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Christians, how did you determine that other religions were false?

What evidence (or lack thereof) led you to believe that Krishna, Ahura Mazda, Zeus, Osiris, etc. never existed and that your god does?


Okaaaaay, let me try this again. What facts led you to believe that the Bible is true and other sacred texts are false?

Update 2:

So far, people are telling me that they believe in the Bible, in Jesus, in Christianity. What I want to know is, why *don't* you believe in the others?

20 Answers

  • gina
    Lv 5
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    According to the Bible, all religion is false. Faith isn't a religion, no matter how many people who lack it try to make it be the same thing.

    The very poignant difference between the beliefs of Christianity and all other religions is that religion, at the basic understanding of what a religion is, is mankind trying to connect with God(s); whereas Christianity is the only faith in which God attempts to connect with mankind. It is foundationally different.

    To be a bit more obvious, everyone chooses the belief system they believe to be the correct one. Therefore your question is based in bias since the same is true for everyone who has an opinion, including atheists, who also believe they are correct in their position. No one in their right mind holds a belief they reject is true, and simply claiming a religious affiliation or label is insufficient to make it applicable.

  • NDMA
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    First, I believe all religions false. Just man made attempts to favor curry from god by doing rituals and good works.

    I subscribe to the faith of Christianity, I do not subscribe to any man made religions.

    Secondly, I do not assert that Krishna, Ahura Mazda, Zeus, Osiris etc never existed.

    Looking at the available information, and empirical evidence and comparing that against the Bible and other 'sacred texts' I concluded the Bible was most consistent with the evidence. Examining the Historical evidence and the assertions by the three Bible based Faith Traditions I concluded Christianity was most in line with the facts.

    This process of evaluating things too me about two years.

    Other than a few know translation or transcription errors. I have yet to see a single claim the Bible makes about the natural world that is in conflict with empirical science, and I have ye to see a single empirically supported claim made by scientists that is in variance with the Bible. I cannot say that about any other 'sacred text'.

    My accepting the Bible as an inspired text is based on several accurate claims about the natural world that could not have been known at the time the text was written that have been validated by scientific discoveries thousands of years later.

    Unlike most of the atheists in this forum, when I say I follow the evidence it is because I have actually looked at the evidence!

    mira: Nonsense! One can prove a negative proposition (i.e. disprove something) by proving an exclusionary affirmative proposition. I can disprove somebody was in Miami on friday at 1:00 PM by proving they were in Chicago on Friday at 12:00 PM.

  • 7 years ago

    Ok, for the record, you can't prove something is false with evidence, you can only prove something to be true with evidence, therefore suggesting that something else is false. This is a fundamental concept of science. For the same reason, an atheist will never be able to prove that Christianity is false, they can only prove what is true thereby suggesting that Christianity is false.

    EDIT: @NDMA *sigh*, read it again, I said you could indirectly prove something was wrong by proving something else right but you can't directly prove something wrong. Sorry, it's a very difficult concept to grasp, takes undergrads in science a whole lecture to get it through to them. Using big words don't make you right.

    Now to your question. There is no proof, religion has no proof, only faith. Christians have faith in the story of Jesus. Jesus is a man who historians believe actually existed, though his status of a Prophet or God or his stories obviously differ.

    People don't believe in other gods/goddesses because Jesus said that the Lord is our only God and that He is the God of all people. If you have not been brought up in religion, it is sometimes hard to follow the reasoning of people who are...but if the Creator of the known Universe, your personal Creator tells you something, you believe them. When that Creator tells you that they are the only God, you believe Him and automatically that means that ALL other gods/goddesses are false.

    Does this make sense?

    Some people of course have other reasons for not believing in other gods/goddesses and believing in God. These are usually personal reasons (like their life was going bad and they found God and now they are more peaceful etc.) but I can't account for all of those, I can only account for the general response of believers.

    Source(s): Theist
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I am a Christian because the Bible is the only inspired word of God. This is proven not only by the Bible saying that it is inspired (literally "God breathed") (2 Timothy 3:16), but by the fact that the Bible is the only religious book that doesn't contradict itself, that it is the most historically accurate book there is, and that it goes hand-in-hand with science.

    Hope that shows you why I don't believe in others!

    Source(s): Check out these sites:,, and especially
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  • 7 years ago

    A Christian is a follower of Christ. That means they follow something, but it is incorrect to assume that if they follow some idea that other ideas must be wrong.

    Some believe other faiths are wrong; some do not.

    I've chosen to follow a faith, but there's no reason you should not follow the one that works for you -- or, if you prefer, just don't follow anything.

    Nobody's going to check up on you.

    I don't follow other faiths because I do not find them at all compelling. Most of them, I have never even heard of them, or have never really looked into them.

    I think most faiths are just variable ways of saying the same thing, of getting to the same place. Your mileage may vary.

  • 7 years ago

    The Bible

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    They believe in Jesus. If you can prove Jesus was real or are at least convinced of historical evidence that Jesus was real and was resurrected then you really don't need to prove anything else. I suggest you ask someone like Ravi Zacharias what he thinks instead of people on yahoo answers.

  • 7 years ago

    Because the Bible is God's word.

  • 7 years ago


    Since there are hundreds, if not thousands of religions, it would be impossible to study all of them in depth. We don't live that long.

    If there is a Creator, and I believe there is. He would have to have a mechanism for establishing his true teachings, and separating them from all others.

    Having read books on Evolution, Creation, and Misc religions, I began to put the pieces together. ... I found that the writing which best explained to me, why our world is in such a mess, is the Creation Account in the Bible.

    OK: Then what? I attended the Baptist Church, the Methodist Church, the Pentecostal Church, the Catholic church, etc: Looking for one that I thought actually taught what the Bible taught. ... I did not find a single one that I thought actually taught what the Bible taught.

    So... I gave up looking. Many years passed. ... Then one day, what I had looked for for so long, found me. ... That was 45 years ago.


    Source(s): . Jehovah's Witness for the past 43 years. .
  • 7 years ago

    All religions have spiritual truth to them they are just worshiping false Gods. I practiced other religions in my life before I became a Roman Catholic and all of them left me feeling empty inside. plus if Christianity is the largest religion on the face of this earth there is a method to the madness. Many of my prayers have also been answered as a Catholic so that was all the proof I needed to convert.

  • Cattm
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Any other religion or occult practice I tried, left me feeling bored & empty. Learned nothing, got nothing, made me anxious & felt creepy. When I made Jesus my lord &savior, my whole life changed for the better in every way. That big hole in my soul if filled. I'm happier, smarter, richer, healthier * stronger, mentally & physically.

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