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Lv 5

Christians, hypothetical question: what would be your viewpoint of God and Jesus if there were no bible?

Let's just say you woke up tomorrow and suddenly all the bibles were gone and your memory of it was gone as well, but the story of Jesus was still around as it is a popular story. What would you think of this story?


And the story was just a story that has been around for ages and ages, passed on from generation to generation, like the stories of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, etc.

Update 2:

My point is: yeah, you might still believe in God, but what would your God be like?

14 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Seeing that there are billions of other books out there covering almost as many answer would have to be I would NOT believe in God unless I had a personal experience that I could then reference to the point of satisfaction. (There was never a book about my father that I know of...yet I am pretty well versed on the subject through what I personally witnessed)

    On the other hand...with subjects that you have mentioned (Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny) there is enough written about those to determine which section they belong in...fact or fiction. While the bible too can fall into that category (questioning wether it is fact or fiction) the difference in the determination for each of us is one may think they have the mental faculties to "disprove" the bible its only because they do not have the "heart" condition to "see" its proof. This works two ways may have the "heart condition" but lack the reasoning skills needed to bring about the full understanding of their "faith"...the difference is....the latter is an easier condition to treat or correct!

  • 7 years ago

    The Church wrote the Holy Bible and chooses which books are contained within it. Many people around the world have large parts of the Holy Bible memorised and it could be rewritten from their memories alone yet alone other sources. The Christian Church was already expanding rapidly before a line of the New Testament was written. As such, the Faith which was once delivered to the saints easily exists without the Holy Bible. It is more like a manual. The car will still go without a manual and the mechanics can still fix it if something goes awry, but having the manual helps when you need a clear reference.

    As I came to Christianity through seeking truth, I suspect I would again pass through this arduous process and eventually return to the Faith by God's grace in the hypothetical situation you propose.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I have to say that we would be in the same place that we are today. Unlike the easter bunny and santa clause who do have books written about them but are limited in revelation about them because they are not real, God the Creator who reveals Himself to those that diligently seek Him would have done what He has already done. You got He would have revealed Himself and had men to write these revelations down so that all the following generations of mankind would know Him.

    The flaw with your atheistic question is that you put The Creator God in the category of a fairy tale, and not as a living being that He is. A little thought and Logic go a long way, He would be the same He is today! God Bless You.

  • 7 years ago

    Way more loving an relationship based. Today Christians rely more on the Bible the early church didn't have and less on the Holy Spirit they did have. Jesus did not say my sheep will know my bible. He said, voice.

    All our walk should be out of an encounter and leading by the Holy Spirit. Jesus said he sent him to teach you and guide you until all truth. That's not the bibles job. It's more of a reference to consult when your in need of advice or knowledge of Gods will in a grey area or area on conflict. However it is not our experience and should not be ones experience with God. He goes beyond and scripture and can only be known in the spirit. So if there was no Bible? I guarantee Christians would be more wrapped up in the beauty and creativity of Jesus the man and in his presence than memorizing bible knowledge without any experience of his love and presence.

    Source(s): Bill Johnson
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  • 7 years ago

    Bear in following followig:

    1. Our first human parents did not have a Bible, yet they believed in God

    2. Many of the patriarchs in the Holy Scriptures did not posess any Holy writings, yet they still worshipped the true God

    3. The Bible was not accessible to many during the Middle Ages, yet many people still inquired of God

    4. Many people in some lands today still do not have a Bible, yet they still inquire of God

    Does this lead us to the coclusion that mankind was born (has a God given innate quality) to inquire about God? Just like you are doing now!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Okay, you might not understand but we don't just see people saying " oh, well this book has everything about life in it and we should praise the man over this" it comes by feeling.. u have to believe that it is true and stay motivated to keeping your faith and surround your self with that. Of course I'm not perfect but I know my purpose on earth so I'm gonna work on that. Also when you really look into the bible it is very obvious that everything happening right now, have been said in the bible.... so to answer your question, I would gain faith in god by learning from the bible

  • jeni
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I would miss out on all this valuable and true information, but I would be like

    Noah and Abraham after Noah is saved, the creator of all this has a plan for

    it all, for some reason there has got to be time involved, to wipe out this evil

    mess. To leave the best there is. So with the bible I can see this is true.

    The KJV Bible is only 402 years in the world, what does it say to us that it

    was 303 years in the world at WW1?

    Enoch son #7, after Adam, born year 622, believed in God, Jude 14,15, at

    age 987[3079 BCE], he knew how horrible and evil humans could be.

    Noah son #10, born year 1056, age 600, Gen.7:6, year 1656[ 2410 BCE],

    the flood ended 669 years of evil violence, Gen.21:8, the evil will continue.

    So this Matt.1:1-17, lineage after Adam, Enoch and Noah year 1656, to

    Abraham son #20, 427 years later, Moses 430 years later, David age 4,

    450 years later, David son #33 of the Matt.1:1-17, lineage, and Solomon,

    106 years, and Daniel sees Judah kings end 391 year later. No king until

    the second coming of Christ Jesus to Reign 1000 years, all is made new.



    Every day that you wake up, you know there is evil people in the world.

    Adam died year 930 [ 3136 BCE], and Enoch at 987 [3079 BCE], is in a

    most evil world.

    God could wipe it all out, he could start all over again, but he did not,

    there is something God knows that we do not know, this book that is in

    the world 402 years at 2013 CE, after Old Testament time covered 4066

    years, so few decent humans in the world, Heb.11:1-40.12:1,2; then, to

    WW1, and WW2, Adam was 6079 years ago, Daniel 2619 years ago,

    Dan.2:44; at Babylon #3, John and Jesus was at Rome #6[but Daniel

    only gives to #7]. Messiah[Emmanuel], Christ, God's anointed Jesus

    will come and be cut off, in 6, at his first coming into this old evil world,

    that he is to be the Lord and Savior of, John 3:16; 17:3.There is a time

    limit. God gives all time after Adam to end of Old Testament, world has

    it 2013 CE, in the 402 years the KJV Bible has been in the world, Matt.

    24:3,7,14,36; and Matt.25:31-34, 41, will happen, Rev.12:3,4,6,7-12;

    will happen, the anointed from Pentecost at 1Thes.4:15-17, will happen

    for Rev.20:1-6, and 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53, the promised eternal life is in

    the promised new heavens and new earth, after all evil is gone.

    Source(s): Bible.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    God/Jesus found me so with or without any bible this would happen some people just don't get this because they have not been in my shoes, either way my view point stays the same since God never changes only mankind changes!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    theoretically speaking, if there was no bible, there would still be the book of mormon. i think it was meant to be a back up and a second witness. if the first were done away, the 2nd would still remain.

    however, there was a time when i thought for sure the bible would be outlawed so i threw a pocket bible into the rafters of a dark and damp garage. i now know that it was more for my own memory to know this, rather than to preserve that exact bible.

    so far it hasn't happened. but if the world globalist get totally control over the united states, i doubt any bible will be viewed as contraband, or something like illegal materials as described in the movie Equilibrium.

    Attachment image
  • Esther
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I believed in God before I ever opened a bible. Therefore if there wasn't the actual book, I would still believe.

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