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How can People Deny that Catholicism Inspired Hitler?
a) Hitler was baptized as Roman Catholic during infancy in Austria.
b) As Hitler approached boyhood he attended a monastery school. (On his way to school young Adolf daily observed a stone arch which was carved with the monastery’s coat of arms bearing a swastika.)
c) Hitler was a communicant and an altar boy in the Catholic Church.
d) As a young man he was confirmed as a “soldier of Christ.” His most ardent goal at the time was to become a priest. Hitler writes of his love for the church and clergy: “I had excellent opportunity to intoxicate myself with the solemn splendor of the brilliant church festivals. As was only natural, the abbot seemed to me, as the village priest had once seemed to my father, the highest and most desirable ideal.” -Adolf Hitler (Mein Kampf)
e) Hitler was NEVER excommunicated nor condemned by his church. Matter of fact the Church felt he was JUST and “avenging for God” in attacking the Jews for they deemed the Semites the killers of Jesus.
f) Hitler, Franco and Mussolini were given VETO power over whom the pope could appoint as a bishop in Germany, Spain and Italy. In turn they surtaxed the Catholics and gave the money to the Vatican. Hitler wrote a speech in which he talks about this alliance, this is an excerpt: “The fact that the Vatican is concluding a treaty with the new Germany means the acknowledgement of the National Socialist state by the Catholic Church. This treaty shows the whole world clearly and unequivocally that the assertion that National Socialism [Nazism] is hostile to religion is a lie.” Adolf Hitler, 22 July 1933, writing to the Nazi Party
g) Hitler worked CLOSELY with Pope Pius in converting Germanic society and supporting the church. The Church absorbed Nazi ideals and preached them as part of their sermons in turn Hitler placed Catholic teachings in public education. This photo depicts Hitler with Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, the papal nuncio in Berlin. It was taken On April 20, 1939, when Orsenigo celebrated Hitler’s birthday. The celebrations were initiated by Pacelli (Pope Pius XII) and became a tradition.
Each April 20, Cardinal Bertram of Berlin was to send “warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer in the name of the bishops and the dioceses in Germany with “fervent prayers which the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their altars.” (If you would like to know more about the secret dealings of Hitler and the Pope I recommend you get a book titled: Hitler’s Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII, by John Cornwell)
h) Due to Hitler’s involvement with the Church he began enacting doctrines of the Church as law. He outlawed all abortion, raged a death war on all homosexuals, and demanded corporal punishment in schools and home. Many times Hitler addressed the church and promised that Germany would implement its teachings: “The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity. It will be its honest endeavor to protect both the great Christian Confessions in their rights, to secure them from interference with their doctrines (Lehren), and in their duties to constitute a harmony with the views and the exigencies of the State of today.” –Adolf Hitler, on 26 June 1934, to Catholic bishops to assure them that he would take action against the new pagan propaganda “Providence has caused me to be Catholic, and I know therefore how to handle this Church.” -Adolf Hitler, reportedly to have said in Berlin in 1936 on the enmity of the Catholic Church to National Socialism
The Zodiac killer ate McDondald's every week, does that mean McDondald's inspired him to commit murder?"
The zodiac killer never claimed he was inspired by mcdonalds, Hitler has said he was inspired by the catholic church...
15 Answers
- SarcastatronLv 78 years ago
And what part does Catholicism play in Hitler wanting to turn Poland and other Slavic countries into a German breeding ground? And have a world full of a pure Blonde haired & Blue-eyed(Which Hitler had neither) Germanic Caucasian race? Or the blatantly obvious connection between the Nazi's and Germanic Paganism. Or how about his Chief racial theorist Alfred Rosenberg? Say wasn't he a Neo-Pagan who believed that every race is inferior to the Germanic/Norse and considered those who Black or Jews the most inferior? Why yes he did. So if Hitler would recruit the likes of Rosenberg(who also had mixed ancestry) who was Pro Ethnic Cleansing he hardly was as Über Catholic as you're making him out to be.
- 8 years ago
Apparently you missed the part where the Pope wrote a letter to be read in every Catholic church in Germany that rejected the ideals of Nazism. It was called, "Mit brennender Sorge".
It indirectly criticized Nazism and its elevation of one race above others. It criticized essentially those parts of Nazism that contradicted Catholicism, and condemned pantheistic confusion, neopaganism, "the so-called myth of race and blood", and statolatry i.e., idolatry of the State. It contained a vigorous defence of the Old Testament out of belief that it prepared the way for the New and, in the opinion of some, contained a veiled attack on Adolf Hitler. Explicit reference to National Socialism, Hitler or the Nazi Party, is absent. Cardinal Faulhaber, who wrote a first draft, was adamant that the encyclical should be careful in both its tone and substance and should avoid explicit reference to Nazism or the Nazi Party.
