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Do you think that this Autumn has been exceptionally beautiful?

I do, looking out of my window the Autumn colours are fantastic, it's a pity the leaves are about to fall.

22 Answers

  • D
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Every Autumn is beautiful. Well I enjoy all of our Seasons. I still have lovely pink roses blooming in my garden. Great to see that the leaves have changed colour but are still on the trees. Another mild day here which is great.

  • 8 years ago

    Autumn has been so mild here in Ireland that it doesn't feel like the latter end of the year at all. All the same, a few windy nights and the leaves are virtually all gone. There were still blackberries to be picked during the first week of November. Alas, they are gone now too. The rowan (mountain ash) looks spectacular - a great crop of red berries this year.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    One morning about eight weeks ago I saw an optical illusion. Across the field in back of our house, the sun was rising and it looked as though the trees, which were then green, were changing color in the sun, turning yellow and orange and red, almost like they were on fire. It was one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen in this neck of the woods, because in central Michigan we're not really known for beautiful sunrises. But it was an optical trick, like I said. When full daylight came, the trees were still green. Now, eight weeks later, they ARE those yellow, orange and red colors but the leaves are falling and it's just not QUITE as pretty. Autumn is my favorite time of the year and always has been, in spite of the fact that winter (and snow!) will soon follow.

  • 8 years ago

    Beautiful fall colors are something we don't have much of where I live in the States, which is coastal Georgia. That's the price we pay to live in a milder climate with a big ol' "pond" just minutes away.

    Being from upstate NY originally, I have to admit to missing all the vibrant yellows, reds and oranges. Here, the leaves on my Sycamore tree go straight from green to brown, and there's just not a darn thing pretty about that at all. :-(

    Enjoyed this question and all the descriptive answers from both your side of the pond and ours. Thanks!

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  • 8 years ago

    I live where there is no changing of the seasons and I do miss the colorful trees. There is a place...quite a drive where they have stands of maple trees. Maples weren't the most least where I used to live but it would be nice. Change of season here simply means it cools off to I can stand to stand out in the sun for an extended period and everything gets greener and it has been raining. Something I haven't seen much of and used to love rainy days...when I didn't have to work out in it. We had our first 50 degree weather and that is cold here. But the days have been exquisite.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The colours on deciduous trees in Autumn are lovely.

    In Australia though, we only have a mild Winter and an extended extreme Summer now. Spring and Autumn have been dispensed with. The average temperature where I live this week has been 35C (95F).

  • 8 years ago

    Every Autumn seems wonderful & beautiful wherever I am. I live in SoCA and we do not have the changing of the seasons nor the abundance of autumn color but we have very comfortable weather. I visited Quebec in October and enjoyed the beauty and the briskness. I do enjoy the passing of the seasons as markings of this lifetime.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    My answer is that I live in Southern California, and yes I do miss being back in England during Autumn, but after returning last year for a couple of weeks, the London that I was raised in is no longer what it was. I felt like I was in a different, unfriendly country!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    This has been a lovely Autumn, we have had some beautiful sunsets and warm weather too. the colours of the leaves are amazing.

  • I amme
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Leaves are past the prime here and many have already fallen, but the color was so brilliant this year. Absolutely beautiful.

    I was just on Facebook yesterday looking at pics one of my Colorado friends had posted. I do miss the deep green and the bright gold of the aspens.

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