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Really random Question about possibly throwing games?

I've always thought about if this has ever happened.....bare with me it's hard to explain this kind of scenario, but I'll do my best!

So 3 teams are involved. (I'll just pick the Stars, Hawks, and the Blues just to use as a random example). The Blues have already clinched the playoffs, they have nothing to worry about, and they play the last game of the season against the Dallas Stars.

The Chicago Blackhawks are currently not in the playoffs. The ONLY way the can get it that last playoff spot, is if Dallas loses this game vs the Blues.

The Blues HATE the Blackhawks, and vice versa. So 'what if' the Blues who have nothing to lose in this game since they're sitting pretty.....lost on purpose?

If the Blues let Dallas win this game, they know the Blackhawks playoff hopes are OVER. Chicago NEEDED Dallas to lose. So basically the Blues threw the game because they didnt want the Blackhawks, their rival, in the playoffs.

Has a scenario like this ever ACTUALLY happen? And even if it did, how could you prove a team purposely losing?

Remeber, all these teams I just randomly chose. I chose the Hawks and Blues because they're rivals, and just chose Dallas as that extra team. Random Question I know, but something I've always wondered about. Appreciate any and (most) feedback! Thanks! :)

BQ: on my birthday this year, My favorite goaltender in the NHL on twitter DM'ed me, and wished me a happy birthday and made my entire WEEK!!!! That goalie was Roberto Luongo. What has been your favorite experience with a pro hockey player???


All great answers everyone!

And Bob I'm doing pretty good!! Nice to see you back :) I've been MIA on here as well for a while. Hope you're doing good! Oh and LOL 'Blondie' :)

10 Answers

  • Snid
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You said to bare with you. I am old and no one wants to see that. I will bear with you. I have no idea if it's right, though.

    I was so confused by the time I read your question that I am going to say no, they wouldn't do it even though teams have been accused of something similar in the past. I really have no clue, though.

    BQ: Standing in line waiting outside in 20 degree weather to get inside a store to get Steve Yzerman's autograph. We weren't supposed to take pictures. I did. And I offered my hand and he shook it. After I got the photos back (digital wasn't the big thing at the time) I noticed that the two girls

    "helping" were in the picture so I sent a few copies to the store thinking it might be kids of the owner. Imagine my surprise when I got a letter from Dash Mobile Electronics with 6 tickets to a Wings game to thank me for sending the photos.

    Good to see you! It's like old home week. Homes was here for a bit week before last. Now all we need is Casey and Shakey.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I agree with machinehead in the sense that you cannot expect professional athletes lose on purpose, it's just not in their nature. For example. the current Philadelphia 76ers are constructed to be the worst team in NBA history but they still started 3-0, including beating the Heat. In that way, team management and coaching has the power to influence wins and losses. Management and coaching can purposefully not put the best team possible on the field. The athletes can try as hard as they can, but they just are not good enough over a long period of time. The will to win can only take you so far, the 76ers are now 5-8. The Blues in your scenario, already good to go, can mask everything as resting. They are already in the playoffs, they can rest Halak (or whoever is their starter, who can keep up with the Blues and their 20 NHL caliber goalies) and put in their backup. The Hawks wouldn't be pleased that the Blue aren't putting their best lineup out there, but teams rest players all the time. The fact that they hate the Hawks is just a bonus. But note, whoever that backup goalie is, he will not lose on purpose, he does not want to be a backup. He just simply isn't as good as their starter.

    On September 28th 2011, the Yankees played the Rays and the Red Sox played the Orioles. If the Rays lost they were done and the Red sox were in the postseason. The Yankees played a lineup with a fair amount of scrubs, and why not, they already clinched their division. Red Sox fans were not pleased. Their rival was rolling over when they need them to win. The Yankees ending up blowing a 7-0 lead and the Red Sox Papelblow'd their game, and the rest is history. The best day ever.

    I don't think the Devils hated the Leafs, but I did, after they sat Brodeur and played Clemmenson against the Islanders in the game that would decide the Leafs playoff fate. Wade Dubielewicz poke check and that was that. If you have done what you needed to do in the regular season, it is your right to rest players and get ready for the playoffs. I'll only say something if you rest a guy but still let him play 22 seconds to keep his bogus ironman streak alive cough cough

    BQ: I don't know. If Tyler Bozak every blocks me, it will be that

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I know this isn't hockey, but it's related: Last year, the Packers played the Vikings in the last game of the NFL season, which decided if the Bears or Vikings made it to the playoffs. The Bears are the Packers' most hated rival and vice versa. The Packers lost that game and many of us accused them of losing on purpose because they had nothing to gain from that game except for keeping us out of the playoffs. I cannot think of any examples in the NHL immediately, but I imagine it has happened before. Can you prove that they lost on purpose? No, not unless they outright declared they lost on purpose, which is nearly impossible to be true IMO. Despite the conspiracy theories, I highly doubt that any team would lose on purpose. Athletes aren't supposed to want to lose for ANY reason. What does that make someone if they don't have a "I want to win" mentality? There are those that would enjoy seeing a rival not make the playoffs, but it's anything but an excuse to lose a game on purpose. You might as well declare before the game that you're forfeiting it. Besides, with playoffs coming up, you want to get all the preparation you can. I see no better way to end the season, and get ready for the playoffs, by getting a win.

