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What class you wish they had taught in high school...?

that you would have found useful to prepare you for adult life.

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Personal Finance. Such as how to plan a personal budget and how to save money. They should have done that in high school, and done it in a practical way, such as telling the students they had X amount of money to spend that week. Then have them see if they could keep to that amount of money.

    Most kids go to college with no idea how to manage their money. Then they get a credit card (with no income except that fast food job, hello) and get in some real trouble.

  • 8 years ago

    Critical thinking? Only in my case, and this is not bragging at all, simply stating a fact, either I had taught myself critical thinking skills long before high school or it is something that was just instinctive, but either way my critical thinking skills were more sophisticated and more advanced when I was in grade school than the critical thinking skills of many that have graduated from college.

    They did not teach comparative religion in high school, although it is being taught in some schools now. In fact, I know of at least a couple of schools where it is being taught before the high school level. I think that might have been advantageous for some people. But in my case, while I'm sure I would have learned something, although I doubt if I had the confidence to teach comparative religion to a class of my peers, I could easily have taught comparative religion by the time I was in high school.

    Is it possible to teach a high school class how to pick a proper lifetime mate? I have my doubts. I think I would have made the same stupid mistakes even had there been a class for developing and sustaining life-long intimate relationships. I look back at some of the choices I made and I can only shake my head. But I most definitely have learned from experience. From, if you will the School of Hard Knocks.

    I have been reflecting as I have been writing and I think probably the one class that would have done me the most good is personal finance and preparing oneself for retirement. Due to some very unpleasant experiences, when I entered high school I was anything but confident. But I started to blossom. And because I have learned just what I am capable of doing in many areas, I long ago became self-confident beyond any expectations I ever once had. I have made a couple of choices that were ultimately disasters financially. But I have also made some choices, taken some gambles that might terrify someone with less confidence and I have made those pay off quite handsomely. Not many people can claim to have made very close to five figures in a single week and done it completely legally, honestly and ethically. I have. Not every week, but I can do it, I have done it, and I just may it do it again. Just give me the right opportunity.

    However, I long ago learned that not only can good money come easily, as long as the right opportunity presents itself, it is also far from the most important thing in one's life. There is an old saying, "Easy come, easy go." In retrospect, I now realize that I should have hung on to a bit more of the "Easy come" and not let it go so easily. At the present time, I find myself in rather difficult straits, a bit unsure where I am going from here. Although I know I am on my way back up, had I taken the time to invest an appropriate amount of my income, I would not be wondering right now exactly how I'm going to make my way back to the top. I would have the means to do so. But I still have my God-given intelligence and my hard-earned self-confidence, so although I will never step on anyone to get back up there, I am on my way back up.

    See you at the top!

    Added added:

    I just happened to notice one of the other answers and it inspired this one. Sorry for being Chungue in teak, but sometimes I cannot help myself.

    I think they should teach sects education in high school. (What? No, silly! And not religious sects education either. That one is only for people who are in the missionary positions, not for normal people. Nor do I mean etymology. I am already a sesquipedalian, so etymology comes natural to me. What I'm talking about is entomology. You know, in-sects. Bugs, in other words. Specifically, aunts and uncles. Oops, I meant ants. The ones that are crawling all over my kitchen sink and counter right now. They have me so upset that I am trying to figure a way to just gel out right now. Uh, I mean chillout. I got out my Uzi, but they are still ignoring me.

    Any ideas? Bug spray, you say? Why would I want to stick around while a bunch of ants spit on me? Nevermind. I'll just go get my 16 pound sledgehammer. That ought to teach them!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    herbology--don't know the name you would call it.

    As a kid I knew we could eat lambsquarters, and milk weed (though I can't identify it young), now in my 40s, I am learning I can use sumac to make tea and there are health benefits and it tastes pretty good.(I thought it was all poisoned)--I am learning the benefits of Mullein, blackberry leaves, pokeweed and sassafras and still so much to learn.

    I wish I had learned all this as a kid.

    If all kids knew this there would never be a fear of not having something to eat--they would know that they could walk outside and fill their bellies even in the dead of winter. And know the natural remedies instead of the chemicals they push that really help nothing.

  • 8 years ago

    Cwuntem fizicks

    azhuls jus gav me englis abuncha times

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  • 8 years ago

    A class on dental terminology and impressions and other dental office related work (that's my career now).

  • Home Economics. They cancelled that class due to funding -.-

  • gramps
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Genealogy, see where your family tree comes from, and whose in it. This is very fascinating.

  • 8 years ago

    Proper Math....!! I never got past the basics.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Science fiction :P

  • 8 years ago

    Nap time.

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