economy, then the country depends on the environment for its money. The country would continue to use its resources instead of protecting the environment.

    -As for Lebanon, I am not an expert, but here is a random fact for you. The "Cedar of Lebanon" tree is actually very rare. It used to grow lusciously in Lebanon, but everyone loved that type of wood. Everyone came and cut the trees down and now very few are around today.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


  • 8 years ago

    Tea Party Republicans or, in other countries, election of the ignorant by the even-more-ignorant.

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