Everything you listed against the Church is untrue and not the reality of what was occurring. Its anti Catholic propaganda. Nice try.
Source(s): wiki, common sense - 8 years ago
It just takes a little ignorance:
"We were convinced that the people need and require this faith. We have therefore undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
-- Adolf Hitler, from speech in Berlin (October 24, 1933)
"In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and of adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before - the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice. And as a man I have the duty to see to it that human society does not suffer the same catastrophic collapse as did the civilization of the ancient world some two thousand years ago - a civilization which was driven to its ruin through this same Jewish people."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Munich (April 12, 1922)
"I also have the conviction and the certain feeling that nothing can happen to me, for I know that Providence has chosen me to fulfill my task."
-- Adolf Hitler; from speech in Munich (September 4, 1932)
Source(s): - scrubbagLv 78 years ago
Everyone will have to answer to God, someday, even the Popes and of course, Hitler.
I will let God decide how to handle this, because I do not have the ability to do so, nor do I care to.
In the end times, God will be the judge of EVERYONE, including you and I. No matter what we do, or say or think, we will ALL be judged.
So it is not up to me to excuse what was done by Catholic or any Christians, two thousand years ago, nor even back before the 2nd World War. I can nor more be responsible for those things, then you can be of your past and ancestory.
From what I read in your long article, these things happened BEFORE the war and so the Church was of course all for Hitler, since he had all nations in the world fooled, by his lies and false promises.
How was it that he was able to build such a huge and highly trained army, when Germany was not even supposed to have much of an army to begin with. ? Why didn't the Allied forces keep an eye on Germany and stop this army build up? They failed also, because of the hidden lies, Hitler and his regime were putting out. As far as anyone knew, Germany had a Mediocre army, barely capable of defending its own borders. No one was aware of its huge and highly trained capabilities, until after Germany started invading other countries.
The point is, Hitler had many people fooled world wide, not just the pope.
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- MistyLv 78 years ago
It's easy to judge in hindsight. We know the end of the story. The Church, and as well as all the nations of the world, had no idea what Hitler was planning.
He knew that many of the German people were Catholic, and he needed their cooperation. He used Christianity when it suited him.
However, he had no interest in being "Christl-like." Jesus, after all, was a Jew, the very people he hated.
Your conclusions make no sense, because cherry picked historical events taken out of context and without understanding of what was going on at the time in Germany and in the world, can lead to misunderstanding them.
There are many other events that point to just the opposite, such as the fact that the pope worked to save Jews. That over 3 million Catholics were killed in concentration camps, stories of brave Catholics such as Irena Sendler who saved over 2500 Jewish children, priests who were persecuted because of their faith, etc. etc.
Hitler attempted to eradicate any "regime" that threatened his own power, and a love for Christ would definitely be at odds with him.
There is information that the KBG made "infiltrating the Church a priority." Here is the story of one of the men assigned to this job:
There is a lot to know, way beyond what you have selectively posted to make your anti-Catholic conclusion.
- Olive GardenLv 78 years ago
Hitler was a bad catholic, everyone knows that. Hunger of power made him diabolical.
C'mon it's childish to infer that Hitler cannot take responsibility of his actions and blame it on the Catholic church. that's a cope out. Try again.
- Anonymous8 years ago
OK, Hitler worked with the Catholic church as part of his rise to power. That's not quite the same thing as saying "Hitler was inspired by the Catholic Church."
Now, if you could find me a source that indicated that he was at all active in the church, & in the church's sacraments, any time after 1920, I would take claims about his alleged religious piety a bit more seriously.
- Jim WLv 78 years ago
< Statements a - e are true of me as well. Statements f - h are matters of political expediency on the part of the pope as well as Hitler. None of them are a matter of faith in Roman Catholicism. The statement that they are is your erroneous conclusion based on an incomplete understanding of the facts.>
- John SLv 78 years ago
You have to look at both sides with an open mind. It seems like you've simply copy n pasted from the internet, so something tells me you aren't open minded on the topic.
But in case I am wrong....
Here are some points to consider:
1) It is historical fact that he quit his church and the sacraments at an early age, not much different from many atheists and agnostics, now-a-days. Shall we call Atheists and Agnostics liars and say they are still Christians when they themselves say they are NOT?
There is no evidence that he continued to practice his faith after he was a teen. His childhood friend confirmed this later on.
2) Whilst climbing to power he could not alientate the electorate. 2/3rds of Germany was Protestant (Lutheran mostly), 1/3rd Catholic at that time. He had to bite his lip while gaining power.
