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Is the procedure now for an account to be closed if the user appeals a violation?

and the appeal is denied?

If so, I may not be here much longer -- at least not under my current ID. Someone is getting way too much pleasure out of reporting.

7 Answers

  • Jeremy
    Lv 5
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I had a message stating that was so when I last appealed a report. I never had an answer to my appeal and most people now seem to get no reply Yahoo is becoming a joke and has totally lost control. It just accepts reports as being accurate, does not read appeals and leaves our work deleted but I don't know anyone who has actually lost the account because of this.

    If such a thing should happen to me that would be me out of here also because such a scenario would be 100% unfair when the system allows absolutely anyone to report us. It is many of the reporters who should lose their accounts because many are just being vindictive.

  • 7 years ago

    I get that warning every single time, but I appeal, anyway. What are they gonna do, come into my home and take away my keyboard? I don't get a resolution 99% of the time, but the few times I do get an answer, they say nothing about closing my account, just the veiled threats. Maybe it's a badly worded warning, but MAYBE, because they don't give you the warning until AFTER you submit the appeal, they are hoping that you won't appeal any violations in the future, because OH NO!!! your crappy Yahoo account will be closed.

  • whimsy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I was threatened in the same way. Never did hear whether my appeal was denied, but told that they could close my account. I think that I said "big deal"

    Yahoo Answers seems to be getting ridiculous. They have reporters checking miscellaneous questions and THEY decide whether it's a violation. Then they are deleted. I saw an answer today that yesterday was there but today, instead of me being the second answer, I am now the first, so poor old obambii is for the chopping block!

  • 7 years ago

    If they enforced that, I'd have lost my account many times over. I've only once got a reply (against me) which I also appealed and heard nothing more from them. I think we all know by now that Y/A is a failed democracy where the criminal is rewarded for his behavior and the innocent are betrayed by the systems behavior.

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  • 7 years ago

    Not to my knowledge. It seems to depend upon the nature of the comment, or the question, the type of violation and how the Yahoo! people happen to be feeling at the time. They are a law unto themselves. But then, they are running the show. Keep it civil, and a person should be OK.

  • 7 years ago

    that appears to be a badly worded warning , there is no indication anywhere of how many or how serious a violation has to be to be suspended or deleted but the indian spammers are back after about 5 seconds every day

  • No, the only way they can do that is if you have done something really bad.

    I have appealed and have been denied several times and am still here!

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