    BQ: I met Patrick Sharp for the first time during the off-season after we won the Cup in 2010. I got a picture signed, got my picture with him, shook his hand, and talked with him briefly. COOLEST. GUY. EVER.

  • 8 years ago

    It is against NHL rules and bylaws to intentionally throw a game and it would not be worth it for the Blues given that a huge fine would be levied against them.

    I have seen this a lot in other sports...especially baseball where teams will field a decent team in that scenario so going against what you are suggesting. Karma is a funny thing and it can bite you....and it might be the reverse the following year. Now.....throwing a game and resting key players to prevent injury or inserting your back up goalie are two different things entirely just to be clear.

    Now there was a lot of hoopla a couple of years back because Peter Forsberg suggested that Sweden threw an Olympic Game. Many think they should have had their medal stripped from them.

    My personal opinion....don't let someone else control your destiny and if they are in the position to then tough your scenario, the Hawks should have won another game throughout the season and not put themselves in that situation. I think it should be fair game....but it isn't....according to the NHL bylaws.

    How are ya blondie?

    BQ- Hmmmm....several. Non family.....I attended a lot of functions with a goaltender the past couple of summers....he is in the AHL in the Leafs organization. He is a pretty straight laced guy but at a party which was all couples....he said something very very funny...funnier because it came out of his mouth. Everyone laughed so hard that beer was coming out of their was an observation about oral sex that everyone could relate to but never thought about ever saying. LOL right now about it....bahahaha

  • 8 years ago

    The notion isn't far fetched at all. Is it against the rules and unethical? Of course it is and professional athletes wouldn't ever "try" to lose, they are conditioned to win and asking them to intentionally lose would get out of the locker room in a big hurry (in todays electronic world probably before the game even started). But a coach or management team that really wanted to lose could pull it off in a way very difficult for 99% of the world to catch onto.

    In your scenario the Blues are locked in....they can "rest" key players and it would be difficult to argue with. Lets say Backes and Pietrangelo are "a little nicked up" and the extra days of rest will do them a world of good (wink, wink) and they throw in a couple of AHLers who have been called up to serve as black aces. Now Joe Nobody defenseman and the inexperienced forward happen to be on the ice and somehow gets "caught" on a line change and somehow winds up with Seguin, Benn on the ice. These are scenarios that don't happen very often in regular games as coaches (and players) stay aware of matchups and try not to get caught in bad matchups. But these eager kids can easily get caught up in the excitement and the coaches may not call out the change just long enough. Now it isn't certain Dallas will score but the probability just got a lot higher. The intent by the coaches is there but how could anyone even speculate what was up? It more than likely doesn't happen but it could and it would be impossible to prove and very damaging to the game to even suggest it publicly.

    BQ. I have a lot of experience with pro players but as I have mentioned before the day I had lunch with Mr. Hockey Gordie Howe in Traverse City can not be topped. We didn't talk much hockey (of course in hindsight there are a million questions I wished I had asked) but it was the once in a lifetime experience everybody should have.

  • dont lie you didnt choose dallas just randomly.. you had me on your brain and thats what made you use them...... I dont think that has ever happened that i know of but i know teams with a clinched playoff spot have gotten in trouble for not playing hard and getting drunk and losing to a team that was on the border of making the playoffs and letting that team in...

    BQ* I held Serigei Zubovs Ciggarete while he signed an autograph for me when i was a kid..

  • 8 years ago

    Generally talent alone isnt enough. To make it to the NHL you need passion and fierce competitiveness. While a team who doesnt need the game might not be at 100% intensity, I cant imagine a professional purposefully not competing.

    BQ: former NHL goalie [and former Ranger] Kevin Weekes regularly chats with fans on twitter. Ive talked to him like three times about his work on NHL metwork, about the Rangers, about anything. And they arent generic reaponses for the sake of responding. When he speaks to you he uses your name and thanks you; little things like that show you hes actually engaged. One of the nicest guys in hockey.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The other answers have covered it...

    BQ: Shaking hands with Rod Langway

  • 8 years ago

    BQ Pk Subban signing my jersey.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


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