If you overlay a map of the districts that voted overwhelmingly for Hitler's Nazi party and those who are pre-dominantly Protestant vs. Catholic, an interesting correlation appears. Nearly ALL of the districts that voted in favor of the Nazi party were in fact predominantly Protestant. The Catholic districts voted against Nazism. So did Protestantism cause Hitler? ( I don't think so) The Nazi power would have known this correlation and in time -- used their power to get rid of any dissidents.
3) Hitler is hard to figure out as he contradicted himself from one speech to another about Christianity.
He'd talk of "Positive Christianity" in one rant then denounce it in the next saying it was little more than a bastardized form of Judaism and a religion of slaves incompatible with National Socialism.
Overall though, his rants got more ANTI-Religion the more powerful he got and the longer he held power. It would seem that he wasn't much interested in religion.. just power. In the beginning playing up his christian beliefs made sense. Later on, a fascade of belief served him less and less, therefore he later dropped the charade and put down religion.
4) He had no "huge support" from the Vatican. True, a concordant was signed with the Vatican to protect Catholics in Germany just as had been done with Napoleon before. The Vatican was a "neutral country" at that time; besides as Joseph Stalin mocked in 37, "how many divisions does the Pope have? " I'd like to know how well 250 Swiss guards armed with halberds would do against the Nazi war machine."
Now earlier on the Nazis had some moral support from Christians and European aristocrats because it was looking like Bolshevism would win the day and they were well familiar as to what happened to the Romanov's and clergy in Russia two decades before. Distasteful as they were, perhaps the Fascists and Nazis were a good bulwark against the communists they reasoned.
5) Hitler did nothing to warrant an official excommunication from the Catholic church because that's not what excommunication is for. There is a popular belief that if the Church doesn't like you or your cause they will excommunicate you as a way to warn others NOT to follow in your footsteps. - This is actually incorrect. The church excommunicates 'faithful' Catholics in the HOPES that they will correct their ways. Hitler was not a faithful Catholic - ergo no need to excommunicate him. Secondly, It is generally believed that a person's actions automatically excommunicate them, whether or not the church pronounces it. The church does not however, excommunicate non-Catholics, which is what Hitler was.
6) Now this belt buckle argument about "Gott Mit Uns" . At the time of the completion of German unification in 1871, the imperial ... wore this slogan on their belt buckles and the army kept it over the decades. The Nazis actually wanted it removed but for a big change the army strongly protested changing this tradition. For once the Nazis gave in. However the more elite Waffen SS got a new buckle saying,Meine Ehre heißt Treue ('My honour is loyalty').
7) Finally reason ought to dictate that the Christian philosophy of loving your enemies, praying for those who persecute you, turning the other cheek, let alone that the meek shall inherit the earth would make any good Nazi vomit in disgust.
consider these poems and songs.. do they seem like Catholicsim is the source of Hitler's actions?
Hitler Youth sung:
We are the joyous Hitler youth,
We do not need any Christian virtue
Our leader is our savior
The Pope and Rabbi shall be gone
We want to be pagans once again
- Song sung by Hitler youth
Jewish source:
Nazism was a "quasi-pagan phenomenon"
Christopher Hitchens
God Is Not Great - page 237
Michael Burleigh, one of Britain's leading historians, also upbraids critics of Pius XII, claiming that the controversial pope actually did a good deal to save and shelter Jews during the Holocaust.
Sacred Causes: The Clash of Religion and Politics, from the Great War to the War on Terror
by Michael Burleigh
SS Poem found in Burleigh's book:
"Go bury the delusive hope
About His Holiness the Pope
For all he knows concerning Race
Would get a schoolboy in disgrace.
Old, muddle-headed, doddering, ill,
His knowledge is precisely nil.
And, gone in years, he can but keep
His motley flock of piebald sheep;
Since he regards both Blacks and Whites
As children all with equal rights,
As Christians all (whate'er their hues),
They're 'spiritually' not but Jews.
The Vatican (e'en blockheads know)
With verdigris is covered so,
And wants, no doubt, the faithful band
Of Christians who around it stand
As far as 'ghostly welfare' goes
To lead 'em by the (hooked) nose.
A pretty picture all men know
The firm of 'Judah-Rome and Co.'
And 'Old Man' e'er can tell the tale
And, sure, his pity will not fail.
The banner is at last unfurled:
'Chief Rabbi of the Christian world'.
- Anonymous8 years ago
hitler relied on astrology . he was excommunicated by his actions , it is known in Latin as "Latae Sentinae.".
everyone loved hitler when he started , but they quickly realised later how evil he was , hundreds of catholic priests , nuns, laypeople and others of different faiths were sent to the camps . it has being proved that pius xii was instrumental in saving thousands of jews during the war , these have being backed up by jews living today
even England fell for his promises and looked what happened there.
stop believing every anti catholic story that comes on radio , tv, and the internet