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mauveme49 asked in PetsDogs · 7 years ago

Unethical Posters who report answers?

Has anyone been reported because on by people like this?

A poster asked about getting their dog trained as a service dog because they wanted to take their dog to the mall. The person said they were not disabled and wanted to know what kind of illness to fake in order to get a doctor's note. I gave my opinion----was reported

Next post by same person- wanted to know how to get a service dog---no other info, -I commented---reported

Third post, the very same poster said She was blind and was asking for websites to buy her seeing eye dog "clothes" of all things, I gave my opinion.===reported again, I tried to apeal this but can't access the page, But they don't read them anyway, so it wouldn't do any good.

Has anyone else been reported by this poster?


I have been repored before by trolls too and it doesn't bother me either, I just think this person is a disgrace as a dog owner, and said so. It bugs me that YA has the appeal program but doesn't do anything about investigating these people.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I didn't know who you were talking about until I read the seeing eye dog clothes... now I know.

    It sucks that there are people like that on this form, all thought it might be the internet, I have actually gained a bit more knowledge about dogs, training, everything from this site.

    The question about the "clothes" was taken down before I was next in line to be reported. I do think Y!A doesn't do a good job when it comes to reports. I have a TC still harassing me in answers, pointing me out, and constantly criticizing me. Not giving out who it was, but haven't seen that person around lately. I simply answered "So and so, don't do that again. I am done of you constantly harassing me" then I actually answered the question.

    Guess what? MY answer was removed, lost points, and THEIR answer was still up? How! I even lost my appeal!

    Well this is just a website, don't take anything on here personally or serious when it comes to an idiot.

  • 7 years ago

    I know exactly who your talking about. Although I only answered one of their questions, and DID give a sarcastic answer, I reported THEM for calling you out with a nasty name. I got a few emails earlier about that asker, and it wasn't from a DS regular. In fact, they told me that she asked the same questions in the CAT Section. I didn't see them because I wasn't home at the time.

    I've got two violation notices in the last couple of days, and one of them was from an answer I gave well over 6 months ago. How doest THAT happen?

    Anyway, getting back to you and your answers to her questions. THEY WERE GREAT! I'm guessing that asker either has several accounts, or perhaps several contacts that she asks to do some reporting for her. I'm not really sure how that all works, but I've only appealed ONE violation notice since 2007. I did win. I haven't really appealed any since then, because it's just not that important to me. In your case, you deserve to win an appeal IF you can even do it. IMO, that asker is the one who should be getting suspended. As you stated, she's the one who is being unethical and trying to break the law......of course, if she just wasn't out trolling to begin with.

  • 7 years ago

    I get reported all the time largely because if someone is going to bother to come online to ask a question they need advice. I don't sugar coat my advice because I don't want those who advise me throughout my life to do that to me. Sure I'm judgmental (Hey, everyone gets to have one character flaw right).

    I have NO patience for complete ignorance or animal cruelty (Denying medical care, not providing appropriate living conditions) or dishonest or immoral people. Dogs are what I care about and what I consider my expertise (At least more than 99% of the other topics on this site).

    I learned as an adult that don't ask someone to give you honest GOOD advice if you're worried that it will hurt your feelings. Truly good advice is rarely easy to listen to for the person asking for it.

    I think if any rational adult could read through my responses to people and see that my advice is generally good and helpful -- Even if the person who asked for it wanted to hear it the way I presented it to them.

    If my best friend in the entire world walked up to me and said "Hey man, I have this dog who broke his leg and I don't have any money, what should I do?" I'd give him the same HONEST and maybe hurtful advice I give to a complete stranger.

  • 7 years ago

    There are plenty of trolls and stalkers on this site. I've been reported a number of times. It doesn't worry me.

    YA doesn't bother to read the content of the replies. If a stalker or troll reports you then you will receive a violation.

    In future, if you see troll posts like the one you refer to. Report them. It's illegal to fraudently present a dog as a service dog. Report them for fraudulent misrepresntation.

    Your replies are always informative and sensible.

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  • 7 years ago

    Not by this poster, but yes, I have been reported many times but was always able to turn it around & my answer stood. Only one was not cleared. I was guilty of that one.

    I just couldn't keep my mouth SHUT & I jumped some poor guy, big time.

  • JenVT
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I was reported twice by her yesterday. I didn't bother to appeal them. Some people cannot be reasoned with because they don't realize they are complete tools.

  • 7 years ago

    They do it because they don't like being told the truth and then throw an e-fit over it. People who have to ask if their mutt can be a service dog are not disabled and just want to haul their ill trained mutts around and make t harder for people with real service dogs

  • 7 years ago

    Between dealing with this crap and the new and "improved" yahoo update, this site is becoming more user unfriendly. I'm ready yo pick up my marbles and find another place to play. Yes I've been getting more violation notices too.

  • 7 years ago

    Report them back

  • Mary
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Yea, I've been reported, appealed but nothing:(o Don't take it to heart… They should monitor some of these questions..Things that should not even be printed. Keep your chin up!

    Lacey, my format went back to the old one.yesterday..?? Anyone else?

    Did not like the new one at all.

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